موضوع: Legend of Xenia
Greater Manchester, England_reallyTired6 years ago

i say we time using oob and normal routes to the key to make sure the oob one is faster. also death warp timings on the any% might balence it out too.

and yeah i cant talk to the boss from behind canceling the fight, am i missing something? (edit: saw your response to problematicar. im real intersted in seeing it. i think nw split (while not great imo) is a common timer used in linux games like super tux cart, try that? or maybe http://jenmaarai.com/llanfair/en/ ? i saw that mentioned a few times on the sda forums)

either way im loving that this game has had more activity recently, its a great speed game.

موضوع: Legend of Xenia
Greater Manchester, England_reallyTired6 years ago

hey your run you sumbitted, the video says unavailable?

موضوع: Legend of Xenia
Greater Manchester, England_reallyTired6 years ago

yeah i found it after my last run, doesnt save a lot but its something

موضوع: Legend of Xenia
Greater Manchester, England_reallyTired6 years ago

oh shit there is?? (Edit: wait was it the one between the trees and fence like i used on the 100%?)

good luck on your run my dude, have fun

موضوع: Legend of Xenia
Greater Manchester, England_reallyTired6 years ago

right its up now, its a bad run but you can see what i have of the route

موضوع: Legend of Xenia
Greater Manchester, England_reallyTired6 years ago

there is one though, ill record a run that shows the route i take

موضوع: Legend of Xenia
Greater Manchester, England_reallyTired6 years ago

how does one do 100%?

collect all 4 stat boosts from the checkpoint angels in the world. there is one super early on, then the one we use for death warps and to get the stamina boost on the any% then one for each other area you find a key.

what is the collision issue?

in the 1.1 change log it mentions it fixes a collision issue near the western banks. specifically it is refering to one thats on the left side of the thin path up to the little key island, just above the top most spiked moving pillar. it lets you walk out onto the water, then generally just anywhere on said water then even ouside of the sides of the map. this was fixed in 1.1 but in both versions you can still find any of the numerous places with a single layer of trees and walk out anyway so its not fixed very much. though it probably would make it basically useless in the 100%

موضوع: Legend of Xenia
Greater Manchester, England_reallyTired6 years ago

Added the 100% category as i think it could be a fun run.

موضوع: Legend of Xenia
Greater Manchester, England_reallyTired6 years ago

it is unfortunatly not useful in the any% run though it could maybe used if we added a 100% or all statues category

موضوع: Legend of Xenia
Greater Manchester, England_reallyTired6 years ago

yeah i dont know the gap either. saw the guide, i wouldve done it myself had i known weather or not to do it in guides, resources or just a stickied forum post.

موضوع: Legend of Xenia
Greater Manchester, England_reallyTired6 years ago

it may be worth having the change log available easier here though as opposed to finding it in the itch.io's comment section

موضوع: Legend of Xenia
Greater Manchester, England_reallyTired6 years ago

i would if it needed it, the differences between versions is so minor, if someone wants to use one version over another id say let them be, its not really an issue. if the game got an update that was significantly effecting the gameplay i would obviously deal with that appropriately but as it stands its really not an issue.

موضوع: Legend of Xenia
Greater Manchester, England_reallyTired6 years ago

I cant speak for the other runner but im personally on 1.0, the differences are very minor, the extra damage taken on the spiky pillars that were unavoidable made it make most sense for me since death warps are such a big tool in the game.

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الألعاب المُجراة
Legend of Xenia
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