موضوع: Soul Knight
Western Australia, Australia_Xenith5 years ago

Now that boss rush is a thing, maybe add a boss rush speedrun category for both normal and badass mode?

My other suggestions:

  • Badass mode speedrun
  • No weapon speedrun
  • Classic (you start with only starter weapon + chest weapon, no plants etc)
موضوع: Soul Knight
Western Australia, Australia_Xenith5 years ago


The person obviously used a hacked apk (instant recharge + "infinite" energy, check energy bar)

TurnipSK و SpyCrab تُحب هذا
موضوع: Soul Knight
Western Australia, Australia_Xenith5 years ago

GMYH's run is obviously hacked (ability is used even when it's recharging) A pretty common hacked apk, that is.

Also, his/her run used in-game time, not real time. If we're going by that method then few of my unuploaded runs would've been faster (i.e. 6:06 for vampireless solo using in-game timer)

SpyCrab المعجبون بهذا
موضوع: Soul Knight
Western Australia, Australia_Xenith5 years ago

The speedrun channel is not very active and most of the speedrun contents there are from the "usual" speedrunner. There are speedrun roles that require video evidence to get, though. Also, the speedrun times are based on the game time, not the actual time (i.e. my 6:13 run is actually 6:06 game time)

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