ItalyVanillaT1 year ago

Hi everyone

Just right after learning how to skip Nestor, I discovered that in-game time doesn't count dragons' animations.

I just found my in-game time to be 00:01 right after a not-skipped Nestor.

So, am I missing something, or for the purposes of the run I don't have to skip any dragon?

Thank you for your patience

ItalyVanillaT1 year ago

Hi guys, I'm new in the community, I hope this is the right place.

I want to share with you a spreadsheet that's been very helpful to me, in order to find the best route for my Spyro runs:


I briefly explain how to use it:

LEVELS the first sheet contains a count for the number of "quality gems" you can find in each level. I call quality gems blue, yellow and purple ones. The overall quality value for each level is the percentage of that level's treasure covered by quality gems. I also tracked the gem count for every strong or sealed chest in the game, as well as for some secondary route for some levels.

RUN in this sheet, which I copy for every run I do, I track the treasure, dragons, eggs and time for each level of my run.

In this way, I obtain the "gem x second" count, which represent my speed of getting gems in that level. This can show you interesting things about where to improve or which part of a route ignore because it's too slow.

In the cell J48 you have the "gem x second" of your whole run, and that's your average speed.

In the K column we have what I call the "time loss" column.

In the levels with a "gem x second" lower than my average (J48), I multiply that difference for the seconds of the level, and I obtain a quantity that tells me how much that levels sucks for my run. The highest value of time loss could come from a very low "gem x second" and a very long time in that level. A negative value can be interpreted as "time gifted" by that level.

Lastly, the small red list on the right is a count that tells you if you are achieving the balloonists in every world. I also use this sheet for plan a run and decide if I'll save the far dragon in stone hills, or if I'll catch the second thief in Wizard Peak.

Hope someone will find it useful as I do!

And if anybody could answer me: Why nobody does sunny flight in Any% NBS? Even if done with a bad time (for instance 90 seconds) the level holds a "gem x second" of 3,33 which is absolutely not bad!

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1 year ago
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4 months ago
جولات سريعة
الألعاب المُجراة
Spyro Reignited Trilogy (Console & Time Trials)
جولات سريعة
الألعاب المتابَعة
Spyro Reignited Trilogy (Console & Time Trials)