تشغيل: Tekken 7

Funny to think you beat your current 3 star time (22:57) by one second lol

موضوع: Hotline Miami

I'll give that a watch. Thank you

موضوع: Hotline Miami

I'm having trouble understanding why this happens or what to do about it. The biker fight in neighbors isn't too hard and I can do it consistently, but it seems to be random what kind of knife throw you'll get. There's a throw with a hard Clunk and it get stuck in the wall. You run up beside him and hit him. The other is a light Clink sound and as soon as he grabs it he runs straight for you and kills you. You can't swing at him while he's running at you or while he's pulling out the knife. What causes this kind of throw and what do you do if it happens?

موضوع: Ann

On English if you interact with failure from the right or above it will always make Ann walk backwards to the right. On Japanese, if you check Failure from above it will move you up instead of too the right. You have to interact with Failure from the right on Japanese to do the bottom route to skip him.

موضوع: Ann

I was curious of the differences between versions again and did some timing tests through the cutscenes and it turns out Japanese has faster text through some cutscenes. This is only seen in the cutscenes where the text scrolls slowly ie the roar just before Hana chases you, the long cutscene where Hana says "Principal", Myra saying "Unless" before the piano boss fight, and the roar just before Hana kills the Principle. Every other example of text is virtually the same. There also seems to be examples of some scenes starting sooner like when Ann runs from security before the chase starts and just after the "several months later...." screen. Roughly saving 10-15 seconds over english. Maybe more tho.

تشغيل: Ann

So cool, so happy to see someone run the game. Let's Go.

تشغيل: Tekken 7


For future players who come see this thread. The trick works by leaving the first enemy alone > Killing everyone else > walking to where Tony will be > then luring and killing the first enemy. This only works if you lure and kill the first guy. No one else works.

موضوع: Tekken 7

Chainsaws. Lots of chainsaws. df 1+2 is the best thing for this fight. If she counters you go for an immediate df1+2. It beats every option except grab which is rare. Her counter doesn't activate for a chainsaw hit so cut away. This option greatly improves the speed of the fight and consistency.

frangit المعجبون بهذا
موضوع: Tekken 7

This works at least in 3 star. If you're having trouble with him just df1 constantly with Heihachi. He literally can't stop you unless he backdashes, so watch for when you miss. Launching him will only cause him to break out of the combo and waste time flying. You can get away with some launches in Devil 1, but Devil 2 imo is an all ground fight. When he heals the first time, do single left punches and his rage art can't hit you even when power crushed. Start df1'ing again until second heal, after which you should side step and watch for lasers. You want to electric him during the lasers since he can't counter attack during them. Special Note that he passively slowly heals, so you have to keep the pressure up the whole time.

frangit المعجبون بهذا
موضوع: Ann

If we timed to last input and checked the autosave like in my 29:40 you can indeed see the final in-game time. I tested a few things and I do agree that there are times the in-game time seem weird but I wouldn't call it inaccurate. Like run a RTA timer beside the in-game menu and watch the timer in the bottom left hand corner. Spam the pause menu and the in-game time starts to lag behind slowly because there are frames of inactivity that it's taking out. I just think it needs to be tested more.

تشغيل: Ann

Everyone else was posting times I had to post one too lol

موضوع: Ann

The game has an in-game timer, but the problem is that the credits don't show what that final time would be. We can actually see what that time is however. The game's auto save system saves after every screen transition. If you finish a full game run, you'll notice that if you use the auto save directly after the credits the game will put you in the final cutscene. This means that the game can properly time your last makeable input. It starts from the moment you press "New Game" and ends a frame before the last cutscene. Using in-game time also levels the playing field for PC players. Usually if I have a better PC than the next guy, my load times will be a lot faster and will make me faster by default. In-game time is generally more competitive and fair for this reason. This also works for ILs as well as the auto save will save and record the time right after you enter the transition between chapters. I personally feel this is pretty fair, but I wanna know what y'all think. tl;dr The game auto saves right after transitions and we can use that auto save time to get an accurate in-game final time from the game. This works with full game runs well. If we wanted to do IL's we need to get the game to auto save during the chapter transition and then subtract that time with the auto save time from the next chapter transition.

موضوع: Ann

Hello I wanted to get the timing method for runs down for future reference since I notice my time is not what I submitted. I always start timing on first input to last input. Since we can start holding Z right after the "New Game" prompt to make the game faster I figured the timing could start there and then end at the start of the final cutscene since we can't control the speed of those, making that the last input. I watched Gate's true ending run this morning and noticed the difference. If anything I plan to still use my timing method, but will convert the time for submitted runs.

موضوع: Syphon Filter 2

I am proud to submit the first sub 2 minute to the leaderboard. I like to thank my mom, my father, and all the people that believed in me. For real tho, I'm happy to start speedrunning this game and play for sub 1:20 soon.

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