Theyflower4 years ago

On the RWIA leaderboard we want to go from having the "bot?" category from subcategory to just a regular non-obsoleting variable (so that if someone has a run with multiple bots their fastest run with each bot will be displayed) that is listed alongside the times.

When I unticked the subcategories variable none of the runs appeared on the leaderboard but still appeared on the profiles of the users who submitted them.

Is there a way to get the leaderboard to display runs how we want to?

Theyflower5 years ago

hamumu said that there will be little extras in the classic rwx maps

Theyflower6 years ago

I have made a python script that allows me to control an atari 2600 with nearly any usb controller by using a raspberry pi to convert the usb signals into something the atari can understand using GPIO pins. The source code is here: https://github.com/Metruption/Atarialtctrl/ Are runs using this controller scheme legal on this leaderboard?

Theyflower6 years ago

Robot wants speedrunning community Discord: https://discord.gg/EVsvUxZ

Theyflower6 years ago

Robot wants speedrunning community Discord: https://discord.gg/EVsvUxZ

Theyflower6 years ago

Robot wants speedrunning community Discord: https://discord.gg/EVsvUxZ

Theyflower6 years ago

Robot wants speedrunning community Discord: https://discord.gg/EVsvUxZ Fixed inv link

Theyflower6 years ago

Robot wants speedrunning community Discord: https://discord.gg/EVsvUxZ

Theyflower6 years ago

Robot wants speedrunning community Discord: https://discord.gg/EVsvUxZ

Theyflower6 years ago

It's possible to be fast enough to not wait for the robot at the beginning.

Other thing that is possible (don't have video): cboost between the two squids before boost2 so that I somehow get through without killing them

Theyflower6 years ago

Do we allow them?

For the porpoises discussion a multilogging strat is any where the main speedrunning account (i.e. the one the speedrun is being completed on) takes an action which benefits it that it could not have taken if runescape was a singleplayer game.

Examples of multilogging strats:

¤ Picking up bones from when another player dies ¤ Picking up ashes from another player's fire ¤ Using a shield of arrav alt to trivialize that quest ¤ And more!

Theyflower6 years ago


In this run they click new game at 0:01 and get puppy at 8:38 setting the rta time to 8:37. The rules for the any% rta category also say a timer must be shown in the video. The time listed in the run is 8:15 which is the correct ingame time of the run.

Theyflower7 years ago

It looks like the IGT lb has a 21 minute iOS run ranked above multiple runs with shorter ingame time because it has an RTA time. Is this intentional?

Shadowspawn المعجبون بهذا
Theyflower7 years ago

Currently iOS is the default platform and I've submitted a Web run multiple times as iOS by mistake. Would it be possible to make Web be the default one? There are also zero iOS runs on the lbs as of when this post was made

Theyflower7 years ago

Robot wants JIG has a link to the game in its rules. Can we get one for this game as well?

Theyflower7 years ago

The IGT and RTA categories are definitely needed. Lots of people won't understand why this is important and a good idea intuitively because they don't know how the IGT works in this game.

How IGT works in this game: -goes up by one second every n frames (I'm not sure the exact amount) -goes down by one second every time you kill an enemy -goes up by 20 (twenty!) seconds every time you die

Because of these peculiarities the strategies for RTA and IGT are very fundamentally different. A deathwarp that saves ten RTA seconds can cost lots of IGT seconds because you could have potentially killed enemies along the way instead of paying 20 seconds to skip back to your most recent save point.

darkusshini المعجبون بهذا
Theyflower7 years ago

Jagex is adding Skippy to all worlds soon. We need to decide how to allow him.

Here are the main options:

  1. No Skippy
  2. Skippy in All Categories
  3. Skippy in All Categories except for Tutorial Island
Theyflower8 years ago

If a forum post is deleted by a moderator is there still a record of the post on the website's server or is it gone for good?

A nice alternative would be for posts be become hidden so that the person who made the post along with other moderators could still view the post and a moderator could unhide the post if deemed necessary.

Theyflower8 years ago

The reason Emulator runs are banned is because of inconsistent load times. We should subtract loading times from runs so that Emulators can be used. This will allow more people to run the game.

Pros: Community grows Cons: Moderators have to do even more hard work without being thanked </3

What do you guys think?

right_in_the_tockles المعجبون بهذا
Theyflower8 years ago

Should we allow multilogging strats?

Current multilogging strats people are considering: -Lighting fires on alt account to get ashes without waiting thought of by Phantaesm -Alts dying at wizard tower so you can get bones without killing chickens thought of by Phantaesm -Certificate glitch discovered by EZScape to do Arrav in under a minute

Stuff to consider: -Jaxex's official stance: http://services.runescape.com/m=rswiki/en/Multiple_logging-in

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