تشغيل: Chants of Sennaar
Pomorskie, PolandThedoczek1 month ago

I started verifying your run, I'll try to finish it tomorrow. I am going on a vacation however, so I don't guarantee that it will be done that day. I'll ask Pyro if he can finish verifying.

موضوع: Chained Together
Pomorskie, PolandThedoczek2 months ago

@quackexcmark I might have sounded a bit rude in my first message, which was not my intention

Anyways, thanks for a longer reply

Quantik, Alexemoji_crane و 2 آخرون تُحب هذا
غير معروف
Pomorskie, PolandThedoczek2 months ago

For some reason the video is unavailable. Can you reupload the video?

موضوع: Chained Together
Pomorskie, PolandThedoczek2 months ago

@quackexcmark Mybe at least tell why? Have you ever watched Games Done Quick?

تشغيل: Chants of Sennaar
Pomorskie, PolandThedoczek2 months ago


  1. Basically, everything in Warrior area that you do after minute 33 can be done after getting the purple door key. The world isn't going to be different, so you'll still collect all the glyphs, just later. What I do is that I teleport to the Warriors 1 teleporter, then I go left and to the purple door, and after finishing it, I go left again and complete the lower parts of the area. As for the part you're talking about, you have to wait there.

  2. I don't memorize each glyph by it's location, but I memorize two things: a. How it looks?, b. When I discovered it? If I discovered it early, it will be more to the left. If it was late, it will be more to the right. The more you play the game, the easier you find the glyphs. Also, you're at some disadvantage by the fact you're playing on Switch, so you can't use mouse. But you'll have to live with that.

BBRC_2MB المعجبون بهذا
تشغيل: Chants of Sennaar
Pomorskie, PolandThedoczek2 months ago


  1. You should do that after ringing the bell, but because it would be stupid just to turn back after doing that, it is actually the fastest to do it after getting the key from the creator, when you visit the purple rooms and do translations between the languages.
  2. No, you have to wait unfortunely.
  3. In case of the canteen, you have to plan your route ahead so you do as most as you can before entering the canteen, then enter it and then do the rest. Might be a good idea to take the "True Ending" route as a foundation. The canteen is closed for exactly 3 minutes and 30 seconds, then cycles between being open for 1 minute and closed for 4 mintues.
  4. I don't really know what you mean here, maybe the translator did an error.

Also, can you keep the forums in English?

  1. ベルを鳴らしてからやるべきだが、それをやってから引き返すのはバカバカしいので、実はクリエイターから鍵をもらった後、紫の部屋を訪れて言語間の翻訳をするときにやるのが一番早い。
  2. いいえ、残念ながら待たなければなりません。
  3. 食堂の場合、事前にルートを考えておく必要があるので、食堂に入る前にできる限りのことをして、食堂に入ってから残りのことをする。トゥルー・エンディング」ルートを基本にするといいかもしれない。食堂が閉まっている時間は3分30秒で、その後1分開いて4分閉まるを繰り返す。
  4. 翻訳者のミスかもしれません。


BBRC_2MB المعجبون بهذا
موضوع: Chained Together
Pomorskie, PolandThedoczek2 months ago

I'm a person which visited this place just to check the times. I run other games, I am not interested in running this game, but I have read the rules, and some of them really should not be there.

Speedrunning is all about finding new glitches. The name "Any%" by default means the following: "Reach the end ASAP, we don't care how much of the game you actually complete" (hence the name Any%).

If you want to limit the glitches, create categories for this. You can see most of the games have some categories that limit certain glitches:

  • Ori and the Will of the Wisps or Hollow Knight have "No Major Glitches" category
  • The Talos Principle 2 has "No Photomode No Launching" category
  • Portal 2 has "No Save-Load Abuse" category, and this category is in fact the default one

However, in all of the games above, traditional Any% category exists too as an option.

I won't even mention that the sub-category name in this game is "Unrestricted".

The only glitches that game speedruns tend to ban are the ones that create a major hardware-dependent advantage. That's why restrictions like FPS caps are very accteptable.

I will now go through every single rule and suggest an improvement to it. You may use it or not, but I personally think it will only do good for how speedrunning community of this game develops.

Rules 1.1, 1.2 and 1.5 are logical.

Rule 1.3: Make categories for difficulty levels. Make categories that allow and disallow respawns.

Rule 1.4 could have better wording: "All runs must be done on a single real-time attack, without exiting to the main menu"

Rule 2.1 is unnecessary.

Rule 2.2 and 2.6 should absolutely not be there. Spedrunning is about completing the game as fast as possible, and such skips should be a bless and something very welcome (it makes you fast, after all). Limiting such glitches should only happen in categories.

Rule 2.3: While it is boring, this glitch should also by limited by categories only. It doesn't mean it would be widely used or ran frequently (Minecraft's Any% run in-game time is less than 10% of RTA, the rest is loading screens). However, we should not take away any option.

Rule 2.4: That's what glitchless is for. New glitches should always be welcome (unless they create hardware advantage).

I can't say much about rule 2.7, because I don't know the nature of these glitches. However, most likely that rule also falls under what I said about 2.2 and 2.6.

Rule 2.5 is the only rule in this section that makes sense.

Rules in category 3 are typical game-relevant rules, nothing to be said here.

Rule 4.1 and 4.2: Simply say "video proof 30FPS or above is required". Don't restrict platforms, no game does that. You can merge 4.4 with this too.

Rule 4.3: Input display might be a recommendation, but never a requirement. Even games that use frame-perfect glitches, like The Talos Principle 2, don't require input display.

On the other hand, games usually require sound to be heard, however not all games do this, so you may keep it.

Quantik و MalitovMan تُحب هذا
موضوع: Chants of Sennaar
Pomorskie, PolandThedoczek2 months ago

DIAGONAL MOVEMENT ABUSE - the game doesn’t limit our diagonal speed, instead it performs a simple sum of X and Y vectors on our thumbstick. We can abuse this by either having a gamepad that maps thumbsticks to a square, or mapping our D-pad to the left thumbstick, which can be easily done with Steam Input. Found by Ma9.

موضوع: Chants of Sennaar
Pomorskie, PolandThedoczek2 months ago

Both guides have now been rewritten.

موضوع: Chants of Sennaar
Pomorskie, PolandThedoczek2 months ago

The Any% guide has been rewritten from scratch. The True Ending guide rewrite is completed too and will be formatted and published tomorrow.

تشغيل: Chants of Sennaar
Pomorskie, PolandThedoczek2 months ago

I cried inside when I saw you do the 100% route only to miss a couple of glyphs and not verify any of them

موضوع: Hollow Knight
Pomorskie, PolandThedoczek3 months ago

Maybe you are asking wrong question? Instead of writing "I have no idea on how to change my version" and asking "How to speedrun recent patch?", you should ask "How do I change my game version?"

What exactly prevents you from downpatching? Your platform?

تشغيل: Chants of Sennaar
Pomorskie, PolandThedoczek7 months ago

Areas for improvement

  1. Use gamepad

  2. You don't need the box to go past the guard

  3. Go to warrior's treasure room during later phase of the game, using the teleporter - all warriors will be gathered at the main hall for Call of the Chosen Ones and you will skip the whole "carry the box" thing

  4. You seem to wait at the canteen needlessly - it is good to plan your movements so you will arrive at the canteen right as it opens

Have you read the True Ending guide? It has some strats that could be really helpful and this run could be improved by at least 5 minutes (well, you wasted over 3 minutes just to waiting at canteen)

غير معروف
Pomorskie, PolandThedoczek9 months ago

At Moderation Rules we can read:

  • Moderators should typically speedrun the game, or at a minimum be heavily involved with the community.
  • Leaderboards should aim to have at least 3 active moderators if qualified people are available.
  • Moderators should make themselves available for feedback from runners for rules, categories, and board organization via the game's forum page, social media, or Discord.

This is why I ask @HowToCantaloupe to grant moderator permissions to other people here. I am proposing myself (@Thedoczek) and @CertifiedPyro for new moderators. Treat the comment section under this post as a place to speak for or against our candidatures, and let Pyro use it to accept or reject my proposal of him being a moderator too.

Why us two? Because:

  1. We're from different timezones
  2. We're currently the most active people in the community, with no signs for our activity to decrease.
موضوع: Chants of Sennaar
Pomorskie, PolandThedoczek9 months ago

Then a question appears: Do we want add a rule of capping FPS for runs?

موضوع: Chants of Sennaar
Pomorskie, PolandThedoczek9 months ago
  1. Second area is much shorter on the left side

  2. You don't have to go backwards before going up the stairs

It saves 1-1,5s both ways, so around 3 seconds in total

موضوع: Chants of Sennaar
Pomorskie, PolandThedoczek9 months ago

I managed to accidentaly get boosted here. Since every door in Bards area looks like this, you could get a nice advantage if you manage to get stairboosted everywhere. Plus since the boosts I get are rather small for some reason, the advantage could be quite big here

موضوع: Chants of Sennaar
Pomorskie, PolandThedoczek9 months ago

Btw I noticed that every time I perform it, my boost ends right behind the stairs, while you are able to continue it until you hit the beds. What am I doing wrong? (and pls use gamepad viewer)

غير معروف
Pomorskie, PolandThedoczek9 months ago

@HowToCantaloupe Can you implement this?

موضوع: Chants of Sennaar
Pomorskie, PolandThedoczek9 months ago

@CertifiedPyro Is there any advantage of the boost in the Bard elevator? + How exactly did you get it?

Btw use NohBoard or https://gamepadviewer.com/ guys, it would help understand these glitches so much

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