موضوع: Kingdom Hearts
Florida, USATheNannerpuss127 years ago

which game do you run?

dajman27, abandon و 6 آخرون تُحب هذا
موضوع: Kingdom Hearts
Florida, USATheNannerpuss127 years ago

First off, it ain't a big deal either way. If ya'll want timers, people will figure out a way to get a timer on their run. However I don't see the reason for runs to be rejected over a lack of timer especially if splits are submitted. Especially with most of the speedruns being on PS4, many new runners could join the community by using PS4 share. I've seen people who stream from PS4 and don't even have a computer or a computer capable of streaming. If the start and end time of the video make sense with the splits as well as the splits in between, I'm not really sure of what the problem with verifying that would be.

I kind of get the "it's easier for people to cheat" thing, but also not really. Has there been a lot of instances of people cheating? Would it be impossible to cheat in the same ways with a timer on screen? Especially if you're saying you'll accept broken up runs as long as a timer is there. That seems like a fine way to cheat as well.

So yeah I am for getting rid of the rule, but at the end of the day I'm not gonna lose any sleep over it.

Florida, USATheNannerpuss127 years ago

Oh hey I have boss strat videos on my YouTube.

Florida, USATheNannerpuss127 years ago

Yeah just like dungeons, coop runs would be considered any run with a party of 2+.

I would make the ending split on dead boss.

cannolisquid المعجبون بهذا
Florida, USATheNannerpuss127 years ago

Honestly not sure how to armor cap works.

IGT is "in game time", meaning it'll use the dungeon timer in game. RTA is "real time attack", which is a run that uses real time. The timer is started at a certain time and ended at a certain moment, without ever being paused. In general, first and end splits are the only ones that require a ruling. Splitting for floors would be up to the player.

Anyway I think I'd be pretty willing to add categories for PotD 1-10 and potentially 1-50 any%, but 100% would be way too random and that progress isn't tracked in any way by the game like many other 100% speedruns.

Florida, USATheNannerpuss127 years ago

Sure let's here it. I have no problem with it using RTA even though dungeons use IGT, but my biggest reservation about PotD has been that it's random every time. I know plenty of speedruns have RNG as a factor, but PotD is especially random.

Florida, USATheNannerpuss127 years ago

Hey everyone, I'd like to dedicate this post to taking suggestions from the community about various categories you all would like to see.

There's no guarantee it'll be added, but I want to gauge interest about different things. So there it is. If there seems to be a decent amount of interest in a certain category, I would like those interested to do run of it. That will give more reason to add that category to the board.

Thanks guys!

cannolisquid المعجبون بهذا
Florida, USATheNannerpuss127 years ago

Hey all, just reading through all of these. Sorry about the lack of updates. I'll try to dedicate some time very soon for adding more dungeons in. I honestly never expected these leaderboards to catch on as much as they did but I'm happy there is so much interest.

As for PotD runs, that's something that will take a little more consideration with how to implement, but given the interest, we need to consider it for sure.

Florida, USATheNannerpuss127 years ago

They would be retimed. KHfan already volunteered to do a lot of the retiming.

gamebrain المعجبون بهذا
Florida, USATheNannerpuss127 years ago

Add a tab the either says "yes I did SC" or "no I didn't". Making a new category seems a bit over the top for RoD, but the fact that SC saves a lot of time means it deserves to be noted in some way whether is was done or not.

Florida, USATheNannerpuss127 years ago

I don't understand why anyone wouldn't use this trick though. The only reason to add might be to show old runs don't have it but I'm not sure even that's necessary. It would be a better alternative to a category though.

Florida, USATheNannerpuss127 years ago

I don't think a new category needs to be made. I would treat this essentially as a 'route change'. Especially since it's not hard to replicate, runners who have times in this category can easily create a new file set up for it.

Sly1020 المعجبون بهذا
Florida, USATheNannerpuss127 years ago

I feel like the fact that the loads in that scene vary and the time to select different characters varies should outweigh keeping it consistent with other games. No reason to start timing an "Aqua crit run" before selecting to play as Aqua, in my opinion.

gamebrain, RebelDragon95, و Sly1020 تُحب هذا
Florida, USATheNannerpuss127 years ago

True but half my videos start while hovering over 'yes' and don't actually show to difficulty being selected in the first place so I'm not sure that's ever been considered a real problem.

RebelDragon95 المعجبون بهذا
Florida, USATheNannerpuss127 years ago

I agree. Doesn't make much sense to me to start the timer before selecting the character. Also the time it takes to select each character varies (really slightly of course).

RebelDragon95, Wyattw8, و Sly1020 تُحب هذا
Florida, USATheNannerpuss127 years ago

No reason to skip cutscenes in my opinion. The normal any% routes end at beating the final boss so you should be able to reset after them for all stories too.

Florida, USATheNannerpuss128 years ago

That did it. I feel so dumb lol. Now I'm having an issue where my game takes forever to load after restarting the encounter after the final OoB. Took 9 seconds in my PB and now consistently take 16+. I've even had it take a minute and a half. No idea why this started happening.

Florida, USATheNannerpuss128 years ago

Hey so in any% PS4 you're meant to sprint after grabbing the 4 rounds of ammo right before the second OoB... Except for me, Ellie just continues to jog. If I restart encounter she is sprinting, but that's obviously slower. Is there a specific way to make her sprint? What am I missing?


موضوع: Kingdom Hearts
Florida, USATheNannerpuss128 years ago

$25 by TheNannerpuss12 to the next person to get a 1:06:xx in Aqua critical any%

Florida, USATheNannerpuss128 years ago

Hey there! For beginner you need to collect the reports to unlock the final episode and you would have to collect report number 5 during the run. Hope to see you doing BBS runs soon! If you have any questions about BBS running, I am a very active runner of the game, so feel free to ask me anything.

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