PolandSowa_952 years ago

If you mean macro, it's not allowed.

If you mean scrolling, set one of the mouse buttons to enter, and learn to scroll thru menu. Or use lmb for selecting snacks. Rmb gets you one step backward in the menu, and the key you use for bringing up menu turns if off completely.

Scrolling works in phone too, lmb is enter rmb is backspace, on default. But in phone you can skip 4 or 5 contacts with left/right arrow. Sometimes better than scrolling, or at least more accurate.

There is a bunch of options, you need to play with it and see whats best.

lolpizzapurple المعجبون بهذا
PolandSowa_952 years ago

Wanted to start a discussion, so anyone can see and participate. I'm not telling anyone what to do, just my take. Because of the reception of how our act3 got timed.

Lets forget about transitions after setup for a moment. Assume we chose to not buy prep, but run it. The prep1 segment would be timed from selecting it on the board to losing control. Next segment, setup1, would be timed from selecting it on the board to losing control. It would look like this: https://imgur.com/pnTUNEY

If we chose to pay for prep (which is what everyone does), prep1 segment wouldn't really exist, it would be started and completed almost instantly. Setup1 segment would still be the same. From selecting it on the board, to losing control. It looks like this: https://imgur.com/HN9jPbr

Now if we do multihost, and change the order, we will start with setup1, not prep1. Regardless of multihost, platform, FPS, gaming chair, we didn't do anything about the setup1. We still have to do exactly the same what we would do on a singlehost run. Yet our setup1 segment got shortened by about 40 seconds. Like this: https://imgur.com/zCnsi1k

IMO it absolutely makes sense to time it from gaining control. But in that case, we have to -40s every older run (not exactly flat 40, just substract whatever happened before first control). In our run board time, loading and facility cutscene were not timed. Even though we had to go through them, just like every other run that was done before.

Time it from gaining control, just like apt heists. Regardless if setup or prep starts the run.

If someone choose to run the prep (or is doing cmm) time it from gaining control, which is when you confirm to start the prep, and screen fades black to kick you from facility. Or simply when board is not visible anymore. As long as you're on the board, you don't have control over your character, and nothing started for other players in organization.

But if someone choose to buy the prep, first character control comes from first setup. Even if we do multihost, first character control still comes from first setup (duh).

MoriTheCat المعجبون بهذا
PolandSowa_952 years ago

Because we didn't start with a prep, timer starts on gaining control, which is 0:24. Timer ends as usual, at 54:43, just when HUD disappears (lost control). It is 54:19. (timestamps from my video)

I hosted first setup, Khanjali (bought prep b4 run), and Mori hosted everything else. He bought the prep for Khanjali (and the setup), using prep buy glitch. Prep buy glitch was set up before the heist, but was performed within the heist. Every prep was bought withing the run, and we've done all the setups. We asked mods if this is ok, before attempting the run. If anything is wrong with routing or timing, it's not on us.

All credit goes to Mori, this strat was his idea. It saves roughly 40 seconds.

موضوع: Grand Theft Auto V
PolandSowa_952 years ago

Going from 40 to 60 is a 50% boost, I wouldn't count on it. Afaik you can change only settings available in-game. For example turning off shadows entirely in commandline is not allowed.

موضوع: Grand Theft Auto V
PolandSowa_952 years ago

I get more fps on my PC on 1.27, but it's not a huge boost.

Anyways, you won't know until you try.

PolandSowa_953 years ago

JaZebra I double dare you :D

I dont think it's possible to separate platfroms, then you would have to separate old gens too. After that, someone will say low end PC should be separate as well. And how to do this, separate in 10fps increments or what? There are people who barely have around 60, and there are people who top 140.

LogOfOne المعجبون بهذا
PolandSowa_953 years ago

Macros not allowed, resolution doesn't influence anything, load times are trash everywhere (even on PC they are random af), unless you talk about warping then yea. Framerates depends on hardware you have.

Buy PC then, come play with us.

GT_IndirectKing المعجبون بهذا
PolandSowa_953 years ago

Console has aimbot and snacks while aiming, which is unfair too

Saukko505 المعجبون بهذا
PolandSowa_953 years ago

You sure you have blue dots enabled in interaction menu? Do they even appear in freemode when you are not doing anything?

If you have them, start invalid job, then start prep, and that's all. You have blue dots now.

PolandSowa_953 years ago

What setups are you talking about? It doesn't work in apt and dd heists.

lolpizzapurple المعجبون بهذا
PolandSowa_953 years ago

It's literally one thread below yours: https://www.speedrun.com/gtao/thread/k7orf

PC only

PolandSowa_953 years ago

Ignore, not worth it. Look one post below.

Here is a video of how I made an invalid job. No mods, only creator and flawless coding R* blessed us with. I don't feel like doing it again from scratch, I lost way too much nerves on this piece of shit. So I'm just gonna show how the end product looks like. This is not the only way to do it. I found a Z negative block placement under the Micheal house, and I knew I could put a trigger in his house. Thats why I did it like this. It used to be much easier before, becasue you could place a trigger in negative Z axis, and that's all you needed. Now negative trigger is patched and camera angles got nerfed.

I read some rumors that publishing an invalid jobs could possibly get you creator banned. Maybe bullshit, maybe not, but I'm not taking any chances, so I'm not gonna publish it. Keep using vil's race, or make your own. (That's assuming it's still gonna be allowed. I just wanted to check if it's possible to make an invalid job without using any tools.)

If you have any questions, I'll answer.

Bascially, for invalid job you need to place a starting grid below Z=0.0 and a trigger inside interior. Before you place starting grid, you need a block in Z negative. You can't place it wherever you like, there are only certain random spots that will allow it. Any interior you can get a trigger inside should work, Franklin house on the hill, Humane interior, Penthouse interior, etc.

Apparently, there are some differences between loading creator from SP and MP. I did everything in SP. I have no idea if it had any influence for what I was doing. Micheal house loads from MP anyways, so I guess there is no difference, but can't say for sure.

1st part is placing a trigger:

  • stunt race, transformers, add "on foot" and "deluxo", point to point race for easier testing
  • make first checkpoint on foot (improtant, so you can move)
  • run a test, then quit it, then change camera. It will warp you on foot to the first checkpoint. Now you can breach the interior.
  • 1:47 this is the place where you can place a trigger (there is other one inside the michael's wardrobe). Placing a stunt block will help you put a trigger. Use manual coordinates to navigate the block, and place it just under the floor.
  • This is the most annoying part, you have to find a trigger placement. It can take anything between 5 minutes to 60 hours of spamming it. Change angles, change positioning, put stunt block again in a bit different spot. Spam until you find it. If I managed to place it three times, so can you. If you manage to place it, you will hear a different sound and dust coming off the ground, and of course the icon of the trigger.

2nd part is negative starting grid

  • breach the building and start placing blocks to the micheal house
  • 5:35 there is a spot where you can place blocks in Z negative, find it.
  • after you found it, delete all checkpoints and make a new starting checkpoint somewhere close. It has to be on foot. Going under Z=0.0 in vehicle will kick you above the ground.
  • place starting grid with deluxo, if you can't, try switching grid size, or change position until you can
  • don't place any checkpoints with normal vehicles under the map, it will give an error about wrong respawn point, or something like that. Whatever that means. Just place one starting grid with deluxo, rest of the ckechkpoints are on roads.
  • as you noticed, I placed some ramps to get out of undermap. This is because when creating inside deluxo, if you hit hoover mode there is some protection against it. If you fly too long or too fast, it will start teleproting you back, and it could place a new trigger above you (happened to me once). DO NOT USE hoover when creating, it can mess up a trigger you placed before. When testing the track, it doesn't matter, you can hoover.
  • finish testing, all exclamation marks are gone, save, done.

\\ ignore my bullshit, look at the post below.

MoriTheCat و Cocoa تُحب هذا
PolandSowa_953 years ago


I meant more about the general idea. More than one host, but only one finale.

It is true, we are skipping gameplay to a degree, but the preps still need to be done, and at the end someone has done it. We do one heist, from begining to an end. Other heists have some soloable parts too (or duoable/trioable), while others do almost nothing. Difference is we didn't press enter few times on the heist board, and we didn't load to the same setup, while sitting and doing nothing.

I don't know anymore if it should or shouldn't be allowed. It's not pretty, but it is faster.

PolandSowa_953 years ago

It's just like multi host on apartment heists, I don't see a reason why it souldn't be allowed.

PolandSowa_953 years ago

"It's basically dumb version of a taxi that shouldn't be allowed. We should be allowed to just use the submarine fast travel option and that's it."

How is it dumb? It literally makes the run faster, which is btw the point of speedrunning. Anyone can do that, good pc, bad pc, good player, bad player. 1st place will stay 1st place, doesn't matter if warp allowed or not. There are many other aspects of this game that will determine the time. Why not ban sub fast travel? It's the same thing, just not as accurate. Why not ban lester invites? It's tp aswell, just delayed. Would you ban session switching aswell? It could be used as a warp too.

"The teleport to the marker on the map just kills the whole point of speedrunning cuz it wouldn't be about how fast you can get there, it would be about how fast you can click things on the map. I'm for banning it completly"

Doing things faster kills the whole point of speedrunning?

"idk what is in that mission because it wont allow me to play it. It might be modded."

It's not modded. I don't know exactly how those are done, but if I remember right, description of that job was made with chinese letters. That's why it fails to load, and gives you blue dots on your next prep. \\ edit might be modded, I didn't know

If you are questioning legitimacy of that strat, that's not the only way to get blue dots duing prep. You can also use lester heist invite before launching the prep. It will give you the same effect.

"For the sake of futureproofing I'll always be against allowing glitches"

What futureproofing? Not everything you don't understand is cheating.

PolandSowa_953 years ago

"Not to mention this is a glitch, with an efficiency that greatly depends on the user's internet connection, making it way less fair for people with slower connections." - the difference between potato hardware+interent, and NASA PC+internet, is 1 second, maybe 2 at most. I have old PC and pretty bad internet, and I'm warping basically same speed as people with powerful rigs and internet. The biggest difference comes from menuing. If you can navigate warps from map or menu fast, you gonna warp fast. Sometimes you get faster warps, sometimes slower, depending on the distance you warp, but it has nothing to do with internet speed.

If 2nd place doesn't use warps (and it's PC) they chose not to use it. Or they just don't know.

It's as simple as:

  1. Choose the blue dot/select race warp from menu
  2. Once it loads, cancel it
  3. Spam right click

\ I forgot to mention, make sure you matchmaking is closed on defulat. You do it one time and you're set. It's somewhere in esc - online - settings, I dont remember exactly. If you have open matchmaking, you get one extra prompt (if i remember right), or potentially can load to other people race lobbies.

Also, speedrunning should be about how fast you can do it, not how aesthetically pleasing you can do it. Some don't like warping, and some can't imagine waiting 2 minutes for lester invites, or going back to the planning board. Just my opinion.

موضوع: Grand Theft Auto V
PolandSowa_953 years ago

"Graphical settings have to be selected in-game, command lines are not part of the in-game menu obviously. Changing settings without going through the in-game menu would give a performance advantage over a comparable PC that plays at in-game minimum settings, thus not being a fair competition. While it does seem like an unfair limitation to someone with a struggling computer, there are unfair advantages with unofficial settings, such as very bright lighting due to lack of shadows where it would normally be dark, and abnormally bright nighttime shootouts."

What advantage? Anyone can do that. Doesn't matter what PC you have. Guys that run the game on high end PC's with 140 fps, this is advantage. Of course I'm not complaining about expensive PC setups, I would be stupid to do so. It's just an example.

I played with no shadows for a while, and while it does look terrible, I don't think it gives any advantage at night. I'd say sometimes it's even a disadvantage. You have a feeling everything merges into one picture. If I set black depth (or however it's called in english) in my monitor settings, I can make the game very bright, without destroying the gamma completely. This is more advantage than noshadows.

""No shadows" looks terrible as well, and wouldn't make watching the runs enjoyable to the audiences of speedrunners, so it makes sense to ban a slight advantage that sacrifices much of the game's visual quality."

This is the only thing that makes sense to me.

موضوع: Grand Theft Auto V
PolandSowa_953 years ago

You can find it here, among all the other options, -shadowQuality (0-3). 0 is for no shadows. It's official by R*, and the game picks this setting up in the menu. So how is this modding?


Limiting frames with 3rd party soft is allowed, I've also seen ahk's on Discord. So why no shadows, something that R* made, is not allowed? It's a good way to boost 5-10 fps. In what way does it impact the gameplay itself? If I would make some weird custom resoultion, would it also not be allowed?

Honest question. Maybe I'm just stupid and don't see the obvious.

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