AustraliaSlivenius11 days ago

What a nerd. Get a life. You are an absolute legend.

goatunnheim المعجبون بهذا
AustraliaSlivenius1 month ago

You're a madman

goatunnheim المعجبون بهذا
AustraliaSlivenius4 months ago

Holy shiz Novice. This is one of the most impressive feats I have seen - sub 2:20 with -resetofflinemaps. GG

NoviceCho المعجبون بهذا
AustraliaSlivenius4 months ago

Lemme fix that real quick hahaha

AustraliaSlivenius4 months ago

Dude the flashbacks are real here - thanks Momo

AustraliaSlivenius9 months ago

1-25 would be jail grind then smash through a2 to get to flayer jangle.

26-45... hmm likely depends on the class but I can see nm flayer leveling or nm tower/pit or something. Cause Pindle and eldritch would fall off hard around level 37.

I can see 1-80 runs being a thing, I also don't mind them being rolled in 100% Hell runs by making it so you need to be level 80 to finish.

AustraliaSlivenius11 months ago

The only thing I would say is maybe provide a link/information to example shared stashes (the github or something) and put that in the category rules for ng+. Want to make it as easy to access as possible.

busymikey868 المعجبون بهذا
AustraliaSlivenius11 months ago

Jym is also a superstar and has shared the stashes with me - all of these are on the github. So there should be no accessibility issues.

Jymnasium المعجبون بهذا
AustraliaSlivenius1 year ago

Unfortunately no auto split functionality at the moment.

Tambz المعجبون بهذا
AustraliaSlivenius1 year ago
  1. Have on your main weapon switch the animation you want to use - zeal/hammer
  2. Swap to other weapon switch
  3. Press weapon swap and almost simultaneously the hotkey for the skill - charge
  4. Cast to see if it worked

If after performing the swap you can see charge as your skill you were too slow, if you can see zeal/hammer and that is what you use you were too fast.

Found this one as a reasonable explanation -

RN_Jesus0 المعجبون بهذا
AustraliaSlivenius1 year ago

Hey RNJesus, this is swap casting - performed by having a weapon swap with your desired animation (in this case hammer or zeal) and then swapping to it and very very shortly after weapon swapping pressing the hotkey for the skill you want to use (in this case charge). This is very good cause charge has a super buggy animation. You can also use it to "farcast" skills like charged strike with throw or double your attack speed with frenzy by using the animation of double strike. Also used so much on sin that some players were swap casting on right and left click at the same time. This only works on LoD and on single player. You can still do this on D2R but it will provide no benefit.

BKSilv3r المعجبون بهذا
AustraliaSlivenius1 year ago

I have done some further investigation - it appears that d2.maxroll's planner cannot be trusted on level requirements.

New NG+ github is out with fixed gear.

UPDATE: I have updated all the gear setups to fix all the illegal items I am aware of. If we can all keep an eye out and bring up anything that doesn't make sense even if you aren't sure. There are plenty of people here who can give insight.

AustraliaSlivenius1 year ago

Hey Quaswexort,

I've done some testing and you are absolutely right about auto mods on rares (I haven't tested magic but will take your word for it).

Maxroll planner isn't simulating this properly. I'll go through the gear and resolve these issues.

With regards to the eth superior items, I remembered reading about how defense was calculated but couldn't find the reference as to whether it was applied before or after the eth bonus so erred on the side of having less defense.

Once again thanks for pointing this out!

Quaswexort المعجبون بهذا
AustraliaSlivenius1 year ago

Hi Quaswexort,

Thanks for bringing this up - I am responsible for maintaining these stashes. I was aware of at least one item in the paladin setup that needs to be fixed.

At least some of the tools, including affix calc are not reliable in all instances.

Responding to your concerns:

1, 2 & 3: Auto mods on orbs have no level requirement - you can have 60 mana on an orb with no level requirement.

  1. Death Lock - I'll have to look into this and confirm, I don't have too much time at this moment.

  2. I'll look into this and fix it, thanks!

  3. Thanks for pointing this out - I'll make sure this gets updated.

AustraliaSlivenius1 year ago

Hey all, would there be any interest in a pacifist category (same category as in LOD)?

I've done a few runs and I know Macro has also completed a few. I understand that there are already a shiz ton of categories and understand if we are happy to keep it as a "meme/unofficial" category.

AustraliaSlivenius1 year ago

Hi Caesar, there are regular SC 8man practices run (about 2 a week) by generally a mix of NA and EU players. Once ladder has calmed down I think that people want to try to push more HC so if you are interested there is an 8man discord.

CaesarWolny المعجبون بهذا
AustraliaSlivenius1 year ago

I'm not going to weigh in on who, if anyone, cheated however I would like to be clear that I believe any accusation of cheating should have substantial proof (similar to what we have seen from 327 in regards to egg).

I understand that Vela and those who support you would be emotional (and rightly so) given that you have been accused of cheating. However throwing accusations at respected members of the speedrunning community Bender and Mekalb with no evidence is not going to get you anywhere.

With regards to LoD speedrunning (which I think we can all agree is far easier to cheat at) is there a possibility that diablo run or d2 interface could check to see if a specific program (i.e. slash diablo) is running and flag it?

LuckyLuciano_6 و Kridershot تُحب هذا
AustraliaSlivenius1 year ago

I would also argue that the current 8man category is the most accurate simulation of a ladder reset - just watch what all 3 top teams did to start ladder - underleveled tele sorc then the sorc caught up in 15 minutes of cs runs while everyone else topped the leaderboards.

Part of the issue you will find here is that there is already so many categories - Simply p1, px, p8 (although p8 feels kinda dead) normal and hell runs is already 42 categories let alone all the extra categories we have added along the way (I'm guilty here too... I pioneered ng+)

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