EnglandSilenceOfTheLamy7 years ago

ILs have to be Instant Action. The reason is because in some, if not, most cases, campaign levels have several differing factors.

For example, levels like Naboo: Plains, Naboo: Theed and Kashyyyk: Islands can't be used because you're fighting against indigenous factions. Some levels have Jedi Heroes helping you, which influences the outcome of the battle to a certain degree. And then there's the levels where you start off with a -50 reinforcements handicap.

Using Instant Action just helps make things fairer. Hope this helps. :)

Timmiluvs المعجبون بهذا
EnglandSilenceOfTheLamy7 years ago

Can do. When I find the time I'll set it up. :)

(Edit) Done! Hopefully that should work . :S

موضوع: Star Wars
EnglandSilenceOfTheLamy9 years ago

I find it strange that the Jedi Knight, Force Unleashed and Red Squadron games are in a separate speed running series than this one. Is there a particular reason for that? Shouldn't they all be together? All other series of games are together...

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9 years ago
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الألعاب المُجراة
Star Wars: Battlefront
Star Wars: Battlefront (2004)
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جولات سريعة
Star Wars: Obi-Wan
Star Wars: Obi-Wan
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جولات سريعة
الألعاب المتابَعة
Star Wars: Obi-Wan
Star Wars: Obi-Wan
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Star Wars: Battlefront
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