Picardie, FranceShaDowSPoweR2 years ago

Hey guys, the French Community is competing in a tournament, and in a match, Sunnard had a VERY weird mips, and we have to share it because it's maybe a new possible strat. It seems to be useless because i suppose that's a little timesave but, still

Jodie64, Wookis و 4 آخرون تُحب هذا
Picardie, FranceShaDowSPoweR3 years ago

I done this today, is it Salt Cannonless WR ? (of course its not the real cannonless wr i know ^^)

J'ai fait ça aujourd'hui, c'est le WR pour le Salt Cannonless ? (je sais que c'est pas le vrai WR pour le cannonless ^^)

Picardie, FranceShaDowSPoweR3 years ago

Hello guys, (i'm french sorry for my english)

I got this morning a 16 star (EMU, Verified) 16:45.75 (timer on LiveSplit). I split automatically thanks to AutoSplit64, and starting the timer at 1.36s like it's recommanded, so, do i need to retime the run ? And if yes, how can i do it easily ?


Picardie, FranceShaDowSPoweR3 years ago

Hello guys,

I'm speedrunning sm64 on Project64 1.6 (JAP Version) and my game crashed twice on pb pace at the front sub strat in DDD (on the 1st clip i forgot to display splits) so what the f*** is happening to my game is it normal or wtf ? What i'm i doing wrong ?!

Proof :



Picardie, FranceShaDowSPoweR3 years ago

Hey guys, (i'm french sorry for my english ^^)

I'm speedrunning Super Mario 64 on EMU (16 stars), and i saw all the streamers and speedrunners starting their timers at 1.36, and all those speedrunners are on N64 so, do i really need to start the timer at 1.36 on my LiveSplit timer ?

Picardie, FranceShaDowSPoweR3 years ago

Hello, (sorry for my bad english i'm french)

I started to train for speedrunning 2 months ago, but yesterday i got my new monitor to do dual screen for streams or things like this. But, Project64 1.7, 2.0, 2.3... are banned so i have to play on Project64 1.6, and when Project64 is in fullscreen i can't use my second monitor : when i click on something on my 2nd monitor, Project64 just disappears of my 1st monitor, and when i click on Project64 to re-display it, the window is black and i have to tap "echap" to get the window back to normal... I think most of speedrunners on EMU knows how to fix that because they're already using dual screen (i think)...

P.S : When i switch from windowed to fullscreen or from fullscreen to windowed, the screen go black for 1-2 seconds before switching (is that normal ?)

Consequences of those problems : i can't fully use LiveSplit, configure OBS, and more importantly, doing anything on my second monitor... so please if anyone know how to fix those problems let me know pleassssse :)

(Ask me for some details if you want)


Picardie, FranceShaDowSPoweR3 years ago

Hello (i'm french sorry for my english), i have a problem, i saw that Project64 2.3 is banned for speedrunning so i switched to Project64 1.6 but when i click fullscreen, the game is displayed on all the screen and not in 4/3 with the black things on the sides (like on Project64 2.3), i searched for 2 hours and I haven't find any solutions... Hope some of you can help me to find a solution...


نبذة عن ShaDowSPoweR
French Super Mario 64 Speedrunner :)
تاريخ الانضمام
3 years ago
عبر الإنترنت
1 month ago
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