FinlandSCSR6 years ago

Have any of you encountered this particular one yet? I was climbing a cliff in Gerudo Highlands (mostly by leaping) to reach the top and have a chance to shoot Farosh with an arrow. I ran out of stamina when I was almost at the top and I decided to open the Paraglider. Link kicked off the cliff side first since that part was more like a slope. After I got the paraglider open, I paused the game to look for stamina restoring food, but I noticed that my stamina was already full. After closing the menu, I noticed that Farosh had just vanished somewhere. In my experience, the only case the dragons disappear is if you load a save where the dragon was present, which makes this particular disappearance weird. Unfortunately I haven't been able to replicate this glitch yet, and I'm not sure how much what I was doing actually influenced the glitch and will it actually be useful, but I felt like letting you all know that it's there and it may have a potential use. I was playing on a Switch version (not sure if Wii U is different in any way) without the DLC by the way.

FinlandSCSR7 years ago

So, basically difference between Any% and Low% is that Low% doesn't allow major glitches?

FinlandSCSR7 years ago

Can someone tell me a little bit more details about the rules of some of the categories? Like what's the difference between "No Major Glitches" and "No Major Glitches (S+Q)"? What is defined as a "Major Glitch"? Also, is there a route difference between Low% and Any%? The route the Any% takes could very well be Low% at the same time as you only seem to get the sword and shield.

موضوع: The Site
FinlandSCSR7 years ago

I'm trying to change my avatar, but when I save the settings the avatar remains the same and won't change. It does upload the file to the site though. Are there any file size, format and/or resolution restrictions? If so, they should be listed at the section where you can change your avatar, right?

موضوع: Mega Man 3
FinlandSCSR7 years ago

Then I'm assuming Mega Man Legacy Collection is also allowed as it technically is also emulated, though I'll still wait for someone to confirm this first.

FinlandSCSR7 years ago

"For some reason, if you hold forward and spam QS+QL for about a second, you warp to a pre-determined position in the chapter."

You don't actually have to move. Just spamming QS and QL works just fine for me. I would believe that the game gets confused about where to put you so it defaults you to the 0,0,0 XYZ coordinates, though needs to be tested with a RAM watch program (although not necessary since you can't affect where the game puts you).

Also, I found a way to dupe one fox statue into 3 very easily. All you have to do is take the fox statue and QS right after and then spam QL for a second or so. Combining this with the QS+QL warping you can complete the second chapter in less than 30s. I can make a demonstration video if it's necessary.

EDIT: Noticed that the statue duping is not related to picking up the statue. You can dupe one statue to 3 any time (although duping to 2 is easier and more common outcome). I also noticed that after placing 2 statues to the altar, if you QS and then spam QL, the game thinks for a frame or so that you have the third statue and lets you put it in the altar if you time the click well. So this would mean that you only have to grab the fastest statue and just dupe it at the altar.

EDIT2: I also noticed that QS+QL warping can sometimes take away the fox statue(s). Since this would at times get you closer to the altar, I guess it should take a bit more testing if the amount of fox statues lost during QS+QL warping can be influenced to increase reliability.

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