ScotlandRossrossy6 years ago

This is something i haven't seen happen before, there should be no blocked scenes on this game through streaming from the app. Out of interest, how did you acquire the Japanese version, through importing the physical disc?

ScotlandRossrossy6 years ago

The retry on PS4 will initially add time, like a second usually but there is time saved in the long run by doing these. Since you're running on PS4, there's 3 different retry points if you're on easy. Two in the guest house at the start of the game and one at the end of the game in the salt mines, if you're on madhouse only the two in guest house will be available since the salt mines one is cut out on that difficulty . The timesave from these comes from the fact that after you retry your movement speed is increased (this is most noticeable in the salt mines retry). The movement speed will stop being increased at certain points when you reach them, but for those 3 retries it's long enough that it saves more time doing it than not doing them.

LoanSharkJoe, SaiyanGamingz, و zgl تُحب هذا
ScotlandRossrossy6 years ago

Yes, it happens regularly on the standard PS4 version of the game and your run will still be verified as you can't avoid it on PS4 if your run is at a fast enough pace. We're unsure if the in game timer still rolls during the black screen, so we pause preemptively and let it fade to black during that since the timer wont run when the game is paused.

Snoozexd, RelaxedMrBaker, و zgl تُحب هذا
ScotlandRossrossy6 years ago

"Time begins when you hit enter from the Zoe load screen on a new game (no retries). Timer ends when the end of game story screen appears." - For true ending anyway

LoanSharkJoe و zgl تُحب هذا
ScotlandRossrossy6 years ago

Yeah, this has been known for a while. One of the worst things to happen in a run. It's happened to me multiple times.

Great way to lose your good run after getting out of reset city guest house Kappa

موضوع: The Site
ScotlandRossrossy6 years ago

Can i have the first R in my name capitalized, Thanks.

ScotlandRossrossy6 years ago

I stayed quiet on this issue for a while, simply for the reason i knew nothing would change at all with how the mods currently are.

The thing that really bothers me in all this though is what went on in the discord, "Oh its just the last 3 mins of the VOD? I'd say accept it" - Initial response from Carci, and the correct one. "Oh its him? Nah reject it and lets just see how he reacts". What? You can't reject a run if it's within the rules set. Plus the part where it was muted it'd be almost impossible to cheat on, i mean you can literally see there is no cuts or anything there.

And lets not forget Xerians run which had more muted audio and also music over it violating TWO of the rules set was accepted, the response for that was "Runs AFTER this one are now rejected if they have anything other than game and mic audio". If this was a serious issue in the past then why the hell wasnt it a defined rule from the start? It's like you just make up stuff as you go and dont think anything through at all.

Also Succinct, maybe if you didn't have such a condescending attitude towards everyone in that suggestion thread and were just like "I don't think that is a good idea, but i'll leave this open for further suggestions" , Instead of insulting Psarthex's layout and locking it you wouldn't have caused this chain of events.

Snoozexd و Psarthex تُحب هذا
ScotlandRossrossy7 years ago

Jeez, calm down. I have personally been on the side of doing something about it rather than nothing but there's no reason to get hostile over it. The problem lies that we don't know for certain the time difference.

ScotlandRossrossy7 years ago

If anyone was wanting to see what Zgl and myself were meaning about that in an actual video here you go.

zgl و Philber-ROH تُحب هذا
ScotlandRossrossy7 years ago

So, i came up with this for console since we have to fight our awful sensitivity when rotating items and turning in general.

This method allows you to insta turn the item instead of slowly rotating it. The input is quick turn and picking up the item at the exact same time

PS4 : Down + O + X Xbox: Down + B + A

It's important they're inputted at the same time or you'll get a quick turn too early and not pick up the item at all or pick it up and not quick turn.

This can also be used on other items you need to quick turn with, for example the statue in the bath.

DickGor, Philber-ROH و 3 آخرون تُحب هذا
ScotlandRossrossy7 years ago

Completely agree with adding time at the end of the run, i mean it'll be the same time difference between console and PC so it's probably the easiest solution for both and also keeps all the regions on the same leaderboards, no one loses this way..

ScotlandRossrossy7 years ago

I also agree on the boards not being separated as that wouldn't be fair on the Japanese and all I want is a fair level playing field for everyone.

ScotlandRossrossy7 years ago

Just because it's hard to acquire on PC shouldn't mean console players should have to buy the Japanese version in my opinion. As if console players do buy it and attain WR and then you fix it for PC boards without forcing them to buy a Japanese version if Xerians WR gets beaten by someone with the JPN version it's going to cause a lot of controversy.

ScotlandRossrossy7 years ago

Well, I waited to see how this would develop before i said anything but there's no way i can keep quiet now.

You say this has happened in the past and also listed a bunch of the RE series that wasn't separated, which is fair enough but the latest one on that list is RE1 on the DS in 2006 i think. This is 2017, i'm sure there is an easier way than forcing the majority of the console playerbase to buy a different version of the game they've already paid for and played.

And the whole argument of if ones serious they'll get the Japanese version is silly to me, it isn't about buying a game for a record. It's about ensuring that it's a level playing field for everyone across the board. I can only say so much though.

And i must say the fact Gilgamesh is on vacation and still looking out for the community is pretty awesome

ScotlandRossrossy7 years ago

The console equivalent is l2 r2 for ps4 and lt rt for xbox I'm guessing, I did a lot of practice today and managed to get a 2nd 2 hit mia kill on console.

As far as I'm aware that's the quickest mia kill console can get but I may just be unlucky.

ScotlandRossrossy7 years ago

We were talking about the mia 1 hit kill on console yesterday in Gilgamesh's stream, here's a 2 hit kill which is the best i've ever gotten on a run, still seems more inconsistent than PC though.

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