Arkansas, USARedeulous2 years ago

The new map is fantastic, and I'm looking forward to a new racing category. Shirosato is going to bring a lot of fun activity to speedrunners, however, is likely going to have patches and new updates to it that make certain speedruns impossible to remake, such as patches to shortcuts and such. With this, runs using patched shortcuts should be removed in the name of fairness, right? On top of this, should unobtainable cars be allowed in speedrun categories, such as the Mach 1 Mustang and Ferrari 280 GTO? What do you think?

نبذة عن Redeulous
Midnight Racing Tokyo Shortcut Speedrunner
تاريخ الانضمام
2 years ago
عبر الإنترنت
8 months ago
جولات سريعة
الألعاب المُجراة
ROBLOX: Midnight Racing Tokyo
ROBLOX: Midnight Racing Tokyo
آخر سجل 1 year ago
جولات سريعة