Madrid, SpainOkarr991 year ago

I also think that these arguments might seem a tiny bit less elitist if they weren't being said by a top runner on the leaderboards that currently holds a whole bunch of WR in a bunch of categories around every RE4 related page on Speedrun.com and orbits around 3rd place on the rest. Your post screamed supperiority all throughout, but this just adds even more.

YUMmy_Bacon5, 97ames و 4 آخرون تُحب هذا
Madrid, SpainOkarr991 year ago

Sawken, this thing right here that you just said is without a doubt the most ELITIST thing I've ever read, heard or watch related to speedrunning:

"1) There's the people who do one or two runs putting the absolute bare minimum in and never touch the game again. The people that don't learn strats, don't learn the route, don't practice, don't make use of the countless amazing guides and resources we have, etc. I get that many people just try stuff for fun, or maybe they tried the run, submitted, and then decided the game's not for them. Perfectly fine. But.. why put the run on the board and keep it there then? What purpose does it serve? Just to say "I ran this game for a day"? The only valid purpose I can see is for database/history/archive/statistics purposes, because otherwise it seems pointless. And yes, I get that many people see speedrunning as nothing more than a light hobby and don't take it seriously at all, but that's the whole point. From our POV, even people who take it very easy can get past these limits we set with just doing a couple attempts every once in a while. "

No matter what semantics you try to use or what explanations you can get from your arse, this here says " I don't think the effort of someone who doesn't want to commit to this game is worth it, leave the ledearboard to us because your run isn't worthy enough to be archived in our glorified spreadsheet. " Of course people want to archive their runs here for "database/history/archive/statistics purposes" BECAUSE THAT'S THE THING WHOLE THAT THIS ENTIRE WEBSITE IS ABOUT! I'M SORRY IF SOMEONE WANTS TO SPEND THEIR TIME SPEEDRUNNING SOMETHING ELSE INSTEAD OF LEARNING YOUR GAME'S NEW STRATS! F*CK MARATHONS TOO, NOW THAT WE ARE AT IT! Because something tells me you didn't have marathons in mind when making this backwards ass new rules, what if someone only speedruns RE4 once because the've done it on a full franchise marathon BUT they are a top RE2 runner for example? They don't take speedrunning seriously according to you? AND DON'T GET ME STARTED WITH PEOPLE WITH ANY KIND OF FISICAL CONDITION THAT WOULD HARM THEIR SPEEDRUNNING SKILL IN SOME WAY! NOW YOU ARE GONNA BE ABLEIST TOO?

This rules are born from elitsm and pure and unapologetic laziness, and you don't make a good job at hidding it.

Asxce, 97ames و 2 آخرون تُحب هذا
موضوع: Battletoads
Madrid, SpainOkarr993 years ago

@Rash Though Paul and Oatiee already noticed that the page was created, I don't know if you knew. Sorry for not responding to this thread at all when the page has been up for some months now, but I didn't knew about the existance of this threads.

موضوع: Battletoads
Madrid, SpainOkarr993 years ago

@MeisterZSR, it has had one for a couple of months now. Sorry for not comunicating this sooner, I didn't knew this forums existed.

موضوع: Battletoads
Madrid, SpainOkarr993 years ago

Thank you very for the info. That may happen in other sections and lvs, so we might be able to finally document an actual skip.

موضوع: Battletoads
Madrid, SpainOkarr993 years ago

Done! You can find it on the Misc. section.

موضوع: Battletoads
Madrid, SpainOkarr993 years ago

Interested in running a category that isn't present in this page? Request it here and we MIGHT add it. It may not be added, but don't be afraid to ask for it.

موضوع: Battletoads
Madrid, SpainOkarr993 years ago

If you have a doubt of any kind, ask in this thread. You can also help other people with their questions.

موضوع: Battletoads
Madrid, SpainOkarr993 years ago

A theard to post about any bug and exploit you find that could be useful for runs. Don't repat previously posted ones unless you find an alternative way to activate them.

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