JapanNorishige7101 day ago

There is a slight lag between pressing the button and the stone actually stopping the enemy. If you press it while the wolf is descending, you can stop it just as it hits the ground. Also, the location and height of the enemy's descent is random.

We hope you find our strategy article helpful! ① https://note.com/samege/n/nbaa65b353b9ahttps://norishige710speedrun.hatenablog.com/entry/mikamikouryaku

JapanNorishige7101 year ago

Sorry, the record is certified as 1m46s, probably a mistake.

JapanNorishige7104 years ago

Any%Normalの短縮案や敵の倒し方をまとめた攻略記事です。 美少女戦士セーラームーンR RTA Any%Normal 攻略 - NRSGのRTAブログ https://norishige710speedrun.hatenablog.com/entry/2020/09/11/193650

(ENG) This is a strategy article on the proposed shortening of Any%Normal and how to defeat enemies. I'm using a translation machine, so it may be difficult to understand some parts of it. Bishoujo senshi sailor moon R Speedrun Eng Any%Normal strategy - NRSGのRTAブログ https://norishige710speedrun.hatenablog.com/entry/2020/09/12/163308

JapanNorishige7104 years ago

【日本語】 https://norishige710speedrun.hatenablog.com/entry/2020/08/10/200237?_ga=2.32959225.6148818.1599074121-919147034.1587664596

これから始めたい人のために、短縮テクニックや 基礎動作を確認する、簡単なガイドを作成しました。 カテゴリや難易度別の攻略はまだ書けていませんが、 完成したらこのボードに記事のリンクを追加していく予定です。

ディスコードサーバーもあります。 走者同士のコミュニケーションやゲームの攻略について語ったり、 RTAイベントの報告や雑談などに使っています。 https://discord.gg/Dv85k6j

【Eng】 https://norishige710speedrun.hatenablog.com/entry/2020/08/19/035518?_ga=2.32959225.6148818.1599074121-919147034.1587664596

(Translation machine.) For those of you who want to get started, there are some shortening techniques and We have created a simple guide to check the basic operation. I haven't written a category or difficulty-based strategy yet. I will be adding links to the article to this board when it is completed.

There is also a discord server. Runners can communicate with each other, talk about the game's strategies, and I use it for reporting on RTA events and chatting.  https://discord.gg/Dv85k6j

JapanNorishige7104 years ago

Thank you very much! Edit leaderboards, add categories, Thank you for your hard work. Your job is great.

JapanNorishige7104 years ago

こんにちは。このゲームの走者の何人かが集まって、Discordを作成しました。 走者同士のコミュニケーションや、テクニックの共有… 気軽に話し合ったりできる場を提供したいと考えています。

自動翻訳ボットを導入したので、様々な国のプレイヤーと 交流する事が可能です。(自動翻訳を過信しすぎてはいけない)

新たなプレイヤーが加わった事で新テクニック等が発見され、 ゲームが成長する事を願っています。皆様、是非 気軽にご参加ください。


JapanNorishige7104 years ago

Any%Easy Stage1 Timer Start ~ Stage 1 2m6s

今までの最速です。 敵の動き方に運が絡みますが、動き方の参考になれば幸いです。

Includes luck, including enemy movement. I hope this will be helpful.

orkybork المعجبون بهذا
JapanNorishige7104 years ago

【Stage1】2m11s Moov

How to defeat the enemy just before the boss. I don't know how to get it faster. ① Red enemy on the right (sword) ⇒ ② Green enemy on the left (thorn) ⇒ ③ Red enemy on the left (sword) ⇒ ④ Right enemy (mask) If you defeat it in this order, there may be no waste?

ボスの直前の敵の倒し方… どうやったら早くなるのかは、私にも分かっていません。 ①右の赤い敵(刀)⇒②左の緑の敵(茨)⇒ ③左の赤い敵(刀)⇒④右の敵(仮面) この順番で倒すと、無駄がないのかもしれません。

JapanNorishige7104 years ago

  • I can't speak English well, so I translate it on a machine. You may not be able to answer questions well. I'm sorry.

ENG) Stage 1 will be 3-4 seconds faster than the current recording if it can optimize movement. I thought of a new way and tried it. As a result, stage 1 time was reduced by 3.7 seconds.

I noted the following points. ① The number of enemies that appear at one time is fixed. ② If you defeat the enemy early, you can speed up the screen scrolling. ③Moving and rotating attack (LR + A) can be started quickly to move to the next action.

JPN) ステージ1は動きを最適化できれば、現在の記録よりも 3秒~4秒早くする事ができます。私は新たな方法を考え実戦しました。 結果として、ステージ1のタイムは3.7秒の短縮につながりました。

私は以下の点に気を付けました。 ①一度に出る敵の数、位置は固定です。覚える事で技を早めに置けます。 ②敵を早く倒せばその分 画面スクロールを進められます。 ③移動回転攻撃(LR+A)は早めに出す事で、素早く次の行動に移る事が出来ます。 出来るだけ一度の攻撃で多くの敵を巻き込む事を意識する事。

orkybork المعجبون بهذا
موضوع: Plug & Play
JapanNorishige7105 years ago

Thank you for increasing the platform!

موضوع: Plug & Play
JapanNorishige7105 years ago

Soory. I Want more Platform. Thank you for my run verify. I saw other runner videos, but Ios / android ver I thought the specifications were very different from the PC version. Specifically, even the scene that puts a finger and a finger at the beginning is very different from the PC version. I feel it is necessary to divide the Platform into PC version and Ios / android. What do you think, everyone? Sorry if the moderator was trying to add it. Thanks.

موضوع: Plug & Play
JapanNorishige7105 years ago

Hello! This is a post a year ago. I was surprised to become a plug and play moderator. And at the same time I am happy. I had the same trouble that I could not verify. As an active runner, as a person with WR. You are the best moderator of this game I can think of. Thanks!

fofinho المعجبون بهذا
موضوع: Plug & Play
JapanNorishige7105 years ago

Please verify my run too. Currently my record is second but not on the leaderboards.


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