Illinois, USANerd_Squared1 year ago

Hi all.

Recently, I've been running a custom campaign/mod for Half-Life: Alyx called Levitation, and I've managed to come up with a decent route for it.

I wanted to request that this game gets added to the Half-Life series on speedrun.com

Illinois, USANerd_Squared1 year ago

I'm playing through the game and got a softlock late into the sewers bit where you go to find Sanctuary. The three red switches you use to open a door aren't activating for me and aren't clickable at all.

Is there any way around this besides starting the entire game over?

Illinois, USANerd_Squared1 year ago

Hi all.

I've been in discussions with a few other runners, and we've decided to change the timing rules.

Time ends at the same point as before, but now runs will start time upon the first movement input after the intro cutscene.

We've decided to change the timing because of a couple of reasons.

  1. There's some inconsistencies, especially for runners on lower-end PCs, as to how long the "1990" ("September 1986" on the Old Patch) title card takes to appear after clicking "Begin"

  2. The current timing rules mean waiting around doing nothing through a decently sized portion of the game, especially for how short the run is.

For runs before this timing change, the time spent in the opening cutscene will be subtracted from the time to adjust for it. For Current Patch, that's 36 seconds, and for Old Patch, that's 1 minute 23 seconds.

Illinois, USANerd_Squared1 year ago

Hi all.

This community has gotten pretty big, and I'm very thankful that a sizable amount of people gave this game a chance.

I've created a Discord server for speedruns of this game and any of IsarL's future The Complex-related games. I've also added a zip file of the Old Patch under the Resources section.

UTAGE و soarosu تُحب هذا
Illinois, USANerd_Squared2 years ago

Hi all.

The big update has come out today, and from what I've been able to tell, it changes the run completely in terms of the route, because of there now being multiple paths to take to end the game. I've created a new category for this patch and will decide on the rules for it as I do testing.

Illinois, USANerd_Squared2 years ago

Hi all.

It's good to see some submissions for the game's leaderboard! I genuinely did not expect that this game would take off like it has.

I made this thread to mention that the developer, IsarL, is adding a big update to the game that will change a lot of things. I don't know exactly what will be in it, but it seems to add a new level as well as new areas being added to existing levels.

This may very well affect the speedrun by adding time to the run, so in the case the changes affect the speedrun in a big way, I'll be creating a category that accounts for the new additions.

As for existing runs, I'll make a legacy category, and potentially make a downpatched version available for those that want to still run that version.

Ascoi المعجبون بهذا
Illinois, USANerd_Squared2 years ago

I was experimenting with Kami Clip and managed to find this. Could bring Any% to below 20 minutes.

Illinois, USANerd_Squared2 years ago

I want to give running Night Skip a go, but I have the latest patch and there is no easy way to download older patches. What methods would you all recommend?

Illinois, USANerd_Squared3 years ago

In my recent 2.0 runs, I switched over to playing with the Norwegian voice lines just for fun.

However, I think it may end up saving time. I haven't done exact time comparisons, but I noticed in my recent runs that used the Norwegian voice lines, I seemed to save around 10-13 seconds in Birthday from the dialogue being a little faster.

This may end up not impacting the speedrun a whole lot, but I wanted to post it here in case something more comes of it.

Illinois, USANerd_Squared6 years ago

Is quicksaving and quickloading allowed for runs on the PC version? Allowing it would make the run more accessible,and it makes sense to because it's a built-in feature as opposed to a feature added in from a mod.

Illinois, USANerd_Squared6 years ago

This category would do the bonus missions Kola Cell,Vselka Infiltration,and Vselka Submarine all in a row. The timing would go by the following rules:

-Timing starts on the "Press Fire to Begin" screen after loading Kola Cell

-Timing ends when the "Mission Success" screen appears in Vselka Submarine

I'm looking for ideas of names for the category and whether or not this category should be a misc. category.

Illinois, USANerd_Squared6 years ago

There was a recent patch that came out for Outlast 2 that added a"Story Mode"difficulty,which is an Easy mode of sorts. Enemies are far less aggressive and in some cases removed entirely on this mode,so I want to propose 1 of 2 things:

  1. Making Story Mode the default difficulty to run on instead of Normal.

  2. Making Story Mode a separate category,most likely as a misc. category. That way,people can still run on Normal mode if they want to.

In addition to enemy encounter changes,the story mode patch also added 2 new collectibles. This makes any 100% run before that patch invalid,which could cause problems with that category's leaderboards.

Those are just my proposals,but I want to get everyone else's opinion before there are any changes to the leaderboards.

Imaproshaman, Psarthex, و andyrockin123 تُحب هذا
Illinois, USANerd_Squared6 years ago

I've done offline runs of Glitchless with a couple of tricks that are kind of borderline,and I'm looking for input from the leaderboard mods on whether or not these tricks count as a glitch

The first is quickclimbing ladders using scroll wheel

The second is the gate push in Alley that's used in No OoB

My logic in including quickclimbing with scroll wheel is you aren't doing any unintended action,you're just getting off and jumping up the ladder repeatedly,which you can do just as easily with spacebar,which is allowed. If allowed,it could save a decent chunk of time throughout the entire run.

My logic in including the Alley gate push is that,in doing the trick,you don't go out of bounds,you don't clip through any walls,and you don't use geometry boosting,where if it did do any of those 3 things,it would be banned.

I understand if those tricks are against the Glitchless rules and they end up not being allowed.

Illinois, USANerd_Squared8 years ago

Nothing huge but I wanted to clarify why on my rejected run I timed it the way I did

As of 1.3.2(the patch I did the run on),the skip that was used in rebcart's run to skip chapter 0 entirely by hitting load at last checkpoint right after hitting space twice was patched out

This created a big problem for me as it would basically add 2+ minutes to the run if it was timed at New Story, and I thought it would create an unfair disadvantage if I did New Story timing because of that 2 minute difference.

If anyone has a 1.2.0 patch of the game for download so I can do the skip in runs and not have to deal with that disdvantage I'd like if you could link it to me and if not,how we could try to figure a new timing method,again nothing huge but just wanted to clarify why I timed it the way I did in my 19:03 run

Illinois, USANerd_Squared8 years ago

Recently Maiden of Black Water came out and I have an interest in speedrunning the game,is it ok if I request the game for the series' leaderboards,thanks. :)

Illinois, USANerd_Squared8 years ago

Since there's a category where you save all 8 characters(All 8 Survive),I was experimenting with/thinking of the idea of a similar category where you kill all 8 characters instead of saving them,with the name of the category being"All 8 Dead" I'm still working on the route for this possible new category but I was wondering if we could add this category to the leaderboard,just putting it as a Misc. Category would be fine

Illinois, USANerd_Squared9 years ago

I'm submitting Outlast for Damage Boost 2015(see here on the SDA Forums: https://forum.speeddemosarchive.com/post/damage_boost_2015submission_deadline_august_3rd.html ),and if the game gets in,for my All Chapters or Any% run I'd really like if I could do a race with any of you guys or if not,have one of you guys commentate my run,whichever category gets in,it would really help as this is my first speedrun marathon ever and I have the slight fear of failure if I do it solo. Thanks for reading ^^ (EDIT July 17th: All Chapters got in)

Illinois, USANerd_Squared9 years ago

Since there's a No OoB leaderboard for both games now I figured I might as well post videos of some small strats that I found either myself or through YouTube videos. Didn't post videos of the ledge runs/ledge jumps or Scary Mist Skip since those tricks are already very well known 1st WB trick also works for 100% (EDIT: with the Manera Cutscene Skip you can use the one that's used in 100% because of the new No OoB rules that allow it,but if you want you can go with the tray clip as it and the doorride method save pretty much the same amount of time)

Illinois, USANerd_Squared9 years ago

In my 6:10 speedrun I completely on accident stumbled on some weird bug or glitch,where if you select"Quit to Title"in the"SUPER"room after you've gotten all 5 letters,then select a new save and go through the whole game,the letters will already be filled in when you get to that room. I'm not sure if this is against the rules for this game,but it's a pretty neat timesaver,I'd guess around 15-20 seconds

Illinois, USANerd_Squared9 years ago

These tricks were originally found by finath and were originally console-only to my knowledge, but I did some tinkering and managed to find a method for PC,the tricks are just done a little differently These tricks save a TON of time in 100%,I'm not sure just how much it saves,but I'd say around 10-11 minutes

First trick: Hitbox glitch into the corner,jump out of bounds,hit either crouch then immediately hit backwards(or maybe the other way around I'm not sure),hit pause and wait until the environment loads in

2nd trick: Do a doorride off the door and (without going too far off the wall or the rubble)walk around the rubble,crouch to get through the doorway,then like the end of the Any% trick crouch and walk on the roof until you get pushed back inbounds,open/close the doors like in the video to be able to backtrack and get the 3 collectibles,then go through the doorway at the end of the hall

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Vtuber and variety speedrunner
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