BrazilNITM-T7 years ago

@TalicZealot Take it easy man, we are just talk here. You put a lot of things before and I just answered you some of them. Of course you know how the game works, I just explain you how I do. Not was what you wanted? I'm not trying to put my videos here if that's what you're thinking, I already say that to SakuraFreak. This was just a conversation, but will not happen anymore.

@Turbodog702 Thanks for your consideration! You're right, I just need make live videos to show that. I'm not doing this for competition of something like that, I play SotN and all games I like for fun and love for them so, I want to show what I learned with a lot of players that shows their skills for the world. I got all my experience with jackobones, paulo1179, Glitch Hunter, thiaguin and some more Brazilian players and thanks to these guys, we can make those Speedruns with some Glitches that they found it for SotN & NitM PS/PSP versions and NitM Saturn version. I got these with all I see from USA and Japan and other players from other countries to make videos like you Turbodog702, who has a full channel of tutorials. You and romscout played alongside IGA the best thing we can have so, how I could realize a dream like that being a liar? And Also, I have to thank nathan7878 for his ACE tutorials.

I also wish the best of luck for you guys and your projects on games and on life! And I'm so sorry, I will not bother anyone here anymore.

BrazilNITM-T7 years ago

Wow, a lot of stuff here. Well, explain all this without a live video tutorial will be useless and I'd spend a lifetime typing in English.

  • Yes, I know what RTA is, but we already talk about this. I can't prove, yet.
  • After we do some kind of Shift (Neutron Bomb in this case), we can do any moviment. Just do not go close to the scroll thing or the Glitch will be undone. A examplo: When we use the Shift at Black Marble Gallery, we can use Backdash + Shiled/shield dashing or Backdash + Buffalo Star to go to the Save Point without any trouble. The same goes for the Save Shift Line and Reverse form on PSP versions.
  • Fire Boomerang Glitch it's just too hard, but since I play on keyboard too, I can press the buttons fast. It's useless, after I made that 200.7% video. Go up with Double Jumps and Bat and using Wing Smashes, will be better.
  • When we go left or right on keyboard holding one of those buttons and pressing the other, Alucard just turn fast without turning his body. Like that, we can use the Toadstool Trick (need more explanation). We can also make the Wolf run by holding the opposite button after it stats running. This will help us to use its big jump so, it's the same thing. Of course we can do those commands on control, but for me, it's better on a keyboard.

"Catacombs wolf clip (hardest wolf clip in the game)" I don't thing so. That floor is good to jump. Now, that stairs for Skip Scylla and Skip that Purple Save to Nightmare at Undergroud Caverns, is the worst. The stairs is down, we need use the scenery when things go too fast. Scenery go on low speed so, it's better get a point on it than look at character. Everytime I use Wolf Glitch Charge, scenery it's the key for long ways and another things too. Scenery helps in several games. Into the water (same area), we do not need to jump because the floor already do this for us. Just need to back to normal.

Press Start before kills Dracula was to show the Game Time because I did not know when start the Real Time before this site. GT Starts just before 3 seconds from Konami's intro then, it stops at 3. When game's title show up, GT starts again at 4 seconds and goes on. When we stats a game, GT reset and stops at 3 seconds for the CG then, stats at 4 on Now Loading screen. On Replay Mode when we press Start to cut the intro, GT Stats after Now Loading fade out and you guys Starts RT after we can control Richter. That's why my videos was only with GT because this. So, with Buffalo Star + SW Cross (special) Normal Mode, Dracula will use 3 attacks before it dies (depending on the speed you attacks, of course).Then, just press Start after that happens. With Alucard Shield spell/Gold Shield, Dracula'll take at least 40 to 43 attacks before dies. On my 200.7% video, I decreases the Hearts by 106 then, after 136, it will die. On my All Bosses video, I decreases the Hearts by 120 then, after 140 + one of its attacks, it will die. Each hit it is equivalent a one Heart so, just keep jumpimg, holding shield and look at the Hearts number. It's just calculations, you know? I write everything before start something: How many attacks, how many WS in such room, how many Backdashes in close enemies, R1, 2x↑, X = 1 Manna Prims, 2xR1, 2x↓, →, X = 2 Buffalo Star... Just put those things on my mind and shits happens.

The another, it's useless to explain like that and besides you said: "it would take a lot to convince me that your runs are single segment real time attacks." But I thank you for say that: " No my friend, you may be a great glitch hunter and know a shitton about sotn". Coming from a great player like you from another country, it is nice! Thank you for your time and let's keep playing this classic, all of us!

BrazilNITM-T7 years ago

Like I said, I'm poor and on Brazil goods equipments are expensive and in my city, they double the price. I said: it's just a lot of nights shooting with Camtasia or Mirillis Action programs till I got a good result. I just put the video on net when I see it's good. You guys puts a lot of videos on net to show how you are doing with time, but I just put there when I done. While I miss goods improvements, I reset, reset, till shit it's done, but my channel have the obsolete videos for those categories and such. I just learned new things and I shared like good players do to help everyone. No I'm no better than anyone, I never said that, maybe my stupid English from a translator It is confusing you. Today you made a new Record with WG with one shoot. You're always trying to do new Records (like everyone) and this it's how things works. Congrats, again!

BrazilNITM-T7 years ago

(Google Translator) Well, well, look what we have here. My time on Any% category is: 18:08, TalicZealot's 18:14. So, you guys still thinks that I used TAS? Of course not. Just 6 seconds. In his video with 18:29, I told him if he use the Wolf Glitch, the time would be better since he knows how to do a good KAE with Tetra Spirit. I just want to say that you all have to believe in yourselves by training for good and one day, things will happen. I play SotN for Speedruns since 2005, I start play that game in 1998 to 1999 and my Saturn and PSP videos are the proof because there's no TAS for SSF and PPSSPP and my videos about ACE and Teamwork categories, also shows that proof because I use the Hard Reset and there is a BIG difference when that happens between real shit and rec shit on PSXJin. When people watch TAS and see poor people like me that don't have money to get a good equipment to show all things on live videos, they starts to feel the "TAS symptoms" hahaha. But no, it's just a lot of nights shooting with Camtasia or Mirillis Action programs till I got a good result. Anyway, enough this shit. Congrats for your video TalicZealot! If you do the WG with one shoot next time, will be great, man.

BrazilNITM-T7 years ago

Congrats to Galamoz for both Any% and 104% videos!! The best part of the 104% was see that he used some of my strategy that means that anyone can do it as well, just need to train hard and make it happen. Keep it on, man!

موضوع: Introductions
BrazilNITM-T7 years ago

Pretty good, man. Before practice we need theory. So, welcome and good luck on your future projects!

ItzSweeney المعجبون بهذا
موضوع: Introductions
BrazilNITM-T7 years ago

Welcome and yeah, that's right, just do it \m/. Good luck!

موضوع: Introductions
BrazilNITM-T7 years ago

Welcome and good luck in your projects!

موضوع: Introductions
BrazilNITM-T7 years ago

Welcome! Man, just the fact that you'll start a Speedrun is a big step, you know? Then, you'll improve your skills each Gameplay that you try. Good luck!

BrazilNITM-T8 years ago

All right, it's done. Yeah, this time, I played on v1.51 I think I see better the graphics than 1.53.

BrazilNITM-T8 years ago

Yes, you're right. That I asked because I've done almost everything about SotN Speedruns. Anyway, thanks for reply! I'll submit for the Any% and ACE categories soon for you guys see if is possible to Leaderboards just because it's the only ones that are allowed by the rules here.

BrazilNITM-T8 years ago

Hi there, I've some questions. Why are not allowed to use the luck and armor codes? Those codes are good for Speedruns and I think we have to use any Glitch to go as fast as possible. With the AXEARMOR code we can save time by using the Library Cards and against Doppleganger LV10. Why don't have a category for 200.6%? Or maybe, that is a misc category, right? For PSP versions are only allowed for Maria? Because we can use Long Wing Smash on Pal version, but I want to know about the USA version. I've a video with Alucard, but it's Glitched. Like, uses Glitches to Alucard warps to someplaces of the castles, you know? And about Game End Glitch (ACE route) I've a video. Can I submit it? I saw that you guys accept videos made with the psjin emulator.

موضوع: Introductions
BrazilNITM-T8 years ago

Welcome, DaJoshy!

موضوع: Introductions
BrazilNITM-T8 years ago

Welcome and good luck!

BrazilNITM-T8 years ago

Thank you! So, you think that my new video can be posted here?

BrazilNITM-T8 years ago

Yep, but with my poor English, it is a bit difficult hehe. I'll think on some ideas like some improvements for Speedruns, but I will wait for your tutorial and I'll post my video soon, then maybe, we can use it as part of the tutorial. It's just a ideia, ok? I do not want to modify your projects.

موضوع: Introductions
BrazilNITM-T8 years ago

Welcome and good luck in your achievements!

BrazilNITM-T8 years ago

Pretty funny, bro! Oh yeah, now Linkameister is the 1st one on the the main categories! Samus is very proud of that.

موضوع: Introductions
BrazilNITM-T8 years ago

Welcome and congratulations on your new achievements! Keep it up!

موضوع: Introductions
BrazilNITM-T8 years ago

Yeah, that's right and thanks again!

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