GermanyMatse0073 years ago

Such as title I cba to write a wall of text every time I suggest this can I get a +1 if you agree? Thank you have a beautiful day.

grnts, landus و 16 آخرون تُحب هذا
GermanyMatse0073 years ago

As the previous feedback thread got closed, I decided to open a new us for us all to discuss feedback with one another. This is in my opinion something that even with the inclusion of the new supporthub, shouldn't have been taken away from us.

Of course this is might not be recorgnized or read by elo, so any feedback you want to be guaranteed to be forwarded to elo should be submitted through: https://www.speedrun.com/support/tickets/new

تم الحذف
و 12 آخرون تُحب هذا
GermanyMatse0073 years ago

So I am constantly looking for new and fun speedgames but I thought

"Hey why don't you let people tell you why you should run game x?"

So please, throw me some suggestions and tell me why you think that speedgame is going to be great for me. You can ask me anything about game preference and so on, I will add the questions and answers to this post. Ive never done anything like that and I am curious to see what comes out of this. Oh, one thing tho, I do not have an unlimited amount of time so the runs cannot be too long (A bit over 2 hours is the maximum for me).

I do have access to a ps4, switch, wii, gc, wii u and my PC, however I am limited to a GTX 970 GPU as of right now. I dislike too RNG heavy games, glitches are fun but I like good movement just as much. The majority of speedgames I played were platformers or glitchheavy games. The optimal runtime would be around an hour and the run should be at minimum around 15 minutes. And please, not too many autoscrollers. Also, I do not enjoy FG or Beat em ups at all.

SuperAL1 و Ivory تُحب هذا
GermanyMatse0074 years ago

Hows about extending the block function to block out certain runs from showing up on a leaderboard if you do not want to see them due to personal reasons?

Just some random thought I had.

نبذة عن Matse007
makes games go kaboom
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