Basque CountryLaquin9 months ago


I was checking the Get Married/Have A Baby records, and there's something strange I found with the times.

According to the Category Rules,

Timer ends whenever you get to name the baby.

And, in fact, in the run https://www.speedrun.com/ts3/runs/ywd62e2z is considered completed in 12 min 2 s, when the name pop-up appears.

However, in this other run: https://www.speedrun.com/ts3/runs/y2qn8v9y, while the time in the title says 12 min 12 s, it is registered as 11 min 54 s on the website: that is, when the wife needs to go to the hospital, and not when she has already given birth to the child.

Why is this the case? Am I getting something wrong?

Thank you!

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