Basque CountryKilleDragon4 years ago

Well, I dont know if this was one of those category that alredy exist before in the leaderboard and been removed, but yeah, I give here the idea I just randomly remember now

Basicaly the idea of finish the game as fast as posible like in Any%, but beign in a started count You have to go per kingdom to kingdom in the Any% order, having to get all the moons needed in a normal game to can go to the next one For example, starting with Cascade, you have to take there at least 5 moons to can go back the odyssey and go to sand, then there 16 to go to lake/wooded, 8 in lake and 16 in wooded, etc. The moons you take can be alredy taked before, what also is the best for the run, being not needed the cutescene for each moon I think that Cap and Cloud been completly skipped of the category because there are no moons there, but that can be discussed in all case You also doesnt have to actualy battle with any boss in except of with Bowser in moon kingdom Efectivetly, just after finish Bowser with the needed 8 moon (or more if you want lul), you have to go to moon, and do the final part of the Any% of beat Bowser and of the part with Bowser as a capture In case of all the category be as well as I mentioned it, the time should start when you go to Cascade, probably when you select the world in the odyssey world map, and end like in Any% with the last pylon on the escape

Well, want to know what mods and the comunity think about the category idea, ifmaybe is a good idea or if maybe there is a reason to doesnt be liked or something like that, and by the way there you have if someone look it like good idea want to run it :) I maybe run it some of those days if I prove it and I like the idea, I will send the propose to the actual doc the moderators créate for the category

grnts المعجبون بهذا
Basque CountryKilleDragon4 years ago

I realice about of that in some runs the hour is changed before start the run, within in an specific moment of the run, the day change, so the game reload and Tom Nook appear with the daily news So, well, nice trick, but for what is used? Because you lost time with that reload and that news, no?

Basque CountryKilleDragon4 years ago

^ you have to say if you use it or not, so want to know yeah

Basque CountryKilleDragon4 years ago

This idea should be added like subcategory for many categories, including actualy with First Debt and with All Debts Basicaly, as well as you play that categories starting it with a new file with a new player and all of that, with this subcateory you should start the run while entering to the count without a file, creating a new file with that new player, but this time without been the fisrt entering to the island, being an after one that enter to an earlier created island With that, you shouldnt have to do all the starting tutorial of all the new island, where by the way you need more than 11 minutes to start being free

In my opinion this should be very nice to be added because:

  • You doesnt have to do all the first tutorial, which can be very long, being also so much of text, so many times is nice to skip it and go directly to run what are you running without do it as long if you want to run it and not to include as long part with a tutorial, where there is not many play in the most of it

  • You can run it with any switch where actualy an island exist, so is, by far, much more accesible for those runners that want to run the game but only have 1 switch and doesnt want to delete their datas and/or the ones of their family, being posible to run it :) :D , of cours if you have at least one user to run it; well, my idea was that a user just used for a runs was easily deleted, but have to say im not sure of if its posible or not to just delete the file of one of the count separately, have to prove it

  • Okey, this point maybe can be inclusive a bad side of that, but also a good one, all just depending, and is that you can aproach to prepare the island before the run, to have all what do you need for the run; In all case, we should add some rules to specificated what is allowed or not allowed in this point

I look its a good idea and that should be very logical to do it, doesnt it?

KooTheShoe المعجبون بهذا
Basque CountryKilleDragon4 years ago

Want to know if it will be added like subcategory a glitchless one, or maybe separating it on versions also nice

I mention it because there yesterday the game got udapted to 1.1.1 , and there are some glitchess they are probably fixing all those or at least the most ones For example, the most important one is that now its imposible to do the infinite objects glitch that a user found, being as simple and needing just what you willl duplicate (normaly the Nintendo Switch is the best one that can be duplicated to duplicate it) and a Cartoon Box, playing it in 2P; being imposible to do it, now in 1.1.1 will be much more longer tan before the run

Will ne added if somebody run it?

Ps: I aproach to remeber us that actualy the leaderboard been added, and alredy there are not runs there, so submit there the runs the users that actualy run it yeah

Basque CountryKilleDragon4 years ago

I doesnt play so much this game, but I know you can win some nooks milles beating achievments you can llok in your nookphone

So, well, basicaly, is like to get 100%, getting all of the game, but not sure

So, well, basicaly a run of to get as fast as posible all the achievments to 100%

Yeah, so early, actualy nobody finish the game entirely yeah, but, well, I just give here the idea When someone is ready, should be so nice to do it

Basque CountryKilleDragon4 years ago

In respect of the "pending" part is there, for good potencial categories At first, I was thinking it was just there to modify then if other category been accepted, but today there appear in the pending part a new category, concretly "HeaRTA" So, how does work? The mods prove with good categories adding there new categories when they think its a good idea? Or anyone can submit there a run of a new category idea, to this been added as a new category, and then decide there? Or no one of both? Or something betwen both?

Prob its a stupid question, but, well. want to know yeah Sorry if I been very spammer with this Thanks

Basque CountryKilleDragon4 years ago

Just to know, I realice the mods doesnt appear at the left part where normaly appear the names, and Im courious of why this happend, and if there are mods by the way

WiiSuper, 84th و 2 آخرون تُحب هذا
Basque CountryKilleDragon4 years ago

With the new change to the leaderboard, now there is a time where you just subtract the time of the "loads" So, well, the question is so simple: What count as load? What exactly part are subtracted for the time without loads? I can imagine a bit, but want to know exactly Thanks

Basque CountryKilleDragon4 years ago

Just because I realice the most ones, including the WR one, do it in order I know the last one have to be in all case the last one of the candle, but, apart of that, the rest can I decide the order? If I can decide, there is any reason to the most ones do it always in the order of the list of the games? In all case, I realice that in the rules put "the time start when you click start on the first minigame you chose to start with it", so that seems like I can decide with which minigame start, so yeah

totol المعجبون بهذا
Basque CountryKilleDragon4 years ago

PreData: congrats if you are reading this, what you bet this thread will be deleted by the mods :) (in all case thanks if it doesnt happend yeah)

Delete all the rest of the subcategories of min caps and have only 9 and 13... WHY To start, in comparation to the 13, 14 was with a lot of different the subcategory with more runs and the most active of all ones, because it just was the tipical to get minimum 14, without any exagerated glitch Now, it have to be yes or yes as max 13 for this category Now if you would complete a run, you have to do a glitch like that yes or yes, just you cant do without any big glitch like that Of course I doesnt complain of 13 caps and 9 caps, but, in my opinion, for many people, this start to me more a challenge run than a SpeedRun WHY YOURE HAD TO DELETE 14 CAPS It was definitely the best one

Like to know wheres the point of this choise

I was also against to delete the other ones (13-11-10 caps) and in favor of to add the 9 caps, but to delete 14 runs with all the runs to do what the mods do now is like to throw a hamburger to the rubbish to eat only the tomato adding the pepperoni (stupid example lol), I cant understand why this change against this subcategory

If some day I chose to do someone, definitely I should do 14 caps to start, and probably no only me For the people that always complain of the death categories, now min caps is definitly 7 times more death than before

Is more, with that logic, I would bet some day this category would be definitly deleted to 100%...

Basque CountryKilleDragon4 years ago

I been looking a bit on the WR of @Almo , and I coriously realice about this detail The Templo Chumbo is a level that you have to beat it practicaly complete 2 times to get the yellow star and the red star; the yellow star is needed in first because you need it to go to the coliseum, where is the yellow maxistar, and the red star in needed before of get a star in the level to get the yellow toad nº11 of the yellow toads rescue team, so you cant take it later in the run

Well, the thing is that @Almo in him WR play at first this level for the yellow star, but then he continue the run without take the red star of this templo, and he come back later on the run to take this red star and the rescue yellow toad nº11 of the fire level (not remember the level… f xd)

So, I mean, is not posible to just the first time you reach to the temple to take the 2 stars and the yellow toad, and then continue the run without been needed to come back later?

Im not sure about of if this is posible In all case, maybe is very low the time sabe, but I would like to know if is posible

Basque CountryKilleDragon4 years ago

I install the "Fceux" emulator on my PC, and I think it run at good FPS (litle bit more than 60fps lol); The problem is that I have not a good PC, so, with my recorder, I realice about of that sometimes I have a Little bit of lag recording at 60fps; So, basicaly, if I record, for example, to 30fps, I have not the lag of the 60fps; So maybe would be better for me if I record to 30fps

The worst that can happend me is that maybe to calculate the exact frame I get into 0-2 frames more than my real time, that, by the momento, doesnt affect me so much lol (what is for me 0,03333... second lol lmao jaja xd)

So, is allowed, no? Or there can be any problema with the timing?

Prethanks :v xd

Basque CountryKilleDragon4 years ago

I know that not in all the emulators the cheat code for any cheat have to be exactly the same, but I dont know with AISSON; I put "AISSON" for cheat code in "fceux" emulator, and I think is the cheat is used in the AISSON category, but Im not sure

This is what literaly can I don with AISSON (video): https://drive.google.com/open?id=1HrOmA4yTEAYq9UEVvGCuttwn5W9EAS4x

This is the cheat is used on the AISSON SpeedRuns? There is any diference?

PreThanks :v xd

Basque CountryKilleDragon4 years ago

I was instaling the "fceux" emulator for NES games, and basicaly I install the emulator, and now I have this: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zIuG9VuABgFw_WVE8WnDYfooMJKWHmdhlAskWYvE7go/edit?usp=sharing I have the tipical black screen with all the posibilitiesof configuration, cheats, savestates, etc. But it is all the time black, so I cant do anything, and, now, I dont know how to continue to can play something or to can do something Probably maybe I have to install and download another archive with the game I would like to play, but I dont know what or what archive... Realy, I dont understand so much about this Can anybody help me, pls?

Basque CountryKilleDragon4 years ago

I was instaling the "fceux" emulator for NES games, and basicaly I install the emulator, and now I have this: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zIuG9VuABgFw_WVE8WnDYfooMJKWHmdhlAskWYvE7go/edit?usp=sharing I have the tipical black screen with all the posibilitiesof configuration, cheats, savestates, etc. But it is all the time black, so I cant do anything, and, now, I dont know how to continue to can play something or to can do something Probably maybe I have to install and download another archive with the game I would like to play, but I dont know what or what archive... Realy, I dont understand so much about this Can anybody help me, pls?

Basque CountryKilleDragon4 years ago

Edit: I forgot to say in the title sorry, this is for "ALL 1UPS" CATEGORIES, the most one for the "NO LEVEL SELECT" CATEGORY.

I dont know if are this tricks allowed or not. This is not something that have to be banned, whatever, this is slower than the reset of the WR lol lmao

  1. SAVED FILLS FOR GAME-OVER APPEAR TRICK: Okey, this is realy more complicate; I realizr about a trick of the WR of "no level-select", that is that he get a game-over in 4-1 to then appear in 4-1 all the times he reseted after of this (you can look it in the WR lul lol lmao); Okey, the problem is that this is not posible to do in Switch, because, when you use the reset, you reset completly the game, appearing in 1-1, and is not posible to appeae after of reset inmediately in 4-1 with the reset using the trick of game-over; Soooooooo... I have the inteligence and great idea ( :V ) of to use the "Saves Filles" of the Switch; Basically, this is the plan:
  • I have prepared a saved fill, to be in the menu and to can enter in 4-1 instantly when I start it
  • I start the run normally without that saved fill, until I use it :) :D
  • In the moment that I get the game-over in 4-1: when I appear in the menu afted to get a game-over, instantly I CHANGE RAPIDLY TO THE SAVED FILL OF 4-1, starting instantly 4-1 in that fill
  • After of this, you continue playing the fill, and, all the times after I take a 1UP that I need to reset need and to appear in 4-1, simply I enter in that save fill to be another time more in 4-1 Look it (trying to do it fast lol lmao): https://drive.google.com/file/d/17gKcY3WcxNA0dZYzqzKkvgSNBcBg3DhF/view?usp=drivesdk

Nice? I hope yes

Have a nice day :D

mruns المعجبون بهذا
Basque CountryKilleDragon4 years ago

I am spanish, and I always play the game in spanish, so I would prefer to play it in spanish, and its unfair to have to be yes or yes in english for all the people that speak like first language another language that is not the english one >:(

I think that maybe is because another languages can be faster, but dude, I dont like it. And, in all case, the english is one of the faster languajes can be used in Europe mode lul lol lmfao, minimum is faster tan spanish, so pls

Basque CountryKilleDragon4 years ago

Roblox game: Roblox: Uno Information of the game: https://www.roblox.com/games/1689414409/Roblox-Uno My run: NPCs game: Win% My time: 22,79 The time start in the exactly frame you click "play" in the first card you use, and end in the exactly frame I click paly in the last card I use to win the game. My run: I realy think I been so lucky this time lol jaja XD

I tried to submit this like a new game lol, but they say me to submit there (obviusly and logically lmao); so, this is the description I write:

" "UNO" his is a tipical card game (or at least is realy tipical in spain, where I from me lul lol lmfao) that play with 2 or more tan 2 players. Like a detail: "Uno" is "one" in Spanish, the number 1 yes, thats the reason of the name jaja interesting no? xd

In this case, this is a game do it by " REALTimothy0812 ", and is the "Uno" game implemented in roblox.

In this game, you can play in multiplayer with your Friends or with another people; I think that you can play with players until 2 and 4 player, but Im not 100% sure about if is posible to play with more tan 4 player, but, in all case, I never do that, and I think that is not posible.

Apart of multiplayer, you also can play with NPCs, with is what I do here; Is a game that is posible to play with you and other 3 NPCs. This time, I decided to play with NPCs to try to speedrunning because I was not with any friend, and also because to run it in multiplayer can be more aleatory and depending-of-luck tan the propie game (that is at least at 80% of luck jaja lmao xd), this last one because the other people can spend so much time, and be so good or so bad playing this game lol, all depending of the luck.

My run: NPCs game: Win% My time: 23, The time start in the exactly frame you click "play" in the first card you use, and end in the exactly frame I click paly in the last card I use to win the game.

Be or not to be with Roblox, I recomended to anybody that is Reading this to play this card game with friends or with family. Realy, can be SO FUN/FUNNY jaja XD

Have a Good/great/fantastic day: Killedragon

Ps: I dont put any music code to play, so there is no music actually in the SpeedRun video, is not because I capture it without sound, and also you doesn´t have your head-phones broken jaja XD ; Dont be confused because of it!

Have a Good/great/fantastic day: Killedragon

Ps: I dont put any music code to play, so there is no music actually in the SpeedRun video, is not because I capture it without sound, and also you doesn´t have your head-phones broken jaja XD ; Dont be confused because of it! "

I realy think this can be so nice :) :D Who´s your opinions, mods?

Edit: mod* : I realice about of that there is only 1 Roblox mod, so F Is not so much work for only 1 mod? Only to know lol

Basque CountryKilleDragon4 years ago

I dont know if this is tipical of the game, but with the letter "e", I can active an "auto fire", that do to be attacking all the time as fast as posible without do nothing. This is allowed?

The same with the letter "c", that active to be all the time spining, an "auto spin"

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