Virginia, USAJHobz6 years ago

Well, I can pretty much guarantee you that won't happen.

Why not just do another run? You can continue to use emulator as long as you don't use emulator-exclusive tools.

Virginia, USAJHobz6 years ago

Still don't know what you're looking for here. Are you trying to get your run re-verified?

You can try asking around other communities, but most are going to tell you that using emulator-specific tools are considered "tool assisted" runs and not allowed, even if it's not in their rules (take a look around most of the other Final Fantasy boards). You clearly didn't think that [i]all[/i] emulator functions were allowed or you would've done most of the run with turbo. If you had questions about what was and wasn't allowed that the rules weren't answering for you, you could've easily asked on the forums or in the public discord.

You brought attention to the fact that rules were "missing," and they were added. There's nothing more to be posting about regarding this subject.

Virginia, USAJHobz6 years ago

Idk what you're looking for here. The rules were updated to be more clear. That's really all that can be done. Your run won't magically be added just because the wording was missing for a rule that's pretty ubiquitous across most speedrun communities. It would be as if someone paused their timer and took an hour long break and tried to submit it because it wasn't explicitly disallowed; runs are generally RTA unless otherwise stated. Same situation here for emulator tools.

Virginia, USAJHobz7 years ago

I can't confirm or deny, but if you're talking about the jump on the narrow tree branch, it was always a minimal timesaver at best anyways (1 second max). Most runners don't even go for it.

Virginia, USAJHobz7 years ago

It's at the bottom, but it still removes the house.

Virginia, USAJHobz7 years ago

Yeah, it can be edited in post. You'll likely wanna run a timer locally anyways (for comparing during the run), so double check the final time there with the final time in the edited timer just to be sure your video isn't missing chunks.

Chris_95 المعجبون بهذا
Virginia, USAJHobz7 years ago

Reminder that you can run a game on emulator as long as you want before investing in a console. You don't need a leaderboard to speedrun.

abandon, TingTyphoon و 2 آخرون تُحب هذا
Virginia, USAJHobz7 years ago

Hi and welcome to running the game!

It's perfectly fine for you to add a timer to a locally recorded run via video editing software. I'd highly recommend running a timer locally on your computer during your runs anyways (which I'm guessing you're already going to be doing), in order to make sure your final time on the video matches what you got during the run.

As a side-note, if you really want to stream or not have to edit in a timer, I'd recommend trying out OBS and xSplit again with extremely low settings, reaching out to their respective websites for assistance. Often you can end up making one of the programs work even on very outdated hardware.

But again, adding the timer afterwards is perfectly acceptable too. If you have any further questions, don't hesitate to ask!

dgamefather و YaBoyBTrue تُحب هذا
موضوع: Portal 2
Virginia, USAJHobz7 years ago

I know the runner is trustworthy, but I think maybe the file itself was changed on the server or something because 2 different virus scanners identified it. Just wanted to give the heads-up.

Virginia, USAJHobz7 years ago

I like the idea, but instead of having the entire week to do it, what do you think about a short time when everyone's doing it at the same time? Like 15 minutes or an hour or even multiple bosses within an hour or something?

The reason I say it is because this reminds me a lot of Tropical Freeze IL rando races where they would have 15 minutes to get the best time they could in a level with a designated partner Kong. Would be kinda cool if a bunch of people just streamed at the same time and there was a random challenge like "Beat Dragon Maleficent as fast as possible without Stop" or something.

I guess this is actually a pretty substantially different idea, but whaddya think?

Timmiluvs المعجبون بهذا
موضوع: Portal 2
Virginia, USAJHobz7 years ago

FYI, both Chrome and Windows identified that file ^ as a virus, so a moderator may want to delete that post.

Virginia, USAJHobz7 years ago

Personally, I wouldn't want to see any of this get added if it were alongside the current stuff, as then there would be two slightly different categories one to which most people would latch onto, leaving the other useless. I think my thoughts on it were a little unclear in discord too I guess. Here's what I'd love to see:

All Stories requires tutorial, no influences from prior save data (meaning you have to pick up all the reports during the run). Includes all 3 character runs and final episode. Leave secret episode to RoD RTA. Two sub-categories for difficulty: "Any (or Mixed) difficulty" and "Critical Level 1." The former for speed, the latter for challenge.

Any% would remain exactly the same.

As for what to do with all of the current All Stories runs, I have no idea. Maybe you leave them as legacy if it's determined they could be beaten with the new rules, maybe you just delete them. I'm not a big fan of just splitting them into their own category just for the sake of keeping them around though, because it just sounds like another unnecessary category on the boards. Obviously the majority of runners would need to be on board with whatever decision was made regarding the current runs.

Virginia, USAJHobz7 years ago

Days was converted to a movie in the 1.5 collection, hence why it is omitted on the leaderboards.

موضوع: Kingdom Hearts
Virginia, USAJHobz7 years ago

Abandon in his post made the assumption that the only reason for the timer is to "make the mods' lives easier," as many others before him did. This is why I restated above and will do so again now:

Mod "ease of verification" is not a factor that was considered when adding ANY rule to the boards.

موضوع: Kingdom Hearts
Virginia, USAJHobz7 years ago

I don't think you even read the one you linked. Rebel clearly said: [quote]I originally spoke to toji in regards to this because I saw a couple of people trying extremely specific and complicated stream setups to prevent having to restream every single run for PS4 streamed runs specifically, i.e. streaming to another stream service then capturing the stream feed to stream it to twitch so they can have a timer on screen.

This is what first led me to think that the "timer being required" rule was being intrusive upon peoples enjoyment on speedrunning.[/quote]

So he was definitely directly referencing direct PS4 streaming. Please don't accuse me of not reading the posts; I read every single post on every single KH forum, some multiple times to be sure I'm understanding the writer.

موضوع: Kingdom Hearts
Virginia, USAJHobz7 years ago

[quote]I'm also caring about the case of people who get offline PBs, and then have to restream their runs to add a timer, in the process introducing errors in the video from Twitch's unreliable streaming and downgrading the video quality. This results in strictly worse videos being uploaded onto the leaderboard than if you just took their raws and timed it. The rule actively lowers the quality of submissions and makes those people waste their time to make their runs look worse for submissions.[/quote]

It is not a requirement at all that people stream their offline PBs. They can simply record their offline video with the timer on it initially, or add one in post via video editing software (many free versions of which are perfectly capable of doing so).

I've personally gotten several offline PBs that I simply uploaded to YouTube and submitted directly after, because I recorded them with a timer.

[quote]There is a post in this thread by someone who is not me who literally stated that he found it intrusive, so this clearly isn't a unanimous thought among the community.[/quote]

Can you please find that post and quote it directly? Every other one I read seemed to be talking about direct streaming from PS4.

موضوع: Kingdom Hearts
Virginia, USAJHobz7 years ago

We're going in circles here because at this point I'm just going to bring up computer crashes, CPU encoding overloads, and the fact that PS4 direct streamers (the only people who have a legitimate concern with the timer rule) often don't have capture cards so they can't local record.

You seem to be caring about the case of someone with all the hardware capabilities able to add a timer but doesn't want to for aesthetic reasons and not about the case of those with limited capabilities. I've already stated that we find a minimal timer to be non-intrusive enough to the aesthetic for those users that we're ok with requiring it. If you don't agree, then sorry.

موضوع: Kingdom Hearts
Virginia, USAJHobz7 years ago

Because placing a timer is incredibly easy and is up to the runner. Recording your stuff in one piece may be out of your control.

Additionally, the former can't cause a reset hours into a run, but the latter can.

موضوع: Kingdom Hearts
Virginia, USAJHobz7 years ago

[quote]If you have a computer made after the turn of the decade you can probably manage local recording.[/quote]

The inaccuracy of this statement is absurd. My own roommate, as an example, owns a Surface Pro purchased last year that is not powerful enough to local record in any distinguishable quality, but CAN stream.

Additionally, recording locally is not even relevant because the majority of people who are direct streaming from PS4 do so specifically because they do not have a capture card. Thus, they have no way of recording locally anyways.

[quote]The fact the entire proof standard for this series revolves around the inconsistencies of notoriously unreliable streaming and internet connections is really backwards.[/quote]

This makes it sound like we're bending over backwards for people in huts trying to use a stick as a satellite to get internet. Internet drops are a very common issue, as are the several other reasons for allowing multi-part videos that I mentioned in my previous post that you seem to be ignoring. If you haven't experienced any of these issues, consider yourself one of the lucky ones, but you're coming from a very biased standpoint.

موضوع: Kingdom Hearts
Virginia, USAJHobz7 years ago

Succinct, you're completely ignoring the fact that there can be skips in video. To give some hard numbers (these are real numbers, not made up for the sake of argument):

There is a run currently up for verification. By 30 seconds into the timestamp, the opening cutscene is already 20s ahead of the timestamp (it started at the same time). Without a timer, this would be a rejection; there is no way for us to verify the time. With a timer on screen, we could make sure the skips in the video are matching the skips in the timer.

I understand that you're proposing we reject any run that skips any amount of gameplay. I am informing you that this is not how we prefer to do things. Rejecting an 11 hour run due to a 10 second internet failure is incredibly harsh and is not welcoming at all to folks with worse internet connection speeds. Other communities are ok with rejecting and excluding runners with worse internet or computers. We are not. Period.

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