GermanyIschmarVI2 years ago

I finally found the motivation to time a few things in Sonny that I wanted to time for a long time. And then I decided to put them into a little video (although some of those were already known - but I decided to put them in anyways for completeness):

Suggestions, discussion, etc. are more then welcome :p

AzureStar المعجبون بهذا
GermanyIschmarVI2 years ago

So, after getting destroyed 30 times in a row I finally managed to pull off a 27:17 today ^-^ ... still not fully satisfied with the run so I will probably not upload it yet (really want at least sub 27 xD)

anyways ... while rewatching the video, I noticed, that I somehow managed to delete one of my items during a menu (that menu was a total disaster, I somehow even managed to open the options afterwards instead of saving, lol ... luckily I didn't somehow still have an item under the cursor because that would have been RIP run xD)

so this is the moment, where it happened. I afterwards recreated that "glitch" (which I believe to be the exact same oversight that also makes it possible to wear Veradux' armor) and it turns out that it doesn't affect your stats because the overwritten item is not equipped to anyone ... on the contrary, it actually ended up hurting me, because I hat to re-buy that armor for Baron (just to realize that I didn't even need it because it was the wrong survivor's item for my setup, lol)

But that made me wonder ... Sonny is a game where NOT activating glitches can be a challenge in itself sometimes. How do you feel about situations like these where someone accidentally triggers something that can theoretically be considered a glitch but it doesn't actually benefit them?

CreepyGar المعجبون بهذا
GermanyIschmarVI4 years ago

Well, should be self-explanatory. Considering, there is a glitch that basically allows you to skip the game, the difference between any% and any% glitchless should definitely be enough to justify them to be separate categories.

There is one little problem that needs to be addressed though before that split can be done. More specifically, there is one "minor glitch" that I used in my run, which is, deleting Items by "dragging" them out of the inventory and then entering the next fight. As this IS technically a glitch, it should thus not be allowed by definition of a glitchless category.

But then again, that glitch hardly affects anything and its only purpose is to (maybe?) safe a few seconds, so invalidating that run for that sole reason seems a bit extreme as well.

So that leaves us with two options for the new category.

  1. we call it "any% glitchless" and I have to make a new run (which is fine because I want to pick up this game again anyways and push for the sub 40)

  2. we call it "any% no major glitches" and allow that inventory glitch thing - this way, none of the runs have to be invalidated.

I personally would rather go with the first solution because its "cleaner" but both would be fine to me.

CreepyGar المعجبون بهذا
GermanyIschmarVI5 years ago

So, a while back I was thinking about how I could motivate myself to actually start running any% glitchless again (I made a few improvements that could theoretically save 2-3 minutes with near-perfect RNG) but then again, it's kinda frustrating having to reset over and over again due to enemies not dropping stuff. So I came to wonder about how the RNG in this game works and if there is a way to actually manipulate it.

But then again, Sonny is a flash game and chances are that it doesn't even have a standalone RNG and just uses the browser's/script language's one. In that case, there'd probably be no way to manipulate the RNG in a way that works identically on all systems.

Still ... I wonder if someone here knows how to break games open and actually check for such things. Because I definitely can't do that. :D

CreepyGar المعجبون بهذا
GermanyIschmarVI7 years ago

Just for clarifying the rules. If we talk about 100% does that mean that we are allowed to import new game+ data or not.

Or to put it more precisely: Are we forced to play no grind run (for the legend achievement) or not?

GermanyIschmarVI7 years ago

Currently, nothing mentions when the run starts and when it is finished . So my suggestion would be as follows:

any%: like it is already done. Timing starts upon confirming the options after class selection and ends when the "congratiulations" screen shows up.

any% glitchless: same as any%

100%: timing starts upon confirming options and ends when the victory screen after defeating sinjid shows up.

Current 100% videos (including my own submission) split after sinjid's or the last shadow's health was decreased to 0 but this can cause some inconsistency if teammates act after the kill or if you take damage over time. The resulting time difference can easily be adjusted for already existing videos (should add something like 2 seconds to the time)

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I am a person on the internet.
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