South Carolina, USAGreenDeathFlavor3 years ago

"i also picked up an onion instead of a 1-up" If you had already grabbed the 1-up, it'll become an onion after that

South Carolina, USAGreenDeathFlavor3 years ago

Had to be a first-frame grab since it's the only way to perform this glitch (that I know of). You get this by grabbing an item on the very first frame when a screen loads. The trick can be seen performed in top runs in 1-1 and 1-2.

South Carolina, USAGreenDeathFlavor6 years ago

I like the idea

I record my runs using amarec and lossless using a diamond vc500 cap card. So I can easily use your method to come up with a close enough time.

The difficult part is trying to get an accurate time on ilm's run, as the only video is a 60fps twitch highlight.

South Carolina, USAGreenDeathFlavor7 years ago

While this game may not have anywhere near the number of extra categories that SMW does (I lost count there), there are still a lot of different categories you can run in this game.

Any% and All Levels individual character runs All characters runs 1 Warp runs All Mushrooms runs etc.

So, would the best thing to do is add them all to misc. here or just start a separate board for extra categories?

Tebt_W المعجبون بهذا
South Carolina, USAGreenDeathFlavor7 years ago

I went ahead and added character-only leaderboards for all-stars. If, at any time, mods decide to have them all on one board you can remove them.

South Carolina, USAGreenDeathFlavor7 years ago

The whole thing with Mouser skip made things a bit tricky. I am in agreement that Mouser skip shouldn't be banned and I never noticed that it only records 19 in the end, but it makes sense. I had one idea of calling it "no warp vases". That, at least, makes it clear the run is just done without using the regular warps. All worlds is okay as well, it says all worlds must be played to complete the run.

South Carolina, USAGreenDeathFlavor7 years ago

There is a SMB2 channel in the Super Mario discord


موضوع: Super Mario Bros.
South Carolina, USAGreenDeathFlavor7 years ago

If I am not mistaken they updated that manually by editing the splits.

But, LiveSplit does have a counter feature which can work for your purpose.

South Carolina, USAGreenDeathFlavor8 years ago

Don't they all have one? I haven't used every emulator but the ones i have all had one.

South Carolina, USAGreenDeathFlavor8 years ago

One quick comment on the time. I saw how off the timer was off also so I downloaded the video off YouTube and opened it in Yua. Now, the video is only at 30 FPS but I took the video and started frame after start is pressed and ended frame after up is pressed at the door. The time I got from that was 8:27.0 so I'm of the opinion that the run is not a 8:26.

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