تشغيل: Quickie World
Pennsylvania, USAGlitchCat71 year ago

Congratulations, indeed on this awesome run! I've finally been bopped! I guess it's about time! Simply awesome gameplay the whole way through, and splendid optimization without missing a beat. I enjoyed my time on top, but for now the trophy passes to you! Enjoy your achievement!

Azula16_, DécioSpeedMaster, و RBMACHOK تُحب هذا
تشغيل: Quickie World
Pennsylvania, USAGlitchCat71 year ago

This is a spectacular run. In the future, I might be wishing you GG on a new world record. I think you can definitely get it. Good luck!

DécioSpeedMaster المعجبون بهذا
موضوع: Quickie World 2
Pennsylvania, USAGlitchCat72 years ago

Yes, I believe this would be fine provided that the game footage is clear throughout. Back in the day that's all people had for recording, so no problem!

pzyko103 و Alpi_91 تُحب هذا
موضوع: Cool Spot (SNES)
Pennsylvania, USAGlitchCat72 years ago

Hi! As of right now, there were no other categories added because nobody seemed to have an interest in running them. "Easy" has the lowest cool point requirement, making the routing fast and the smoothing out the choppy platforming a little bit. I would be happy to add other categories if there is interest from runners.

موضوع: Cool Spot (SNES)
Pennsylvania, USAGlitchCat73 years ago

Not a problem! I'll give the other mods some time to weigh in if they want to, but I don't see any issue with tracking 'normal' and 'difficult'. The ruleset would be the same. When I get another free moment here, I'll update things a bit so that it's helpful for everybody. In the past, it was assumed there wasn't a lot of interest in 'normal' or 'difficult' modes of the speedrun since they just require the player to collect more cool points, but don't let me tell you what's fun! I'd be personally interested to see what sorts of routing and runs folks come up with - more power to you! If there's anything else we'd like to discuss about the ruleset or new tracks before they get added, please feel free to do so here.

GrantWhoPlaysGames المعجبون بهذا
موضوع: Cool Spot (SNES)
Pennsylvania, USAGlitchCat73 years ago

Hello! Sorry for the slow reply to this post. You mentioned your challenge run was coming up soon, would you still like Normal and Difficult tracked? There had been no interest in running them before but personally I wouldn't have a problem with tracking them with the same ruleset. Other mods here could chime in as well.

موضوع: Cool Spot (SNES)
Pennsylvania, USAGlitchCat73 years ago

Huh, I wasn't aware that Cool Spot on NES wasn't tracked. Unfortunately it's a different game altogether than this SNES version, so we're not gonna be much help here. Sorry! Good news though, here's the speedrun.com "request game" link, it should be able to help you out. https://www.speedrun.com/knowledgebase/requesting-a-game

موضوع: Return to Subcon
Pennsylvania, USAGlitchCat75 years ago

So here's my thought. We open up any% to allow all these tricks. Suicide code allowed, continues mid-game allowed, etc. We can then create an "all levels / warpless" category for folks who want to do the levels as intended. We can change the "no continues" rule to just "all games must start a by selecting 'new game'.

CritRocket, AndrewG و 2 آخرون تُحب هذا
موضوع: Return to Subcon
Pennsylvania, USAGlitchCat75 years ago

This strat was recently discovered. As of right now, continues are not allowed to start a game. Would the community be in favor of removing that stipulation in order to allow this strat in the any% run?

esmo88, AndrewG, و EthanRTA تُحب هذا
موضوع: Return to Subcon
Pennsylvania, USAGlitchCat75 years ago

Please use this thread to discuss any changes or improvements we could make to the rule set for this game, and to suggest new categories!

موضوع: Return to Subcon
Pennsylvania, USAGlitchCat75 years ago

This is a ROM hack of SMB2 USA made by GlitchCat7 using SMB2 Edit by Dtothefourth. If you're interested in getting this game for yourself, please follow the link. This is NOT a ROM download, you'll have to find that on your own. The download file contains all you'll need to play as well as a readme with patching instructions and a DPS utility to patch with. Hope you enjoy it and good luck on your runs!


موضوع: Quickie World
Pennsylvania, USAGlitchCat75 years ago

IIRC this hack will work on SNES mini but I haven't personally tested it. Not a lot of major custom ASM or a death counter to mess things up. Worth a shot!

RBMACHOK و Deathwysh تُحب هذا
نبذة عن GlitchCat7
تاريخ الانضمام
7 years ago
عبر الإنترنت
29 days ago
جولات سريعة
الألعاب المُجراة
Quickie World
Quickie World
آخر سجل 5 years ago
جولات سريعة
Cool Spot (SNES)
Cool Spot (SNES)
آخر سجل 6 years ago
جولات سريعة
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Super Sheffy World
آخر سجل 5 years ago
جولات سريعة
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جولات سريعة
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Quickie World 2
آخر سجل 5 years ago
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جولات سريعة
الألعاب المتابَعة
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آخر زيارة 1 month ago
Cool Spot (SNES)
Cool Spot (SNES)
آخر زيارة 7 months ago
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آخر زيارة 29 days ago
Return to Subcon
Return to Subcon
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آخر زيارة 1 year ago
الألعاب التي يُشرف عليها
Return to Subcon
Return to Subcon
آخر حدث 2 years ago
Quickie World
Quickie World
آخر حدث 2 years ago
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