غير معروف
Pennsylvania, USAElipsis1 month ago

Setting up that many ILs is a giant pain in the ass, thanks for picking up the work.

UnwantedWinter و lackattack تُحب هذا
Pennsylvania, USAElipsis1 year ago

Congrats on your first run! <3

LRock617 المعجبون بهذا
Pennsylvania, USAElipsis1 year ago

I saw your run come through and after looking into the game differences, I had to break out a new category for mobile. Artifacts apparently don't exist at all on the desktop version, so the runs aren't comparable.

تشغيل: Cyborg Justice
Pennsylvania, USAElipsis2 years ago


تشغيل: Cyborg Justice
Pennsylvania, USAElipsis2 years ago


موضوع: Cyborg Justice
Pennsylvania, USAElipsis2 years ago

I hope you are ready to party like it's 2001, because this is what I used: https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/genesis/586126-cyborg-justice/faqs/2771

SpaceCoastGaming المعجبون بهذا
تشغيل: Marble Race
Pennsylvania, USAElipsis2 years ago


تشغيل: Lumione
Pennsylvania, USAElipsis2 years ago

Finally, a Breakdown IL!

Pennsylvania, USAElipsis2 years ago

I really didn't think this game would ever get released. I'm so happy.

Chottue و yelsraek تُحب هذا
تشغيل: Marble Race
Pennsylvania, USAElipsis2 years ago

yo, nice

JelloThereMate1 المعجبون بهذا
موضوع: River City Ransom
Pennsylvania, USAElipsis2 years ago

If you make it Yels, I'm there.

Seirea المعجبون بهذا
تشغيل: Marble Race
Pennsylvania, USAElipsis2 years ago

lol that video title. GG! I'll come for you after SGDQ.

موضوع: Where's an Egg?
Pennsylvania, USAElipsis2 years ago

Ya know, I like this idea also but I think we need to be more clear about what the "no guessing" rule means. I'll think about that but I will create it soon.

موضوع: Where's an Egg?
Pennsylvania, USAElipsis2 years ago


موضوع: Lumione
Pennsylvania, USAElipsis2 years ago

Understood, thanks for working with me on this. I have converted your run over to the IL table so you should find yourself there. Looks like you had an older run that was single segment, so that one came back up on the leaderboard when I removed the segmented one.

موضوع: Lumione
Pennsylvania, USAElipsis2 years ago

Oh man, I never realized that any of the runs in the full game category were segmented, thanks for pointing that out!

Being honest, even reading their rules now I don't get the impression that the submission can be done from multiple attempts and segments... but while I have half a mind to delete the run from the leaderboard, that feels disrespectful somehow because all of your stuff was there long before I took over moderation.

How would you feel about me taking your segmented run out of Any% and putting you up on the 5 IL instead? You won't have to resubmit, I'll take care of everything on my end.

موضوع: Lumione
Pennsylvania, USAElipsis2 years ago

Greetings fellow Lumione runners! I petitioned to be added as a moderator a few days ago after a few of my own runs were left unverified for several weeks. When I got moderator access I discovered a run sitting unverified all the way back from November 2021, so they really seem to have checked out completely.

It's really cool that the dev. team tried to build their own leaderboard, but from their choices it's clear that they didn't have a lot of experience with speedrun.com, so I'm making some immediate changes in order to make the leaderboard more attractive and less frustrating to use.

Although I moderate a fair number of games I've never asked to "take over" a leaderboard from someone else before, so to be fully transparent I wanted to document everything I changed.

  1. Removing milliseconds. Literally zero of the runs so far submitted have milliseconds as anything other than *.000, nor does the in-game timer allow us to see milliseconds anyway.

  2. Changing individual chapters from "Misc." categories to individual levels. This is precisely what the IL list is supposed to be used for, so it's odd that the devs put these in as separate full game categories.

  3. The new ILs will now have both Any% and 100% categories. Previously there was no category for 100% (All Star) individual chapter times.

  4. Removing "Real time without loads" as the primary category. In fact, removed it altogether. Nobody seemed to have been bothering to try to retime runs with loads removed, and I think having three different times was just confusing everyone. Moving forward there will just be "real time" and "in game time".

  5. Adding "Prologue" to ILs because why not have a complete set.

  6. Renaming categories to Any% and 100% to fall in line with speedrunning conventions. The old categories names will still be in parenthesis.


  1. The original rules from the developers currently remain in place. I feel like there is a cleaner and more clear way to rewrite these, but I will take that on later.

  2. There's a bug in chapter 3 where the in game timer stops incrementing (and hides), this is annoying because the IGT seems wonderfully accurate for every other chapter. I don't have an immediate plan for how to handle runs where this happens, so it's still up for discussion.

  3. Anything else the nascent Lumione community is interested in seeing happen with the leaderboards is now up for discussion, so please reach out to me or start a thread if I'm missing something!

Lilayah المعجبون بهذا
Pennsylvania, USAElipsis2 years ago

I don't think I was super careful about the RTAs when I verified some of these since we were primarily using IGT, but if we want to go back and retime the RTAs I'm for that.

Also I feel like it might make sense to bring in another moderator who is more knowledgeable about this game than me. I was the first runner but I have one of the worst runs.

موضوع: Where's an Egg?
Pennsylvania, USAElipsis2 years ago

We'll framecount it regardless.

AstroPug المعجبون بهذا
نبذة عن Elipsis
تاريخ الانضمام
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