FinlandDoominPelailiaUcko10 months ago

I was convinced that the gameplay is same on both machines. Now that I actually went back to PAL, I noticed a clear difference on timing.

Two minute shift on airport. On PAL the cart makes three full passes and one quick one. On NTSC it makes exactly three passes.

It seems that NTSC would actually need another leaderboard like you suggested. Simple time conversion does not seem enough.

I think I will go back to PAL for now.

FinlandDoominPelailiaUcko10 months ago

Congrats MilkToast for the new WR. It gave me a reason to get back to this game.

I've been previously wondering why work time doesn't match real time. So I changed my Vice emulator model setting to NTSC and now it matches. The same .d64 file works on both settings.

On PAL one work minute is 72 seconds so it's the same amount of frames (50 vs. 60 fps).

I know this is kind of joke category so this is not mentioned on the rules at all. If I upload NTSC run, would it be allowed? Obviously time would have to be converted.

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