Glamorganshire, WalesDanger_Sense5 years ago

So after reading some forum posts by many different people askimg for many different things. Some outlining tests and so on and so fourth.

This if you do not be careful will end up being like Resident Evil 7. People will come get one run on NG+ and leave. Seriously. We need to be so so careful with this because this will die. So so quickly. Resident Evil Speedruns game and went fast so so fast.

So as a person who loves Resident Evil 2 Remake I beg any who read this to listen carefully... Please.

So Cap the game at a max of 120. In 2019 people should have good enough PCs to find a way to optimise to 120 fps. As someone who plays consoles. Capping PCs at 60fps wouls be an insult to this game to the PC speedrunning community. If you cap it at 60 what is the point of speedrunning on PC. The point of a speedrun isn't to pander to people its about going fast and technical limitations of a goddamn small ammount of people who won't even try to 120fps is stupid. Needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.

Now yes I know I am not some big shot speedrunner with a powerful PC. Im a console peasant simple as that and even I can see that this is so so stupid.

If you Cap it as 60fps not only do you go against the very basics of Speedrunning aka going fast. You invalidate somewhere over 100. 200 maybe even 300 hours of hard work put into these sub hour runs.

So don't kill this game before its even had a chance because some one off runners dont want to play at a slightly worse quality becaus they are lazy.

James Llewellyn. Console Pleb. Signing Out.

P.S. Cap it at 120 be smart about this and DO NOT PANDER to a small percentage of the community.

نبذة عن Danger_Sense
تاريخ الانضمام
5 years ago
عبر الإنترنت
5 years ago
جولات سريعة
الألعاب المتابَعة
Resident Evil 2
Resident Evil 2 (2019)
آخر زيارة 5 years ago