موضوع: Speedrunning
Cyan_Light6 years ago

Regarding the competition angle, speedrunning is different from "normal" forms of racing in that the competitors aren't racing at the same time but rather comparing their absolute best runs from whenever those runs might have occurred. What this means is that you can't actually gain an advantage by using a skip before other people get a chance to, whether you allow them to have the same knowledge as you before or after you put up your best effort with the skip it will still be your best effort and whether their best effort happens earlier or later will still be their best effort... so in the end it's the exact same. You might get to hold onto the WR for a few extra weeks but that's an illusory accomplishment, if they eventually beat you then it's functionally identical to them having already beaten you.

In short, add to the information pool of games whenever possible because it's good for the community and doesn't actually hurt you in any way. At the end of the day you're still going to need to put in the work to execute it better than the others once they also learn the new route. The one possible exception of this could be race events but holding off on using a skip long enough to debut it in a race seems like an uncommon enough thing to not be worth thinking about, if you discover something right before a race then sure keep it secret and let the surprise factor add to the hype but otherwise just spread the word.

kyten44 المعجبون بهذا
Cyan_Light6 years ago

I am a luddite and have no idea where you want me to DM you but if you just post the codes here I'll have a look at it. A short run might be a fun way to ease back into grinding OoT.

موضوع: Speedrunning
Cyan_Light6 years ago

There are so many Mario runners yet it's been hard to gather attention for "games" made within Mario Maker. The Ocarina of Time remake in particular needs runners, it's a great run with a lot of skips (and probably many more we haven't found yet) but our tiny community hasn't been able to do it justice yet. The optimal time is at least a third of my "world record," basically anyone with platforming experience should be able to go snag that with minimal effort. I keep meaning to make time to grind it myself but I was sick through the holidays, then working through stuff in the new year and excuses excuses excuses... someone please come motivate us to do things. This game deserves a clean deathless WR from somebody.

A lot of the levels are non-linear and the route has a lot of little skips to learn but it shouldn't be difficult at all to pick up just from watching since it's all just movement, no weird tech to learn. I've also been meaning to make a tutorial explaining the route so far as a way to maybe bring in some new runners but if I can't even find the time to grind I can't find the time to put something like that together. So maybe "soon."


Seydie المعجبون بهذا
موضوع: Super Mario Maker
Cyan_Light6 years ago

I'm one of the people running Wombat's game and can vouch that it is actually a solid run, we're still finding skips and optimizing movement to the extent that while it is far from a "solved" game there is a very obvious different between the routes a speedrunner and a casual player will take. It's also been in development for over a year, his levels were the first ones that introduced me to idea that actual speedrunning could be done in SMM that wasn't just "try to figure out the exact inputs I used to upload this 40 second level." I'd love to see the community for this game grow, we had a 4-way race the other week but I'm not sure how active it has been since then and without the ability to gain exposure anywhere it will probably fizzle and die. And that's pretty sad, right?

What's the difference between something like this and a romhack anyway? I'm a huge fan of you and Dode and love everything you're doing for that community. Dram 2 has four names on the leaderboard though, Panga World has three and Kaizo Mario World 3 has literally just Dode. Clearly we can agree that those runs have a place on this site, right? And wouldn't it be awesome to promote similar pseudogames from within the SMM community? You say 100 miles long like that's a bad thing but that's exactly the world I've wanted to live in since getting the game and am ecstatic that people are finally making it a reality.

I know you're a busy dude but check out the vod of a much better runner than me tearing through this game during our race if you have the time, it might change your mind as to the legitimacy of it as a run (although maybe if you aren't already familiar with the levels a lot of the skips may not be obvious without commentary):

TheWombatOfDoom المعجبون بهذا
موضوع: Super Mario Maker
Cyan_Light7 years ago

I think it should really depend on the quantity of "games" we expect people to run in the future. My gut says that it should be handled how SMW handles romhacks, which is to add them as separate games that link back to the original. However, SMW obviously has a tad more than one or two romhacks these days so it would be insanity trying to cram them all on the original page which makes that necessary. In two years of SMM I've been aware of about 4-5 completed "games" within it and only heard of people speedrunning two, if that number isn't expected to grow by much then we could have one of those "misc" drop down tabs on the leaderboard that ends up containing all of these games. It makes it easier for people interested in speedrunning things in SMM to actually find "games" with communities but has the downside that if the high visibility of Super Warp World sparks a large wave of these things (which I hope it does) there might be more work later in separating all the games back out into their own pages.

So the optimistic path and the one that somewhat follows precedent is new game entries but I don't know how much more work that is than just maintaining what may end up being 5-8 extra runs here.

Vallu المعجبون بهذا
موضوع: Box Life
Cyan_Light8 years ago

Fair enough, thanks for looking into it. Should I go request the addition then or how is this normally done? I'm still fairly new to the site, haven't done anything other than post a couple runs.

موضوع: Box Life
Cyan_Light8 years ago

Hey all, not sure how active this community is but I just got Boxlife in this past summer sale and when searching for speedrun records all I could find were these which appear to be for an earlier iteration of the game. Does anyone run the new version and if so where would those times be found? Since there doesn't appear to be an entry on this site should we make a new game page entirely or would it be easier to make some new categories?

Just checking to see if there is any interest out there. Speedrunning is always a good time but without a community it does tend to lose quite a bit.

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