Curaga4 years ago

Hey all,

I'm new to the community, but practiced this game a while back. Used to use controller, but always had a tough time finding a good one.

I decided to experiment and use keyboard. To my amazement, I actually love it - but it's very questionable because I can press 2 opposite directionals at the same time. I noticed 2 things this affects

-It allows me to moonwalk to the Left or Up.

-I also learned while trying to pump up stairs, if you hold LEFT and RIGHT while going up or down stairs with superspeed, you actually can superspeed up the stairs

I'm pretty sure this isn't going to be legal, but I'm really having fun with this and don't really want to go back to controller as they're hard to find and wear out easily

I'm wondering if I can nerf my keyboard to only allow one directional at a time. Any Objections?

Edit: I've decided to only pump in one direction when going up stairs, because using both Left & Right directionals one after the other at a fast rate is way to easy to press both at the same time. I really want to continue using keyboard so I'll nerf myself

نبذة عن Curaga
تاريخ الانضمام
4 years ago
عبر الإنترنت
4 years ago
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