CanadaCloverbugged3 years ago

i have no idea how the save file format works lol i want to do chapter 4 practice runs and the rules say they require a chapter 3 save file. the resources don't seem to have any instructions on how to make/obtain this however, and i'm not sure if i feel like playing through 30 minutes of the game just for a few chapter runs or risk corrupting my save file.

Tunnelmannen المعجبون بهذا
CanadaCloverbugged3 years ago

As of now, boards only have 2 options for millisecond timing: have it on for every run in every category, or have it off for every run in every category. I think it'd be better if there were more options for milliseconds, such as:

-An option to make milliseconds show on the leaderboard page for only second ties, and otherwise only show on the run page itself. -An option to make it so only moderators can add milliseconds to run times

The former comes from an issue we ran into with a game I moderate. In the past, there have been several WR and top-level ties. Almost every time there's been a WR tie, the time displayed at the top of the boards was not the actual fastest run, since ties are displayed in the order of submission time and not run time. We could add milliseconds to them, but when the tie was broken there would still be milliseconds displayed for an untied run, which made it looked cluttered and out of place with the rest of the untied runs on the leaderboard. We could remove the milliseconds from that run once untied, but then it would mess up the run history (mainly thinking of the WR progression graph, and also that feature that lets you see the leaderboard as it was in the past). We could retime every run to have milliseconds, but that would require going through thousands of runs over the years and retiming all of them manually, along with slowing down the verification of newer runs by a lot. This suggestion would make it so that milliseconds would display on the run when it is tied, but not when it is untied, therefore making it fit with the rest of the untied runs on the board. It would also not mess with the run history, since the MS would still be there and would be displayed if you go back to when it was tied.

There could also be an option to not display MS on the leaderboard page at all. This would still solve the issue with tied runs being displayed out of order.

The latter comes from another issue I've observed leaderboard have in the past, where runners would submit their own (often inaccurate) millisecond times for runs that didn't need them. We could remove the milliseconds ourselves just fine, but having the option not be there would reduce confusion for runners submitting runs. This one isn't really needed, it's more of a minor suggestion.

I hope I worded these suggestions correctly, and I hope they're considered by the staff. Sorry for the massive post, I wanted to get my thoughts out fully.

GMP و vardemir تُحب هذا
CanadaCloverbugged5 years ago

will it be wiped clean? will "chapters 1-5" be split off into a separate category?

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