New Jersey, USACarpenter4 years ago

I mostly agree with Morse on this but I've told the other mods that I'm not going to get involved in making decisions for steam version rules since I don't compete and don't intend to ever compete on this version. That's also why I demoted myself to normal mod on here. I don't think I have any say outside consoles and the only reason I'm on this board at all is in case they ever need help with making edits to the board again.

New Jersey, USACarpenter4 years ago

Most people are using controller for most of the game and will pause at certain points to switch to K&M. The biggest example is for merchants since you can scroll through the menus very quickly with the mouse wheel but it's also used for the advantages of faster and steadier aiming at many points in the run. I would recommend watching Frenchie and Yuushi to see where they use K&M. Using it for most of the things they use it for is highly recommended. Besides for that, it's theoretically better to just use K&M only for the whole run but that's only realistic if you're someone who is very accustomed to playing with it already. That was the case for MikeWave and he's the only person to ever effectively use K&M only for speedruns

mikunodisappear و JProphetZA تُحب هذا
New Jersey, USACarpenter4 years ago

I applied my merging idea for the segmented categories and also for All Treasures and Major Treasures. I probably wont do it for anything else, there are problems I didn't consider that make it much more work than it's worth. I also did remove some stuff that I doubt would get any interest. One other thing I'll probably do is move the Village categories to level leaderboard and also add NG+ Castle and Island there. I wont add NG for Castle/Island since you would have freedom to make any inventory and it would just become NG+ lite lol

Blucker12 المعجبون بهذا
New Jersey, USACarpenter4 years ago

I might not have a problem getting rid of a few, we'll see. Keep in mind a few have actually been done and just have no submissions, hacked keys is an example. I got rid of Treadmill% already, that actually did have a run done of it years ago is why it was on there but the video of that run wasn't complete so I just did away with it since I don't see anyone else ever doing that lol.

Now I've seen a lot of suggestions for new categories that are reasonable ideas, I just don't want there to be like 50 categories, not that it would even matter though tbh. I'm thinking the solution is to merge some categories. What I mean by that is this: for example, we have "NG+ Glitchless" and "NG Glitchless", these could be made into one category just called "Glitchless" and then that category could have 2 sub categories, NG+ and NG. If I do this, it would be an effective way to add a lot of new categories while not actually adding that many, maybe even having less in the end after I merge some existing ones.

Blucker12 المعجبون بهذا
New Jersey, USACarpenter4 years ago

That's fine as long as it's just for removing laser or changing color

Blucker12 و WagnerBrasil تُحب هذا
New Jersey, USACarpenter4 years ago

monkaS that's a lot of categories. I'll add them if anyone does a run of them first. If you do one, just message me on discord or wherever to let me know

WagnerBrasil المعجبون بهذا
New Jersey, USACarpenter4 years ago

Fields got it right, don't take CE to seriously. I actually did have a lot more stuff separated at first but I changed it because it was ridiculous how many subcategories there were that way. The intent of how I have it set up now is to consolidate so that we can actually see the few runs that there are on one page. From there, if you want to see what the times are for specific versions, you can use the filters (believe it or not that's how the main RE4 board used to be set up years ago monkaS) I combined some difficulties for the same reason and you can still see the difficulty that was used in its own column. Also to clarify the reason Normal and Pro are not merged for NG categories like I did for NG+ is just so that Pro doesn't become obsolete since it's the most popular difficulty for NG. I did keep sub categories for the segmented categories since those are runs that really push what is possible on each version and I plan to submit a bunch of segmented runs that have been done, so we'll actually have something to look at for most of those versions when I do that. In summary though, in general category extensions should not be viewed as something competitive, these boards are just a place to put up runs for lots of the fun miscellaneous stuff you can do in RE4 and as such, I've tried to organize it in a way focused on actually seeing a list of the runs and what has been done rather than putting focus on comparing them in a competitive sense.

@Kromer feel free to translate if you want, your call =P

Windmill, WagnerBrasil, و Kromer تُحب هذا
New Jersey, USACarpenter4 years ago

Since it would be very easy to not notice them, I just wanted to let everyone know that I added some new categories that were requested. 1-1 Blindfolded, NG No Laser, SW No Merchant

Blucker12 و witchakorn تُحب هذا
New Jersey, USACarpenter4 years ago

This is a good point I didn't consider. For Major Treasures you could just get alternative ones like Ben said (unless there are others without duplicates I'm not thinking of?) but for All Treasures you would just be getting all that are available based on the difficulty.

J_Dolan و BenSpeedRun تُحب هذا
New Jersey, USACarpenter4 years ago

Yes and you can use the striker for ditman, you can equip any item besides your chosen weapon as long as you don't use anything else as a weapon

New Jersey, USACarpenter4 years ago

Yes absolutely, on NG you can upgrade your chosen weapon as much as you want in the merchant and on NG+ obviously you can have it fully upgraded at the start of the run.

WagnerBrasil المعجبون بهذا
New Jersey, USACarpenter4 years ago

Yes for both NG+ and NG you are allowed to equip anything you want as long as you don't use it as a weapon.

WagnerBrasil المعجبون بهذا
New Jersey, USACarpenter4 years ago

Also there's absolutely no benefit to saving in a single segment run anyway and it'll even lose some time for that matter so yeah, it's basically just to guarantee no one can even try to pass off a segmented as an SS

Kromer, Democritus3 و 3 آخرون تُحب هذا
New Jersey, USACarpenter4 years ago

It can vary depending on the category and who is available. Keep in mind a lot of people were at SGDQ, I did see your run but I'm not usually the one to check no merchant

TrichaelMan, BenSpeedRun, و MikeWave تُحب هذا
New Jersey, USACarpenter4 years ago

Sorry for the inconvenience, we recently did require that all PC runs have recording due to it being hard to verify load remover details without this. Do you have all of the visual settings turned down in the game? If not, that may make enough of a difference to prevent crashing and either way it will improve your loads so I highly recommend that if you haven't already.

If none of that is enough to prevent crashes, the only other thing I could suggest is recording your game play with a camera or phone. If you do go this route, just keep in mind that you must have your timer visible on the recording as well.

Nex المعجبون بهذا
New Jersey, USACarpenter5 years ago

That's the result of your position being wrong, usually it's because you need to step a little further back but it can happen for other reasons sometimes too

Democritus3 و Lestaku-senpai تُحب هذا
New Jersey, USACarpenter5 years ago

Now that all the runs from the old RE4 leaderboard (now the console board) have been transferred to this new board, I have deleted all Steam runs from the console board. We only transferred everyone's personal best runs however so all obsolete runs that were stored on the other board are now gone. If for any reason you want your obsolete runs to be stored here, simply submit them to this board.

New Jersey, USACarpenter5 years ago

Basically all console times that were submitted after LRT was a column are the ones that are messed up and not showing for some reason so obsolete runs from before LRT are showing. For example, my Xbox 360 NG+ PB is 1:25:20, which was submitted after LRT was introduced but the board shows 1:25:45 because that's what my PB was before LRT was a column

Pear و Kromer تُحب هذا
New Jersey, USACarpenter5 years ago

I should have made a post about it actually but we've been aware that the console boards are messed up. It's because of LRT becoming the timing method for PC, it effected other things too. There's basically no way to fix it so we're actually working on making an entirely separate SRcom page for PC since it pretty much has totally different rules from consoles at this point

Pear, SeemNome و 2 آخرون تُحب هذا
New Jersey, USACarpenter5 years ago

We have plans to make sub categories for every version of the game eventually, much like RE2 and RE3 have currently

adrihime و IndraDaikatsuki تُحب هذا
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