Ohio, USABoosius1 year ago

Hey! I did a run of "Max Score" which is just getting the score card to overflow back to 0 after getting a score of 999999 with a time of 2:32:39.

I know for a fact my run is beatable and i think it'd be fun if others were able to do runs of it. This is entirely the choice of the moderators but i think it might be fun to see.

link to run:

Ohio, USABoosius3 years ago

I've discovered a version of Mr. Do! for the Colecovision console. I would like if this was listed as a category as well as adding it as a console. It looks very similar to the SNES version. https://cvaddict.com/images/screenshots/1088.png https://cvaddict.com/images/screenshots/265.png

Also if you want to find an emulator and rom of this game just search for them, they're insanely easy to find.

Ohio, USABoosius3 years ago

I had raced Luigi's Picture Poker with a friend a few days ago to 1k coins and it was very fun. I was wondering if maybe we could have Luigi's Picture poker as it's own category with 1k, 5k, and 10k endgoals. You could also maybe do a run getting to a certain star amount such as 30, 70, or 120 stars. I was told to ask here because it was not allowed to have it's own page. I would greatly appreciate if this could be a new category on this page. Thank you!

grnts, Keeto18 و 2 آخرون تُحب هذا
Ohio, USABoosius6 years ago

So I was doing some 1 loop runs and I came across a gem. Not knowing what it did, I walked into it and I got an instant win. This definitely shouldn't be for any normal category but perhaps a new one. Gem Win? I have another video with a faster time.

Ohio, USABoosius6 years ago
  1. Can I be a moderator for this game? I think it will be easier on everyone if there is another mod.

  2. I'm making some themes for this game's page.

Ohio, USABoosius6 years ago

I won't actually post this because I don't have video but I played on an actual 3ds the last two days and got this time. Day 1: from 1:28 am to 2:43 am Day 2: from 11:31 pm to 12:36 am I've done the math and... Day 1: 1:15 Day 2: 1:05 Total: 2:20

I'm somewhat proud of this and will improve over time. I did mess around a lot.

P.s. jealous Critical?

Ohio, USABoosius6 years ago

i was thinking of something like least jumps or least wall turns.

Ohio, USABoosius6 years ago

can someone say the order in which to get items and enter locations because i have a short attention span and cannot remember all of this stuff on my own.

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nae nae i shant
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