Texas, USA0hMalleyCat8 months ago

I'm assuming that PC is probably faster than console, which I was looking to start running. Have you guys discussed separating PC and Xbox on the leaderboard, so they don't have to compete directly on the same board? If so, thoughts?

موضوع: The Thing
Texas, USA0hMalleyCat8 months ago

I’m also curious about running the Xbox version, but wondering if console runs would even stand a chance on the boards. Is there any knowledge of the time differences between the versions?

موضوع: Inside
Texas, USA0hMalleyCat1 year ago

I noticed there wasn’t a glitchless Any% board. I’m not a part of this SR community, but is this something that’s been talked about? Seems like it’d be a fun category, and I would certainly run it! Just beating all the puzzles as intended as quick as possible.

موضوع: Moomin's Tale
Texas, USA0hMalleyCat3 years ago

Cool! Maybe it's a frame perfect input? Maybe it has something to do with something invisible being there in the level that let you jump off it? Post here if you figure more out!

Texas, USA0hMalleyCat3 years ago

Oh dang, was he involved in the drama?

موضوع: Flower
Texas, USA0hMalleyCat3 years ago

Only if there’s skill involved in getting through the credits. Tbh I can’t remember if there is

موضوع: Flower
Texas, USA0hMalleyCat3 years ago

I would also like to propose maybe changing the categories to just: Any% and 100%, with each having a variable for PS3/PS4/PC.

Charybdis2 المعجبون بهذا
موضوع: Flower
Texas, USA0hMalleyCat3 years ago

I am in agreement (with myself and you)

Charybdis2 المعجبون بهذا
Texas, USA0hMalleyCat3 years ago

As mentioned in the description of my Gina IL I just uploaded: I ended the time for said run at the beginning of the final cut-scene, while EmberPinball split his run at the end of the cut-scene. I'm up for re-timing either one, and making either one the official way to time, but I thought I'd share my thoughts on it --

All the Any% runs so far have been split after the final cut-scene, when the credits begin. I think this is correct and that we should continue doing this, since it's the full game's run, and the length of the final cut-scenes will differ depending on which characters you befriended... Whereas with ILs, I've been doing the final split at the beginning of the final cut-scene, since I consider the Event Path fulfilled upon seeing the first frame of this final cut-scene required for a given Path.

I'm not sure if that's a very good argument, and like I said, I'm up for doing it either way and would be fine with re-timing all my ILs, I just thought I'd start the talk since these rules haven't been defined yet.

DezertPenguin8 و EmberPinball تُحب هذا
Texas, USA0hMalleyCat4 years ago

Dang, I deleted all my IL runs because I thought they were worthless; didn’t realize there was a board for them until this week!

There are three other categories I’d like to propose adding to the leaderboard:

Any% - Alice (Best Ending) — requires raising 50,000 G, as well as completing all the Mecha Events. I will run this very soon.

All Events — currently routing this one out, and will try my first attempt(s) after I come back from a trip this weekend.

All Power Berries — I’ve run this one a few times and think it’s ready for the leaderboard!

DezertPenguin8 و EmberPinball تُحب هذا
موضوع: Harvest Moon 64
Texas, USA0hMalleyCat4 years ago

Just tried running a new version of the New Year's Festival run with the bachelors attending, and it was like 3 times as long as before. This run will need some work, but it is a fun puzzle to figure out.

Since this is kind of a "potential run" thread now, here's one I just ran: All Tools Upgraded in 1:02:02. An extremely tedious run (and I messed up several small things), but if anyone is willing to try it again, minutes could probably be shaved off.

موضوع: Harvest Moon 64
Texas, USA0hMalleyCat4 years ago

I like this! Challenge accepted. I also like the idea of getting the bachelors to appear being a necessary part of the New Years run, and will re-run accordingly!

Demo المعجبون بهذا
موضوع: Harvest Moon 64
Texas, USA0hMalleyCat4 years ago

Hey all, just ran a potential new category and wanted to put it up for consideration to the community. I present to you: the "Win The Drinking Contest" category. Here's my run in 27:05. The route is pretty secure, but the time could probably be improved upon.

ROUTE: -- Sleep until Spring 23, go to the Flower Festival, buy the bottle from Rick, dance ASAP. -- The next day, go to the vineyard and drink 28 bottles of wine in the cellar. -- Sleep until Spring 1st of the next year, go to the New Year's festival, outdrink everyone. -- Timer stops after you leave the festival and the prompt on the black screen appears.

موضوع: Harvest Moon 64
Texas, USA0hMalleyCat4 years ago

A couple other useless notes about the black space, which I know you guys already know, but I’ll put on record here anyway:

  • you can ride your horse into the black space as well.

  • on the day your wife gives birth, you can use the black space to leave your farm, when you otherwise cannot.

  • the supply of wood you’ve found in the corner, OddTom, is really just your wood supply in the bin by the chicken coop, not a separate source of endless wood. There’s another spot like this in black space, on the far side of the farm, by the chicken coop.

Demo المعجبون بهذا
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