تشغيل: Golden Axe
European Union01garland014 months ago

Congrats on sub 11! Good luck with sub 10

تشغيل: Golden Axe
European Union01garland015 months ago

Congrats on sub 12, huge PB!

تشغيل: Golden Axe
European Union01garland016 months ago

Congrats on the PB!

تشغيل: Golden Axe
European Union01garland016 months ago

Congrats on the PB!

موضوع: Golden Axe
European Union01garland018 months ago

Sounds fun! I'm up for it.

Shamell244, zSoloSz, و Wedgiroth تُحب هذا
تشغيل: Golden Axe
European Union01garland018 months ago

Congrats on the PB! Love the celebrations at the end

تشغيل: Golden Axe
European Union01garland0110 months ago

Congrats on the WR, you earned it. Flawless run!

zSoloSz, beadle111, و Wedgiroth تُحب هذا
موضوع: Golden Axe
European Union01garland011 year ago

I have added a beginner co op category to the leaderboard. I'm not sure duel co op makes sense as you can't play it co op, you just get a 1 v 1 pvp match instead when you start it as 2 players.

zSoloSz المعجبون بهذا
موضوع: Golden Axe
European Union01garland011 year ago

Thanks for bringing this up, I've added the option to the sumbission platforms list. Sorry for the slow response.

موضوع: Golden Axe
European Union01garland012 years ago

Hi everyone. It's been another month and we have had 9 votes total, 8 in favour of keeping 6-pak and 1 against. So for now I will leave the leader board rules the same, 6-Pak/Megagames 6 cartridges will be allowed as long as they are flagged as such.

Just for transparency I want to point out I have recently updated my beginner run to reflect it was played on 6-pak. It should have been flagged that way when I uploaded it so I'm sorry I missed it.

If I find there are any other differences between the game versions I will let you all know and we can re-discuss this if needed. Thanks to everyone who took part in the poll.

InTheMug و shindavid07 تُحب هذا
موضوع: Golden Axe
European Union01garland012 years ago

Ok, let's try the poll again. I will leave it up for a month again to give people time to see it.


موضوع: Golden Axe
European Union01garland012 years ago

Sounds like you would have voted to keep the rules as they are. It's a shame the poll didn't work, I am sorry about that. I can run another poll if anyone wants to request it.

موضوع: Golden Axe
European Union01garland012 years ago

Maybe the poll is broken, it says there are no votes when I look.

موضوع: Golden Axe
European Union01garland012 years ago

Ok, it's been a month and the poll has no votes. The community is too quiet to make a decision so I will leave the rules as they are. If the game becomes more active and people want to discuss this again we can do.

موضوع: Golden Axe
European Union01garland012 years ago

I have made a new poll here https://www.strawpoll.me/45850057

I will leave it running for a month. I think the community is very quiet at the moment so I want to give everyone that might want to vote chance to check in. If anyone want to suggest different poll options feel free to make suggestions.

موضوع: Golden Axe
European Union01garland012 years ago

Ok, I think we need a new poll. I am thinking of the following options:-

  • Leave the leader boards as they are (6-Pak allowed but must be flagged as such)
  • Create new Categories for 6-Pak to separate runs
  • Ban 6-Pak

For what it's worth, I think 6-Pak should remain on the leader boards. There are a lot of categories already and it could get really crowded by doubling what we already have. 6-Pak obviously gives you an advantage but it makes speed running the game more fun for me because the RNG is not a part of the game I enjoy. The new screen boundaries are only in effect on the thief camps so it's again only really assisting with the RNG related part of the game. Also the benefits to the runner are only going to be noticeable for people gunning for top spots on the board. In terms of accessibility it's easy for emulator users to get the ROM and for anyone playing original hardware like myself, the Mega Games 6 / 6-Pak carts are easier and cheaper to buy than an original cart. That's all just my opinion though.

Finally, I'm a bit worried about how to fairly identify 6-Pak submissions. I don't have a fool proof way of identifying which version is being played, so other than asking runners to come forwards I would only feel comfortable moving my own 6-Pak runs from the current leader boards if it came to it. And then for new submissions I would have to rely on honesty. I don't think there is a perfect solution but I will go with whatever the community decides.

موضوع: Golden Axe
European Union01garland012 years ago

Hi everyone,

I just found a message in my inbox from BOP95 about a difference they discovered on the 6-Pak cartridge. The message has been sitting in my inbox for 2 months without me realizing so shame on me!

I have done some testing to verify and added screenshots here https://imgur.com/a/QicucFx

The left/right screen boundary is extended slightly on the 6-Pak cartridge on all thief camps. This makes it easier to hit a thief when they are off screen which can be very useful for pretty much every thief camp for all characters on beginner/arcade.

This is in addition to the RNG benefits InTheMug discovered where all RNG is fixed for the first 30 seconds of each stage.

I thought I would ask for thoughts from everyone here to see if this is a big enough difference to re-evaluate our stance on 6-Pak cartridge. Which is currently allowed in all categories as long as it is flagged in the run submission so it can be seen in the leader boards.

موضوع: Golden Axe
European Union01garland013 years ago

Cheat codes are not allowed sorry.

موضوع: Golden Axe
European Union01garland013 years ago

It has now been 2 weeks since I posted the above polls and I have updated the leader boards with the changes that won the vote. This doesn't mean this is final, we can always re-discuss and change the leader boards again if anyone feels it is necessary.

  • Emulator game rules added (under Game Rules tab of rules - Links to allowed emulators added to resources section)
  • New option to choose game version (normal or 6 Pak) added to leader board

These rules will be enforced for new submissions, old submissions that have already been verified will stay as they are.

Thanks to everyone who participated in the voting.

InTheMug المعجبون بهذا
موضوع: Golden Axe
European Union01garland013 years ago

Just wanted to add that I got a new copy of mega games 6 today and it works in my genesis. It has the rng glitch the same as when I tested with an emulator. So I guess it's not region locked, not sure why my other copy didn't work on my genesis. Both my copies work on my megadrive. Anyway, confirmed that the glitch is present with original hardware.

Also thanks to InTheMug for noticing something was different with the rng on 6-Pak. I would never have thought to test the 6-Pak without him telling me. This was his discovery really so sorry for not crediting him originally.

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