How to deal with Sidon when water temple
1 year ago

Like I said in the title, my brother is trying Water temple Any%, but Sidon just won't arrive for sometime, like he just literately standing here don't come, and sometime the time is just didn't enough when just call Sidon's skill and open the waterwheel. Are there a stable method to deal with these?

South Carolina, USA

I don't know what to say about this to be honest...


Do you have any idea? Just write down or send me video about anything we could try.

BTW,we're in 1.2.0 version.

تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب 1 year ago
He/Him, They/Them
1 year ago

The only real thing I know might work is whistling, but the sages are heavily unreliable sometimes. Just make sure Sidon has a walkable path and whistle. He might come towards you, but I'm not sure. You could always just teleport off the temple and teleport back in to fix Sidon's position. I don't know anything else that would work though.


OK...... it seems like there are not much thing we can do, he tried whistling but it sometimes just didn't work.

Anyway, thanks for the suggestion.


A few things from my testing in this dungeon:

  1. Sidon doesn't like to spawn in certain positions. I find that standing in larger spaces with no enemies nearby will prompt him to spawn sooner - he won't spawn if there isn't much room for him to spawn.

  2. When you're doing your first terminal, he will not walk to you. This means if you're doing a strat like ascending into one of the terminals, it will not work because he will stand still, talk about the terminal, and never walk to you.

  3. Whistling does not do anything

  4. Some runners have said turning the camera away (or zooming in and looking at the ground) will force him to spawn faster, but in my own experience I don't think this does anything either. I do it sometimes anyway, but I haven't noticed a difference

  5. Ultimately, the speed that he spawns is random

I'd recommend watching the Water Temple in my All Dungeons PB, and you can get an idea of the places I stand in order to ensure that he spawns. I use Mineru to dupe while waiting for him at the first terminal, but he will spawn here anyway as long as you stand in the same spot.

تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب 1 year ago
inoriko0099 و CyanWes تُحب هذا

Well...... we are in 1.2.0 Ver., so some of these strat isn't available, and my brother said he didn't thinking about ascending strat, so the 1st point is probably extremely important.

Anyway, thanks for the suggestion.


Ok now my brother has found a really weird way to call Sidon.

Use lynel bow& bomb flower attached arrow to smack Sidon out of the map, and then he will spawn near Link, for just 3 second.

I dunno this is a super useful tip but he is having more try to make this a way.

Illinois, USA

Yeah, In my any% runs this was also a problem, but having no enemies nearby you or Sidon, (especially near Sidon because he will just keep fighting the enemies,) helps out a lot. Also, on the route that I use, on the second terminal you can kill all of the surrounding enemies and then scope on Sidon, then off-screen him and that usually forces him to spawn. Other than that, I think that it is all RNG.


Uh, which one is you said the second terminal?

Illinois, USA

yeah, you'll see what I mean if you watch the run. I don't actually know if it helps, but it seems to work about half the time.

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