Common Tips/Tricks
Common Tips/Tricks
تم التحديث 3 years ago من pianodude1011


Just making this so people understand how some stuff in most runs work. If you have any other tricks feel free to message and I'll probably add it to the list!

EDFIT: With the death of Flash and people shifting to Flash Player standalone, I'll be outlining things that are different from the browser version with a new line starting with "FLASH:" If you're running the standalone Flash Player, make sure to read that as some of the tricks don't work. (There are still workarounds to get Flash running in your browser tho!)

--General Game Tricks--

General cursor properties - Right-clicking freezes your mouse in place ingame. Holding down left-click makes your mouse unable to be hit (I presume it makes it disappear but unsure honestly). The difference is rather helpful in certain questions but can sometimes be detrimental (e.g. Q68), so be conscious of that. FLASH: Right-clicking in flash player actually makes your entire cursor disappear. This will cause some tricks to function differently. Also, when you right-click in browser, left-clicking exits the menu and puts a left-click input in. In Flash Player, it only exits the menu. So, if you want to click after right-clicking, you'll have to double click so that your singular click will input.

You can also press tab at any time to trigger a game over, which is useful if you mess up and need to retry.

--Question-specific Tricks--

Mouse invisible problems (Q50, Q56) - Similar to before, right-clicking makes your cursor visible, which makes 56 marginally easier since you can now see your cursor (and 50 though you should have the position of that memorized).

Q5, Q30, Q40 - Hold left-click or right-click once to safely move your cursor anywhere.

Q35 - Wait for the animation for the green button to finish before trying to click on it. If you click too early, it either won't go through or just brick the game and you have to restart.

Q56 - This question is so buggy I hate it. The main thing you need to know here (besides the right-click trick mentioned above) is that the code is blue, red, blue, yellow. However, clicking red first, losing a life, and clicking it again will make the game think you did those first two inputs correctly, allowing you to then go to blue, then yellow, to finish the problem. This is nice and all, but the other bugs make me really dislike this question. For one, clicking more than twice will make the trick not work. For another, you have to wait for the buttons to fully appear, or else nothing will work! (EDIT: Also found out that going to blue after double clicking red too fast will also make your whole thing bug out. This shouldn't affect the majority of people reading this but if you find that you're particularly fast on this question keep that in mind.) tl;dr this question sucks, after buttons fully appear double-tap red into blue yellow for slightly faster times

Q84 - There's a spot on the top left where you can camp the cursor and get the first skip without moving your cursor at all. From there, you go to the spot to obtain the second skip near the top-right, right-click, and move your cursor to the bottom-left where the star appears. The second you get the second skip, left-click to instantly get the star and finish the question! FLASH: The left-click part of this question just doesn't work. Ignore that part.

Q92 - Don't click the last number (0.4) until the bomb appears, since doing so will make the bomb keep ticking as the Mars sings and the crowd dances along until their untimely demise. Sad. Do them a favor and wait for it to appear.

Q95 - The right-click trick reduces travel time to the cursor so just hover the red button till the cat jumps off it.

Q101 - The hitbox for the keyboard to type "chihuahua" starts when "101" appears on your screen, before the keyboard shows up, so you can start typing the first couple characters blind.

Q102 - Similar to Q84, you can abuse the left and right-click glitch here. Put the mouse where the first dot is going to appear, right-click, and put your cursor where the next dot will appear. The instant the circles start appearing, it will automatically go to the second dot, as it thinks you hovered the first one already, allowing you to do the first two very fast. The left-click glitch also means that you can ignore the squares using the trick, however I personally only find it helpful on the last circle. FLASH: The left-click part of this question just doesn't work. Ignore that part.

Q103 - Double-clicking (or spam clicking) the sad red square tomato will actually let you skip Q104 as well, however this is useless as skipping Q105 is far more valuable.

Q104 - Double-click (or spam click) the answer to skip Q105 as that question is a bit time-consuming

Q106 - Hold down left-click and you can do anything as long as you keep it held down.

Q107 - Update: According to the wiki, once you hover over an answer choice it will trigger the fake game over screen. However, this only occurs after a set amount of time from my experience so I guess keeping your mouse over an answer choice will give it the fastest fake game over screen.

Q108 - Similar to Q101, you can input the code when "108" shows up on your screen.

Q109 - Similar to Q101 and Q108, you can start clicking the monkey when "109" shows up. The hitbox on it is pretty generous as well.

Q110 - You can start clicking your skips once the first bunch of text shows up (but not when "110" flashes on your screen).

--General Speedrunning Tips--

I wanted to add this section because speedrunning can be daunting! I know I've looked at top times on leaderboards and looked at their runs and felt so overwhelmed. It's really hard to envision yourself doing the same thing, especially at the start, but the truth is a lot of it is mindset and proper practicing. You can be at the top too with some time and proper effort! Keep in mind I am not an expert by any means but I figured I could offer my 2 cents on the matter.

Know how you work - This is SUPER important when doing a lot of things, and speedrunning is no exception. Some people do well in short bursts, others do well in long play sessions. Figure out what works best for you and stick with it!

Start with the basics - Very very few people are starting speedruns by going at record pace. If you already know all the question answers, great. Stick to learning the positions of that, get comfortable remembering and aiming where they are, and don't rush it. The basics will carry you as you learn the game.

Keep pushing yourself - Once you have general muscle memory down, then you can try and go faster. Speedrunning is all about pushing limits. IMO, you should never get too comfortable when running. It's fine to go for consistency, and you absolutely should, but don't be afraid to take small risks, especially early on in the run. Speedrunning and practicing is all about finding the balance between consistency and risk-taking, and it's difficult to find a balance between the two, but you should always try and keep yourself in between. Be consistent enough to pump out half-decent runs semi-regularly while always trying to be faster on improvable sections. Keep pushing your limits, and eventually you'll find more consistency if you tone it back a bit. Once impossible patterns make a lot more sense, slow sections go much faster, etc. etc. etc.

Take care of your hands - Really. It's stupid but I promise you should do it. Take five minutes to do some wrist/finger exercises before playing. A new PB is cool but carpal tunnel is not.

Take breaks - Similar to above, but this is also important mentally. If you're not finding some amount of enjoyment doing what you're doing you won't do well. Take as long as you need until you feel like playing again. This run is all about mechanics but it's also partially a mental game too. The better your mental, the stronger your runs will be.

Most importantly, have fun! - Corny, yes. But really, enjoy yourself! You won't want to keep improving if you're not enjoying what you're doing to some extent. Find a reason to love what you're doing and use it to bring yourself as high as you can!


This should cover everything I do/am aware of, feel free to let me know of anything else I should add! Hope this was helpful!

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How to add the Impossible Quiz Autosplitter to your livesplit

If you have any problem with your livesplit in this game which it can be:

Not splitting fast enough when reaching a specific Question

Starting the run much earlier

Then I think it will be much easier if you have the game autosplitter. Its not needed but it is very helpful.

  1. To set it up go to
8 months ago
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