On removing Old Style Gamer/ Gamer Papa Chibe's 8:15 run
3 years ago
Ohio, USA

Longplayer Gamer Papa Chibe had a run originally put on the board from his series of arcade longplays (link: ). My and Cypherin's analysis shows that this run is doubtedly non-TAS and for that reason is taken off the board. Some reasons, from both Cypherin and I:

Level 5 has excellent quality gameplay, much better than ever seen outside of tool-assisted play and some very insane luck throughout. Some examples include:

Going into the boss with 1 health, not taking the guaranteed full heal, and killing him without really slashing him and having perfect Ouroboros (hereby, option) coverage. Losing option and dying here would waste about 15s, and without his perfect option positioning would have happened;

In the mecha-dino boss fight in level 5, his option kills the dino while he isn't even in contact with him. Option can extend its range at points, but not as much as seen there;

Even minus these two fights, just insane help from option in almost every room and difficult situation in level 5.

Mashing in level 2's autoscroller is extremely fast and very prolonged (>10 BPS, for about 30s). It's possible a human did this in the middle of a run, but it'd hurt the hell out of your hands, especially on an arcade stick.

Loading transitions are different lengths, despite never seeing a cutscene transition which means cutscene skips are all being buffered (which is a small frame window) and should be getting the same loading times.

These and the fact that this was not uploaded by the channel itself means it's safe to take down for suspicion of being illegitimate. If significant outcry/evidence comes out in the contrary of this decision, I'll look into it again. All three mods seem to be in agreeance about it, so it'll be removed.

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