any made livesplits yet?
10 months ago

i am way to lazy and i just made one just to get delete and i am to lazy to make another hopefully soon they have or give me one pls :)

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Missouri, USA

cant you just look at the top vids on the leaderboards and, copy their split names

Orlando, FL, USA

Most runs don’t use live split yet

I just wanted a live split to copy and paste I am to lazy to do all that writing again

United States

Check the pinned messages in the Discord server

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آخر الأخبار
"Any% No Major Glitches" - a category update

Hello Wonder runners and viewers! The community has decided to rename the "All Royal Seeds" category to "Any% No Major Glitches".

The main reason is due to the arbitrary nature of "All Royal Seeds", as this name does not imply that world skips are banned. This has confused many new members of the

1 month ago
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