hilovids' top tier guide to getting fat frolf-in-ones [All Courses% Speedrun Guide]
hilovids' top tier guide to getting fat frolf-in-ones [All Courses% Speedrun Guide]
تم التحديث 4 years ago من hilovids

DISCLAIMER: This guide is quite difficult to write, since so many elements of the game are random compared to Any%/Story Mode Speedruns. That being said, I've tried to condense as much knowledge as I have into an easy to understand guide. Also, since I have more experience with the GC port of the game, I'll primarily be talking about that instead of Ribbit King on PS2. Additionally, to save you the headache, I won't use the actual names of items I reference. I'll just describe what I'm talkin' about. This will come in handy when describing courses. I'll first start with the general facts, and then move into tips for each course. Also, I kinda talk like I assume you've played the game.. so if you haven't GO PLAY IT!

NOTES -Characters- Choosing Pickwick and the undead, zombie frog is (as of August 2020) the only way to play. They're way faster in terms of animations than any other characters. Plus the zombie frog can swim through lava and doesn't get tired. They're incredible. It MAY be the case that a frog that can't swim in lava (like the classic green frog) may be better on Lavatron due to the speed of the burning bounce when it hits lava, but that hasn't been tested yet. I'll try that out.

-Items- There is little to say about which items are the best to use in each world. I think that generally, you should pick 2 of the basic fuel (white glob), 1 of the advanced fuel (pink glob), the rocket, and the UFO. These items will give you enough flexibility to get through each hole as fast as possible. Some people tech in a few other items, like the rock on Frosticle or the spring on Techtron. I'd recommend you do a few runs using what I outlined above first, however. If you're feeling ready, on Hypnotron I recommend swapping a basic fuel for the wing cap. I'll explain why later. Here's a small rundown of what each of those items do: White Fuel - gives you a small boost in terms of distance Pink Fuel - gives you a large boost in terms of distance Rocket - gives you a VERY big boost in terms of distance, but makes you dizzy afterwards (doesn't affect zombie frog however) UFO - gives you a VERY big boost in terms of distance, but makes you tired afterwards (doesn't affect zombie frog however) Wing Cap - tightens the arc of your curve, allowing for tighter shots (only useful on Hypnotron) Spring - Makes your second and third bounces bigger and better Rock - You no slip on ice Now, the Rocket and UFO look very similar on paper, but they are just a little different in terms of gameplay. Both affect how fast your shot meter moves. And well, the Rocket is SO much better. It barely affects how fast the shot meter moves, while the UFO makes it move so quickly that it'll feel like its on 2x speed. Save the Rocket for the harder holes, if you can. But generally, I use them in the same way.

-Tips and Tricks-

  1. Try to use an item on every hole/save an item for every hole. They're there to help you, so use em!
  2. Be consistent with your choices, and commit them to memory. That way you don't lose precious seconds messing around with the menus in between holes!
  3. Confidence in your shot will make the biggest difference, so get familiar with the courses! Snakes will appear in the same places, flies generally in the same area, hazards always in the same spot, so use that to your advantage!
  4. Get good at knowing which holes you still have, and which you've gone through. Ribbit King uses the same 4 maps in each course, but with different starting and ending locations in each of them. This makes for a very fun and interactive speedrun, but one very based on RNG, luck, etc. Some layouts are definitely better than others.
  5. The game automatically faces you towards the hole at the start of each turn. Although this helps 90% of the time, there are instances where the auto aim screws you over. So be cautious of this.
  6. Similarly, sometimes a perfect shot isn't perfect. And almost every time, a non-perfect shot is not going to give you what you want. Be aware of the timing.

-Advanced Strats-

  1. Clipping It is important to note that the white target at the end of the rainbow shot IS where your frog will land. If it disappears, then there's a very good shot that you're going to clip through a portion of the map. Clipping has only been relevant on two maps: Lavatron and Ribbetopia (I'll explain when I talk about those courses). If you find some good clips, let us know!! Join the discord!

  2. JROLF-ing This is the most important strategy in the history of Frolf. Some call it by many names, but I've coined it JROLF-ing (Jay Rolfing) after my friend John discovered it. To do this technique, you have to press UP and LEFT (or UP and RIGHT) on the d-pad, while simultaneously wiggling forward on the movement stick such that the rainbow shot is positioned in front of you. It makes so much more sense when you try it, I swear. But what's the point? JROLF-ing makes it such that the maximum range of your shot is further than it would be if you hit it normally. What's the catch? You lose your second bounce, essentially. So why use it? JROLF-ing is incredible for making shots you just can't normally make, and you don't want to risk lining the shot up such that you bounce in. It is also impacted by gravity, and how tightly you can turn. This is super important in speedrunning Hypnotron, because that entire map has reduced gravity. I'll explain later.

RIBBETOPIA -The Hill Hole- One of the easier holes, this one has a mammoth and a giant, rolling hill. Almost every hole here is a hole-in-two. Use the spider webs to your advantage!

-The Mountain Hole- Either a hole in one, or a natural disaster. If you start on top of the mountain, do your best to get to the bottom. If you start at the base, swiftly navigate up the cliff faces to get to the top. Sometimes, you can clip through the corners of connecting cliff faces, and enter the hole through the bottom. This is worth it.

-The Wiggly Woods- I always use my UFO on this hole, don't know why. It feels like there's very little standing in my way, and even if I don't have a perfect UFO hit it is easy to recover.

-The Pond Hole- This hole is just... meh to me. I think if you start below the pond you'll have a bad time, because there's no really effective ways to get up onto that lip in one swing without a near perfect shot. I'd recommend using a pink fuel here, or even a UFO if you still have it. Otherwise, it's relatively straight forward. Spider webs are really good on this hole.

LAVATRON -Lava Ocean- Remember when I mentioned clipping? This is the place for it. Sometimes, the auto aim will face you towards a wall. THIS IS THE BEST STRAT! Keep searching, a little down and to the left, and the white indicator will disappear. Fire away, and you'll be one shot away from the hole. It works on both sides, but on the side where you're further away, you should use a pink fuel to find the sweet spot.

-The Broken Bridge Lava Zone- Use a rocket here. It's hard to illustrate what you should be looking for, but try to position yourself JUST barely in between the features of this map. There's actually a lot of places in which you can avoid eating a fly, swimming, etc.

-Sand Dunes- Easy, but very large. Just don't underestimate the size of the dune. Take two shots to get over it instead of one, and you should still be fine. UFO is a lock for this map.

-The Valley of Ghosts and Mouths- This map is freaking horrible. If you still have a rocket, this is the place. You just have to navigate away from the mouths, because their hitboxes are pretty big. If you get lined up for what seems like a hole in one, hit JUST BELOW perfect, and it'll go in. If you hit perfect there, you'll actually go over it. Besides the mouths, avoid that small pond in the center of the map. It's endless swimming hell.

FROSTICLE -The Big Yeti- If you use a white fuel while the yeti is directly in front of you and hit it well, its a hole in one. Other setups, just play it safe and stay away from the ice. If you do that, you should be fine! Easiest of the Frosticle holes.

-Mount Frosty- Unless you have to climb a portion of the mountain to get up to where the hole is, don't. Using a UFO on this hole is the best, because there are very few consequences if you miss.

-Disjointed Hell- Save your rocket for this hole, and you should probably get a hole in one. If not, aim for the ice! It will slow down your momentum and make it so you don't fly off into the water and get that dreaded OB message.

-The Field of Tornadoes and Ice- Stay away from the tornadoes. They have great big hitboxes and take a very long time to get through. Stay near the pylons, and you shouldn't find any snakes. The massive patches of ice are alright, but not incredibly fast.

TECHTRON -The Big City- Also called "Disjointed Hell 1.5" , this map is a bunch of buildings placed around each other. I haven't had any luck using the UFO here, so save it. A good tip for this map is landing on the conveyor belts spread out between buildings and hoping to land off of a conveyor belt and hopefully on a building.

-Purple Poopers- One of the biggest holes in Techtron, and one that requires the most knowledge to get around in. There are lil purple guys all around, avoid them! Avoid the conveyor belts too, if possible. I've found the most luck sliding on the mud to line up a nice shot. I also tend to use the purple fuel, and perhaps a second white fuel on this map.

-The Mechanical Field- This is the easiest, lowest maintenance hole in Techtron. Generally, just line the shots up, and go straight! It sounds so much simpler than it probably is, but I never had problems with this hole. Nothing really to navigate here.

-Mount Mechanical- I'd keep the UFO for this map. A lot of times, you'll have to climb very far up a mechanical mountain to get to the hole. When you don't, and you get to go downhill, just use a white fuel. It will pretty much always get a hole in one. This course is either super easy or incredibly frustrating.

HYPNOTRON -Planet Orange- JROLF on this hole and you can get a hole in one almost every time. If the hole is as far away as possible, use a white fuel.

-The Big Brown Asteroid- JROLF on this hole and you can get a hole in one almost every time. Use a UFO or a Rocket here, and you should be fine. Sometimes though, you may have to take two strokes for this one.

-The Field of Black Holes- JROLF on this hole, and you can get a hole in one almost every time. The secret is to use the pink fuel. If you use it and aren't close enough after JROLF-ing, then just go for it in two. It isn't that tough once you get the hang of it.

-Disjointed Hell 2- The worst hole in the game, hands down. If you spawn above the hole, one of the most precise JROLF's of your life will get you in the hole. If you spawn below, you gotta start climbing. Typically, I use a Rocket on this hole if I have it. There is a secret, yellow platform at the bottom of the map that will take you above the hole. If you can land on that in a pickle, it should be a 2 stroke hole. If you haven't guessed by now, JROLF-ing is your best friend.

I'll try to keep adding to this as I discover new things! These tips have generally worked for me :D

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