نُشرت 1 month ago من

Just posting this so everyone interested in running will know that the Xbox Series S/X is the most optimal console to run the game. Xbox One is slightly slower and the 360/OG is only slightly faster than playstation consoles. BCPS3 is still untested.

اقرأ المزيد
نُشرت 6 months ago من

I've been testing if Bounty Hunter is required for 100% Completion. I found today that it is only required to obtain rewards that are obtainable nowhere else in the game. For example the games unlockable cheats.

I tested 4 examples of this and every Bounty I completed had no influence on the games 100% tracker. If a character or level etc is obtainable anywhere in the game and you have purchased or unlocked it in the story, there is no need to complete that characters respected Bounty challenge.


Professor Perry is unlockable via the "Freak Show" Bounty but is also obtainable by purchasing him in Brimstone 2 at the general store for $666. Item "Monocle"

Natalie is unlockable via the "Saloon Fight" Bounty but is also obtainable by purchasing her in Brimstone 4 at the Clothing store for $1100. Item "Hand Fan"

I've compiled a big list of ways to avoid doing Bountys and will probably post it soon once I've proof checked it all. This also applies to Excellent ratings, but not as many of those are skippable and also, excellent ratings are usually not too difficult to obtain.

اقرأ المزيد
نُشرت 6 months ago من

Was curious and tested something. Manny Quinn can actually be unlocked with a 10min Sundown game rather than the 15min option. Play as Sheriff O'Grady on The Ranch and just spam his fire bottles. Just did this once, no idea if it was luck or just tight. 5min free timesave.

اقرأ المزيد
نُشرت 1 year ago من

Updated Glitchless category because honestly it was vague and bad. Both runs are legal under the new rules :3

اقرأ المزيد
نُشرت 1 year ago من

Made some changes to the board. If anyone disagrees just lemme know. I'm open to anything.

اقرأ المزيد
نُشرت 2 years ago من

I felt as if Glitchless should have been a main category tbh. If anyone disagrees feel free to let me know. Also this game really needs a tutorial Playlist lmao.

اقرأ المزيد
إحصائيات اللعبة
جولات سريعة
آخر الأخبار
Xbox is now the most optimal version.

Just posting this so everyone interested in running will know that the Xbox Series S/X is the most optimal console to run the game. Xbox One is slightly slower and the 360/OG is only slightly faster than playstation consoles. BCPS3 is still untested.

1 month ago
الجولات الأخيرة
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نُشرت 5 months ago
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