New mod + Mod request forum
2 years ago

Hello everyone. I sent a support ticket to because of the inactive mods for this game. A lot of the mods havent logged into in 3+ months for some of them. So I was added to mod.

EliCypert المعجبون بهذا

-If you are interested in becoming a mod write why I should make you a mod in this forum

EliCypert المعجبون بهذا
Colorado, USA

Hi Pinkiey! I would love to be a mod. When looking at this game on here originally, it seemed a bit dead, but now it makes sense considering that the mods were not present. I think that I can be a useful asset to the community in helping moderate and accept speedruns on here. I think with the right team, we could make this much more active with speedruns and grow the community around this game. Feel free to add me on Discord if you want to discuss further.

Discord - E L I#0645

pinkey المعجبون بهذا
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Accepting runs on 1.4+

After the new update released with no fix for the trident, we've decided to move Buffed Trident away from the Category Extensions board, and onto the main boards instead. Runs on the current version may now be submitted here. We are working on a solution to display base equip and other unaffected le

10 months ago
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