
The third ever any% sub-hour run, the first by a non-god. 3rd place. I worked so hard for this. There it is. Now I have truly played the best Peggle of my life.

This was a flawless run. So was my 1:02:59 which got me 4th place 2 months ago. I managed to cut that down by almost 4 minutes... Insane. I actually had multiple runs at sub-hour pace during this long grind but most fell apart on Zen Frog (10-5) so it is incredibly poetic that my single gold split on this run was 10-5. That's beautiful.

I’ll now ease off on speedruning Peggle. I’ve achieved more than enough amazing things. I’ll now put more emphasis on fun, as grinding is so very exhausting and tough for my flawed, weak mental health. I got better at handling it all but I think it’s time to slow down.

Since it'd be a VERY long time before I were to improve this (if I ever do..), I'll get a bit soppy. Thank you to:

Pnaha and SatanHerself for your amazing strats. brassbeat for the insane discovery of the text box skip. PoetryStud for his amazing strats, making a bunch of levels much more bearable, and for fighting me in our Peggle war, something that reminded me how fun speedrunning could be when I was getting really worn out and upset with it all. HeliosWx for being one of the first people in the community to notice me and helping me a load when I was first starting. GrowTM, the predecessor South-East Asian top runner who passed the torch to me for me to carry it here. I may have British as my nationality but this is also a win for SEAs and Asians in general! anyGeorge for hanging around my Peggle streams and giving some pointers. OzvenomDnD for hosting such fun, well-organised events and for pushing the community by breaking the sub-1:10 gates for us to all come through, then pushing me and Poetry back from top 5 to fuel this happening. And DougDoug for introducing so many of us to this very fun speedrun and special community.

I love this community very much. <3

لائحة المتصدرين
Adventure Mode
59m 10s
1 year ago
تم التحقق
1 year ago
تم الإرسال
1 year ago
تقسيمات الوقت
مقدم من Splits.io
#الاسمتقسيمةانتهى في
1-1-10m 45s 877ms0m 45s 877ms
2-1-20m 48s 543ms1m 34s 420ms
3-1-30m 47s 685ms2m 22s 105ms
4-1-40m 59s 182ms3m 21s 287ms
5{Bjorn}1-50m 45s 996ms4m 07s 283ms
6-2-10m 51s 972ms4m 59s 255ms
7-2-20m 51s 319ms5m 50s 574ms
8-2-31m 07s 525ms6m 58s 099ms
9-2-40m 44s 139ms7m 42s 238ms
10{Jimmy}2-50m 51s 171ms8m 33s 409ms
11-3-11m 06s 319ms9m 39s 728ms
12-3-20m 53s 938ms10m 33s 666ms
13-3-30m 55s 278ms11m 28s 944ms
14-3-41m 06s 104ms12m 35s 048ms
15{Kat Tut}3-50m 50s 929ms13m 25s 977ms
16-4-10m 57s 583ms14m 23s 560ms
17-4-21m 05s 636ms15m 29s 196ms
18-4-30m 49s 861ms16m 19s 057ms
19-4-40m 56s 662ms17m 15s 719ms
20{Splork}4-51m 05s 739ms18m 21s 458ms
21-5-11m 03s 860ms19m 25s 318ms
22-5-20m 58s 607ms20m 23s 925ms
23-5-31m 12s 455ms21m 36s 380ms
24-5-41m 00s 208ms22m 36s 588ms
25{Claude}5-51m 00s 278ms23m 36s 866ms
26-6-11m 18s 056ms24m 54s 922ms
27-6-21m 05s 625ms26m 00s 547ms
28-6-31m 19s 473ms27m 20s 020ms
29-6-41m 20s 261ms28m 40s 281ms
30{Renfield}6-51m 24s 182ms30m 04s 463ms
31-7-11m 01s 088ms31m 05s 551ms
32-7-20m 48s 799ms31m 54s 350ms
33-7-31m 04s 975ms32m 59s 325ms
34-7-41m 17s 622ms34m 16s 947ms
35{Tula}7-50m 45s 661ms35m 02s 608ms
36-8-11m 23s 936ms36m 26s 544ms
37-8-21m 19s 615ms37m 46s 159ms
38-8-31m 14s 929ms39m 01s 088ms
39-8-41m 01s 977ms40m 03s 065ms
40{Warren}8-51m 07s 787ms41m 10s 852ms
41-9-10m 59s 450ms42m 10s 302ms
42-9-21m 12s 406ms43m 22s 708ms
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44-9-41m 18s 676ms45m 51s 687ms
45{Cinderbottom}9-51m 14s 872ms47m 06s 559ms
46-10-11m 17s 198ms48m 23s 757ms
47-10-21m 11s 317ms49m 35s 074ms
48-10-31m 11s 350ms50m 46s 424ms
49-10-41m 20s 938ms52m 07s 362ms
50{Master Hu}10-5
1m 10s 818ms53m 18s 180ms
51-11-10m 52s 965ms54m 11s 145ms
52-11-21m 20s 558ms55m 31s 703ms
53-11-31m 14s 728ms56m 46s 431ms
54-11-41m 17s 165ms58m 03s 596ms
55{Master Levels}11-51m 06s 749ms59m 10s 345ms
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