snake cave help
6 years ago

Hi Im trying to get into speedrunning minit but I just cant seem to get the snake cave right without the light, is there a certain method used to get trough it or is it simply just learn the layout? any help would be appreciated thanks

California, USA

As a setup, I start on the tile directly above the stairs once you're inside. From there take five steps to the right (listen for the audio of the walk cycle, there's a reason dark caves have no music), and then swing upward. Hopefully you'll hear the jar break and even more hopefully you'll be lined up perfectly to just hold up and hit the snake directly above it. Sometimes the five steps doesn't always work, so I like to be a little to the left of the center of the stairs when I start, because sometimes I'll overshoot it. Once you hit the snake though, it's as easy as holding up and right simultaneously until you can see yourself again. It takes a little practice, but if you can find a setup that works for you for lining up with the pot, the rest will fall into place without much issue.


You have to go right for 5 steps (You'll get a feeling for it after a bit) then attack up, if you hear a broken vase sound you did it right, then you have to go up until you get hit by a snake and immediately hold up right.


thanks for that guys , new question XD the scuba guy ive seen in some runs people skip the swordsmen and leave the screen and when they return he is out of the water , i tried to copy this exactly but cant get him up without killing the guys, what am i missing?


He gets up when there are 10 or less seconds left in the timer


legend , cheers m8

Hamilton, ON, Canada

Yeah that cave is tricky I also got stuck after boss for bit in dark before toilet lol

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