I made an Autosplitter
5 years ago

Alright, so felt like sharing it here before I submit it to LiveSplit directly, ive been working on this during some of my free time, made it wonderfully less stressful to run the game for me. I'm now at a point I feel confident about sharing.


Download it, extract it somewhere. Then in your LiveSplit layout, add a Scriptable Auto Splitter (under Control) and pick the file you extracted.

The flag for selecting a stage isn't that great on its own, so the best moment I found with flawless detection is player control. So the timer starts on the first frame after we skip the level intro. (This is, on average, a 0.5 seconds difference with starting the timer upon entering stage 1-1, not a big deal overall).

It splits on the first frame we lose control over our knight when touching the cup. Unless you have the option to only split at the end of each world, obviously.

It will change its behavior slightly based on the run category you selected in your splits. For example, if you are doing "Mountains Any%", the timer will automatically start upon starting the first stage in the Mountains, instead of the first stage in the mines.

If you picked "Castle 100%", it will -require- Jeff to be sated before it will split your current stage, since Jeff is required for 100% runs. Also, when there is a branching path, 100% runs will be required to do the bonus stage before moving forward., Any% runs ignores them entirely.

The one thing I havent managed to put my finger on yet is stopping the timer the moment you get the cup cinematic in the Credits level. For some reasons, it will wait until you the whole sequence before stopping.

Adds In Game Time support for the game too!

The one thing that's a bit annoying... After a reset, you need to go back to the Main Menu before the splitter will start the timer again, due to the game not properly resetting a few variables unless you do that.

BearHoodMan المعجبون بهذا
Illinois, USA

Thank you bunches. Wish I read this before I started runs lol

EDIT Doesnt appear to be working. I figure its probably out of date with livesplit or something xD

تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب 2 years ago
Arizona, USA

I looked into this a bit. I was able to get this working on a win7 and win10 machine by updating the third line to the following:

uint level : 0x00E63498, 0x34;

Hope this helps.

Edit: I have tinkered with this for awhile. I made a few changes so that timing starts when you select the starting level on the map (rather than when you first gain control of the knight). Also timing stops when the last cup is grabbed, or when the final cut scene starts in the end credits level, depending on which category you are running.

I would like for others to test it to make sure it works globally, but i do not have a dropbox or anything where runners can access it. Thus, I have added this to the tools section of the resources tab. Appreciate any feedback.

تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب 1 year ago
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