easy Vision 6-1 Skip
easy Vision 6-1 Skip
تم التحديث 6 years ago من Amychi

Here's a video of me performing the skip: With great thanks to lapogne36 and Balneor for helping exploiting the glitch so that it's useful even through the second wall!

for the first, you hold the enemy and stand against the door, Once you did this, hit up and down on your dpad until you're through.

at the second wall, jump from the corner as seen in the video and right as you land press up on your dpad to face away from the camera allowing you to clip through again!

and tadaaaa skip the level!


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At long last.

A new record on the game’s most historical category after more than a year.

The mysterious confines of the 37 minute depth, reached once again. And this time, in a groundbreaking dive. The 38 barrier is now fully open, and the road is being paved.

And I’m happy to say, tha

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