Cheats Information
Cheats Information
تم التحديث 4 years ago من anonychus


Press R + Z on the title screen to enter codes. Press Start to finish the code. You should hear a sound upon hitting Start if it worked. When you go into a level (any mode other than Trainin’), hit Start and there should be a new option called “CHEAT MENU”. Toggle unlocked cheats in there. Note: CHEAT MENU is not available in TRAININ’. Note: The codes are the same in the Japanese version of the game, using the English alphabet. These are listed in the order they appear in the CHEAT MENU. TOOMUCHPIE is listed twice because it unlocks two cheats at once, FAT MODE and BOMB PHYSICS. They can still be toggled separately.

HAPPYHEADS: ALL CHARACTERS (Unlocks all characters except Lizzy. WARNING - If you already had Lizzy unlocked, she becomes ununlocked, you can’t choose her anymore. Even if you turn off the code, she is still not unlocked anymore. She may also become impossible to unlock, but I’d have to verify this) THEUNIVERSE: ALL WORLDS (Not only are all levels unlocked, but worlds 6 and up are unlocked for Easy and Iggy’s Challenge is unlocked for Medium. Maybe they’d become categories?) JUMPAROUND: LEVEL SELECT (This opens a new menu on the pause menu below the CHEAT MENU option called GOTO #. GOTO 0 is level 0-1 and it goes up to GOTO 99, which is level 9-10)(Battle mode levels are listed when you pause and are 103-112, but if you move to it, it immediately changes to 99 before you can do anything with it. I don’t know what levels 100-102 are, but my guess is that one of them is TRAININ’ and another is the mini tower that shows your completion percentage when starting a race) SWOPSHOP: MIX N’MATCH (You get random accessories of different characters that changes every level, eg, Lizzy’s twintails or Cecil’s glasses) ROLFHARRIS: PENCIL (Everything is visually black and white with only thin black outlines of the models. HUD disappears. Think “Take On Me” by a-ha) TOOMUCHPIE: FAT MODE (Physics are unaffected. I don’t think hitboxes are affected, but it’s hard to tell for sure. Same code as bomb physics, they are separate codes, both are unlocked at the same time and can be toggled separately) MICROBALLS: TINY MODE (Same as above, but small instead of big) 2ROKTOO: DARK-CITY (Turok 2 engine’s lighting) ICEPRINCESS: ICE MODE (All platforms turn into ice platforms, including previously goo and armor platforms. Roll sections are unaffected. If the goo password is also activated, that one takes priority and there will be no ice platforms) GOOEYGOOGOO: SLIME MODE (Same as above. If the ice password is also activated, this one takes priority and there will only be slime platforms) BOMBERBALL: JUST BOMBS (The only things you can get from the item boxes are bombs. Only affects Battle mode, does not affect Race mode) 1HITWONDERS: SUDDEN DEATH (Not actually sudden death, you start with 1 large orb of health in Battle mode instead of 3 large orbs. You can still survive one small orb of damage. Only affects Battle mode, no effect in Race mode) TOOMUCHPIE: BOMB PHYSICS (The bomb it’s referring to is the bomb you become in Battle mode when you die and there are still 2 or more players left. You can jump very high [like 3 layers] and jump through metal. You can still duck, flap, and rollburst, but you cannot grapple)(This could make for an interesting category) IMALLOUT: NO WEAPONS (Only affects Battle mode. The item boxes are still there, but they become obstacles and you don’t get anything from them. You can’t go through them, they are basically small walls) NONSTOP: ROLL MODE (Constant state of rolling, like the tail end of a rollburst. You can grapple and flap, but you can’t use rollbursts or duck. You can only use items if you are also grappling at the same time. You also fall very quickly) NOGOODIE: BOMB PICKUPS (This affects all modes besides Time Trials. All item boxes become bombs. The item boxes themselves are not there, instead there are bombs. These bombs have no time limit and are replaced instantly once they explode. If you are invincible, you can cause them to explode either every frame or every other frame. They behave as enemy bombs, so you can’t move them) 2TIMES: 2X TURBO TIME (Rollbusts last twice as long. The initial speed boost is the same, you just keep roll mode longer. However, if you jump and land, you get the burst keep) SIOOTSHOT or SHOOTSHOT: BLUE BALLS (All item pickups become Standard Projectiles, ie, the 3 blue balls, both in battle and in race mode)[The code you enter depends on what version of the game you have. If one doesn’t work, try the other] OIMY or OHMY: EXPLOSIVE MODE (The bomb explosion effect appears every time you land or grapple, leading to near constant explosion effects. This does not actually affect the gameplay in any way, it’s only visual)[The code you enter depends on what version of the game you have. If one doesn’t work, try the other] GOBABY: FULL TURBO (Activating a rollburst does not deplete the meter. In other words, you have infinite rollbursts.)

Fake Codes/Cheats: On player select, hit Z, A, left, right to unlock hidden characters [Just untrue, I’ve tested this in as many ways as I could think of. It doesn’t work before pressing start. After pressing start, pressing Z will then choose a random character, making the code impossible to enter.]

GOOEYICEPRINCESS: Goo and ice platforms [This code is too long and cannot be entered] ENTAROADUN: Unlock Lizzy [This does not work unfortunately, makes no confirmation sound. I do appreciate the StarCraft reference though] TOOMUCHFUN: Bouncy physics [Does nothing, no confirmation sound] PENCIL: Pen and ink mode [Not a code, it’s the cheat menu name for ROLFHARRIS]

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