Can He Do That?
7 years ago
Utah, USA


I ran a game (How Does Into Game) about 5 months ago, with video proof. There were no runs of it, so my run was the only one.

Last night the mod added a run that was about a minute faster than my run of himself, with no video proof or comment. He just claimed he got faster than me.

Is this allowed? I feel kinda gypped out of my 1st place, since he didn't submit any proof that he completed it in said time (no screenshot of the splits or anything)

Here's the game/category

تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب 7 years ago
French Southern Territories

Suspicious 🤔

xDrHellx المعجبون بهذا

lmao that dude pulling shady shenanigans.

Should prob contact site admins about that.


Haha..this is bollocks.

Gelderland, Netherlands

I love how non of you guys just said: "Talk to him, ask him if he has some proof to submit."

Talking to the other person is the first thing you should do. You can make a forum thread at the game and he should get a notification.

stoot, xDrHellx و 2 آخرون تُحب هذا

That's not really relevant, a moderator should NOT be doing this. There is just about no situation where it's ok for a WR stat to not be substantiated with video proof, even if the game itself does not require video. If he's persistently doing this, he should not be a moderator.

Deln, ROMaster2 و 2 آخرون تُحب هذا

This. If a moderator does repeatedly add his own "world record" without any video proof instantly when someone else breaks the old record with video proof...he is not fit to be a moderator at all.

unkownspeedrunner و xDrHellx تُحب هذا