Troubles with leaderboard and game time setting in Rock of Ages
2 years ago
Bretagne, France

Hello. I have some troubles with the leaderboard in Rock of ages. There is a differents between the display of the leaderboard (wich is correct) and the display when your are looking at the runs. In fact, the 6th run is considering as the WR. I don't know why and nothing to do by myself to correct it. Another point, in the controle pannel, if I change the default timing methode from RTA loadless to RTA and save it, it doesn't change anything ... Looks like to be some bug on it.

YUMmy_Bacon5 المعجبون بهذا
United States

Go into the edit menu for the 6th place run and the 1st place run. Are the times occupying the same field in each?

YUMmy_Bacon5 و MinecraftGaming تُحب هذا

My first thought on looking at the leaderboard was that there might be something going on with the regions, i.e. the 6th place run is labeled "1st" due to being the highest USA/NTSC run. However, it seems the actual 1st place run gets listed as 2nd when you look at the run or the player's profile, and I don't know what could be causing that.

YUMmy_Bacon5 المعجبون بهذا
Bretagne, France

"Go into the edit menu for the 6th place run and the 1st place run. Are the times occupying the same field in each?" Yes, there is only one field for the time, wich is called "time" (and not In game time or something)

YUMmy_Bacon5 المعجبون بهذا