Forums Popover Feedback Thread
5 months ago

(For some reason the official thread is only available to supporters. IMO non-supporters should also be allowed to give feedback.)

My feedback: It simply doesn't work. Clicking on the name brings me to the profile. Clicking on the image does nothing. Can reproduce it on the latest stable and beta versions of firefox, chrome and edge on Win 10 and 11.

If that is the intended functionality for non-supporters, then that has not been communicated at all.

Other than that i can't really say anything about the feature other than that i'm saddened that we have yet another source of visual noise and CPU resource waste. On one of the PCs i regularly use, the site now uses 30% of my CPU when reading a news article. (Isolated usage by closing all other programs and comparing an empty tab to the Popover announcement news article.)

And as a person that already constantly struggles with visual noise thanks to ADHD and ASD, it's getting harder and harder to read anything on this website cause there is so much movement and blinking everywhere. I would have stopped using the site long ago if it weren't for Ad Blockers and CSS injection / Userscripts to remove those sources of noise.

تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب 5 months ago
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United Kingdom

It works for me but personally, I do think you should be able to disable visual elements at this point.

Like don't get me wrong, but there's a reason most other sites did away with animated elements, or has a lot of them reduced to a 'hover'. Having them set to 'hover' should absolutely be a choice going forward in my eyes, for names, the rotating colour element, .gif badges and .gif pfps.

تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب 5 months ago
Newfoundland, Canada

My feedback: It simply doesn't work. Clicking on the name brings me to the profile.

If that is the intended functionality for non-supporters then that has not been communicated at all.

Quoting from the announcement post:

Let's discuss the new User Profile Popover, a new cosmetic feature in temporary beta for SRC Supporters

The feature is currently only available for supporters (to beta test), which would be, I think, why the feedback thread is specific to supporters right now (and why it isn't working for you currently). Based on the wording of the announcement post, I get the impression that the idea is to roll it out to all users eventually. Having said that, it's just my impression - I'm not on the Elo team, so of course I wouldn't be able to speak with any sort of authority on their future plans.

تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب 5 months ago

The official feedback thread is supporter only because the feature itself is supporter only at the moment.


In case that is the intended functionality, why are non-supporters already able to see the circle around Supporter profile pictures?

As far as i can tell, they are supposed to be the visual hint that the User is a Supporter and therefore the popover is available on that particular user.

Newfoundland, Canada

As far as i can tell, they are supposed to be the visual hint that the User is a Supporter and therefore the popover is available on that particular user.

I'm under the impression that they are entirely separate - supporters get circles, but also supporters (currently) can see popovers for any user.